Thursday, November 30, 2023

Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway

I wanted to dedicate this post to the Greenway and share some of my favorite photos from my hikes there.

Of course I spent hours looking at 'favorite pics'!

I've been hiking the greenway for almost 10 years so I had trouble deciding which to share.

Please click on the link HERE to read the facebook page started by the Greenway Guardians. Duke Energy is proposing a project to build high voltage power lines THROUGH the Greenway! As you can imagine this would be disastrous to wildlife, birds, wildflowers and plants. Thanks go those fighting to preserve the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. 

And join me down memory lane as I share a few of my sightings.

White tailed Deer

Bald Eagle

One of my favorite sightings!

Fox Squirrel

These squirrels can be spotted all through the Greenway. My girlfriend saw one a couple of weeks ago and said it was the largest one she had ever seen! I'm still on the look out for that one!

Barred Owl

Florida Scrub Jay

The Greenway habitat is very important for this rare bird!

Red headed Woodpeckers up on the hill!

I've named this hill the Bluebird of Happiness Hill!

Eastern Bluebirds

Gopher Tortoise

Longspurred Mint

One of my favorite sightings was this Florida Bobcat. I'll include a link to the bobcat story HERE in case you missed it!

Florida Bobcat

What a treasure this Greenway is to our community and to our state of Florida.

49th Ave Trailhead 

I've met people from all over the country (and the world) that visit Florida and walk or ride bikes on the Greenway. It is a treasure worth preserving!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !  


Tom said...

...Diane, you captured some fabulous images. Take care and be well and keep clicking.

Jeanie said...

I can see why you love the greenway. What a magnificent collection of wildlife photos -- and all very good ones. (That owl is a gem!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the buck and the bobcat. I do hope they can stop them from doing it because FL needs all the greenspace we can keep. they are paving our entire city, a few parks and preserves but nothing but houses, condos, buildings. tampa bay is becoming a NYC. we have become 4 counties one huge metropolis.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful scenery!
Prayers there's never ever any utility lines through the Greenway!

Terri D said...

You chose well!! Beautiful photos!! The bobcat is my favorite!! Thanks for sharing and I hope Duke Energy loses this one!

Debbie said...

the pictures you shared today are brilliant, so special!! i understand your favorite sighting, my husband is always my favorite sighting too!!

i think, for me, the image of the buck and bald eagle stole the show, but as i said, all of these images and quotes are fabulous today!!

and i hope the power lines are somehow not allowed, what a shame that would be!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's actually a photo that my hubby took of me but if you saw me in person, you would see I'm much shorter and 'filled out' than my hubby! lol Maybe it's the cap! hahaha!

HappyK said...

Wow some wonderful photos. Favorite though is the deer!!


Just beautiful and a great variety--I am jealous that I didn't see those things or take those photos--
Keep taking photos and sharing them with those of us--who can't get there!
lots of hugs, di

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for sharing all of these photographs, what a wonderful collection.
The Greenway is certainly a fabulous place to visit.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

These are wonderful photos. I hope they can keep Duke Energy from building their power lines there.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I always enjoy all of your amazing adventures in the parks and all your photos, but the bobcat was quite a story and sighting. It sounds like you were alone which was even more terrifying (and at the same time exciting) That's a great story and an amazing sighting.

BeachGypsy said...

" they paved Paradise and put in a parking lot,"-- remember the old song!!?? Think that was Joni Mitchell. Anyway--- I've LOVED all your amazing hikes and pictures for nearly 10 years now it seems . I've just today learned of this awful Duke Energy plan.its too late for me to send comments now-- missed the deadline plus I'm in another state--- but THIS IS SO WRONG!Just plain wrong, I've been reading the link you put to the Facebook group for the past hour or so. Keep the protests and the MEDIA involved. Hugs!

BeachGypsy said...

See---- we don't EVEN LIVE THERE--- and we enjoy the Greenway!!!

BeachGypsy said...

PSS-- Im looking for YOUR pictures on the Facebook site------ you have amazing ones!!!

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful pictures! Thank you for your visit. Best wishes and happy december.

Carla from The River said...

I had no idea the fox squirrel had such long tails and cute faces.
Happy December!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I pray that Duke Energy will turn their sights to other sites and stay away from the greenway. It seems like they would have learned from the Marjorie Harris Carr story in the first place...I love these photos, and I pray that the Greenway will be left alone so that future generations may enjoy these sights as well. Thank you for sharing with us.

eileeninmd said...

