Friday, May 12, 2023

Gone Fishin'!

 I keep looking for good spots to fish in case I decide to go fishin'! I remember my Grandmother loading her car to go to the river to fish. I think she was about my age at the time.

When we were walking the paved path at Blue Run Park, a Black-crowned Night Heron flew out from the lower branches and caught a fish in one 'fell swoop'! 

It's probably about the size I would catch or more likely I would snag one of the lower branches! lol

Swallowing it WHOLE!

This is a bird we don't see often so it was a nice sighting.

And something we've never seen before were these 4 Pileated Woodpeckers together.

I think the one in the center was doing all the work. The other two were preening!

They are common at the Rainbow River but I think the most we've seen at one time is 2. There were 3 on the tree and another one down below.

Someone stopped to watch with us and he kept saying he had never seen this many together either.

A Limpkin greeted us at the beginning of the hike.

A good day was had by all!

Have you been fishin' lately?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.  


roentare said...

Four woodpeckers in one shot. That is gorgeous

Mrs. White said...

You have such a variety of birds and nature there! I always feel like I am outdoors on a walk when I see your beautiful photographs. Thank you!

Tom said...

...Diane, you captured some fabulous feathered friends! Enjoy your weekend.

Jeanie said...

I see a lot of woodpeckers but I don't think I've ever seen a pileated one. Don't you love watching creatures fish? Great photos, Diane!

Sandy said...

I don't think I have every seen that many woodpeckers together. What a shot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bob is a fisherman, or was, Daddy loved to fish, mother loved to crab with a chicken neck on a string and a net, my brother liked to fish and I thought it was worse than watching paint dry and when forced to go with the family, took my book and sat in sun or shade and read while they fished. the kind of fish they caught I refused to eat. I like white fish with no bones. they all loved fried catfish. UCK.
about 10 years ago and only the one time, I saw 3 of the pileated like these on one tree. just that one time.

DeniseinVA said...

Loved the birds you have on here. This is a nice collection.

Terri D said...

The woodpeckers are beautiful!! How fun to see four in the same spot!! Great catch for you and for the bird with his fish!! Have a lovely weekend!! xo

Ann said...

Awesome sighting. I never got in to fishing. I went with the ex husband once and I found it rather boring.

Lowcarb team member said...

Great pictures Diane and amazing to see those Pileated Woodpeckers together.

Have a lovely weekend.

All the best Jan

Teresa said...

Una felicidad pasear contigo. Tus fotografías están preciosas. Besos.

HappyK said...

Your pictures are fantastic.
I love your header picture of the rabbit.

Danice G said...

The nature and animals are varied and abundant. Beautiful. Have not been fishing in many years but it is relaxing. I also love the header photo of the rabbit. So cute!

Linda said...

We have a woodpecker here in our neighborhood and I love hearing him!
Louis Dean loves to fish but he really never catches anything. At least not something one would keep and eat! We are going to the ranch tomorrow and he said he wants to spend som time fishing. That works for me and I will pray he catches SOMETHING!!!

Irma said...

What beautiful photos.
I have never seen so many Pileated Woodpeckers together, I can say that I have never seen this species here in the Netherlands.
I wish you a very good weekend.
Greetings Irma

Mae Travels said...

That woodpecker convention is indeed wonderful! I would totally be curious what brought them together. Such great photos.
best, mae at

Linda said...

Such a treat seeing 4 pileated woodpeckers together, fantastic photo. I've only ever seen one at a time. Love the black crowned night heron, we usually see one at the waterfront pond. Lots of other great sightings too. Enjoy the weekend.

Aunt Helen said...

Hi Diane, The Bunny is so cute, and those birds are the best fishermen! I used to go fishing, when I was a young child, with my parents in a fishing boat. I caught small sunfish! What fun! I love the photos of the "woody's"! Thank you for these amazing and unusual photos! Love, Aunt Helen

Lea said...

Great photos of the Heron!
Wonderful to see so many woodpeckers at one time.
Have a great weekend!

Barbara said...

I haven't been fishing in over 6 years and it's not my hobby but I do like to eat the catch! Those woodpeckers are so pretty with the red on their heads!

Bill said...

What a fantantic capture of the four woodpeckers working together as a team. Great shot of the Heron and his meal. Beautiful captures of all of them. Enjoy the weekend.

RedPat said...

I wonder if that was a family of woodpeckers and the young ones are still sticking together. Quite a thrill to see.
I fished with my Dad when I was a kid.

Penelope Notes said...

Great shots, especially seeing more than one woodpecker. There must be something very appealing about that tree. :)

Connie said...

You truly captured something amazing with those four woodpeckers all working on one tree together. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day.

NanaDiana said...

I haven't gone fishing in years. I used to go a lot when I was a kid-with my brother--to the farm ponds. We never ate a single fish we caught. lol. We would release them into another pond.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, Diane. xo Diana

ps. We have a woodpecker that looks just like those in the tree behind our place.

NanaDiana said...

Hmmm..I tried to post but an error came up that it wasn't allowed. Hoping this goes through so you know that I tried. xo Diana

magiceye said...

Marvelous captures all!

Adam Jones said...

Great shots of the Black-crowned Night Heron, and love those Woodpeckers on the tree.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane :=)
What fabulous encounters! The three photos of the Black-crowned Night Heron are wonderful, so sharp and you were fortunate to actually see it catching a fish and watching as it ate it whole. Fab Fab Fab! :=) The other encounter is very unusual and special to see four Pileated Woodpeckers as a group, wonders never cease, what an incredible sight. The Limpkin is not a bird one sees every day so I also enjoyed your capture.
Great post Diane. :=)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Some great stuff here. The night heron shots are terrific and four Pileated Woodpeckers together is a monumental event. Where I live an occasional sighting is memorable.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Such grand photos! I think you the best "walks." Happy Mother's Day to you! Cathy

carol l mckenna said...

Great photos of our feathered friends ~ 'Gone Fishin' ~ lol

Happy Mother's Day,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

John's Island said...

Hi Diane, Wow, what a great capture of the 3 Woodpeckers in one shot. Nice work! Thanks for another interesting post on Lavender Dreams! Best regards to you from Seattle! John

Annie said...

Always such lovely photos.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, what a special sight that was to see the four Woodpeckers all together. They really are unique and pretty birds. I loved hearing about your grandmother going to the river to fish. Fishing is a delightful sport, and so peaceful at the same time. My father-in-law used to love fishing as well. That's neat that you saw the Heron catch a fish for lunch! You are seeing many interesting things on your hikes this Spring. : )


eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane,

Awesome capture of the three Pileated Woodpeckers together. I love the Night Heron images too, great sightings and post. Sorry, I am late commenting! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and the rest of the week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Not looking for a place to fish, but I sure would love to discover a place like this to find birds!! What a wonderful post. Great black-crowned night heron!!