That is sad news, I hope the energy company finds another way.
It is awful they would ruin your beautiful greenway and hiking trail.
Wonderful collection of critter photos, a great variety of wildlife. It is nice you included your hubby as a favorite sighting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

RedPat said...

This is an area that needs to be protected. I love the series of pics that you chose for this post.

Marit said...

The greenway is very beautiful. Lovely shots! I like the Florida Scrub Jay.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

So many great photos! I am partial to the whitetail and that is one beautiful buck. And that bobcat is a once in a lifetime photo. But my favorite is the fox squirrel. There is just something about it....

Phil Slade said...

Your Greenway is very beautiful Diane. You must go there never quite knowing what to expect but coming away with super photos and fabulous memories.

Mae Travels said...

So sad that the real power in our country is in favor of destroying our real heritage!
best, mae at

Bill said...

The Greenway is such an important place to preserve. Your photos show the beauty of all the critters who call that place their home. Hopefully the company will back off if lots of people protest their displeasure.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Thank you for sharing your love for the greenway and the wonderful photos you've captured during your hikes. It's truly inspiring to see the diverse wildlife that thrives in this beautiful greenway.

magiceye said...

The portrait of the white tailed deer is my favourite!

stardust said...

No wonder you love the Greenway. The trail is full of beauties, excitement, and thrills. I love Fox Squirrel, Barred Owl, and Frolida Bobcat above all. (I read your Bobcat story.) The habitat of wildlife must be preserved.

Irma said...

What a great series of photos these are.
The Bald Eagle, Barred Tawny Owl, Florida Scrub Jay, Red-headed Woodpeckers and Eastern Bluebirds are my favorites.
I wish you a beautiful Sunday.
Greetings Irma

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane :=)

I'm amazed at the diverse wildlife you see at your Greenway. The Bobcat and Fox Squirrel, and the beautiful Florida Scrub Jay, deer and owl, are among my favourites but every sighting is a gem, no wonder you are saddened by such devastating news that the energy company will soon take over this beautiful area of wildlife paradise. It's all about money Diane, but I sincerely hope the company decide to chose another venue. Thank you for taking us down your memory lane and sharing your lovely photos.
All the best


David M. Gascoigne, said...

When industry and vested political interests clash with the environment it generally spells disaster. I hope this outcome will be favourable.

Teresa said...

Espero que se conserve por mucho tiempo, se ven cosas preciosas por ahí. Tus fotografías también son preciosas. Un abrazo.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome series of photos of Greenway ~ the Bobcat photo is extra special ~ Wow!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeannie said...

Fantastic pictures! I loved all of them except for the bobcat. It ran chills down my spine. As a child, I would hear them late at night shrieking in the woods behind my grandmother's house. Your picture is very life-like.

Tanza Erlambang said...

aww.... fantastic.....
my most favorite is Red headed Woodpeckers...

Thank you for sharing beautiful photos...

Linda said...

Wonderful animal photos! I hope folks can stop the intrusion of the power lines.

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Florida Bobcat, lucky you Diane.

Wally Jones said...

Memories like tho ones you have shared are exactly the reason we keep returning to our natural places.

Thank you for some outstanding advertising on behalf of Mother Nature.

Annie said...

Always such beautiful photos. I so enjoy seeing them!!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Your Greenway is beautiful and contains a ton of wildlife and wild spaces.

You can fight the powerline off. We fought off an outlet mall planned for Tulsa's Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness and won. Simon Malls picked a more appropriate site.

Red Rose Alley said...

Lovely photos of the wildlife, Diane. I especially liked that BUCK, such a wonderful animal. I saw three deer near my home again, but they were all female. The Bucks are so incredible to see. I do hope that they preserve this hiking trail. We have enough power lines in our towns, and nature shouldn't be tampered with. Love that little bunny photo. And the fox squirrel is so neat. : )

Merry Christmas season to you.


Rainbow Evening said...

lovely bunny and owl.... great captures

Angela said...

Such great quotes and photos! Beautiful!

EricaSta said...

Sorry to be so brief. Unfortunately, rheumatism in my hand prevents me from writing more.

Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

...and I wish you a pleasant time with best wishes & hugs, Heidrun

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane, I hope you send a link from your post to Duke Energy! These people really need to see what precious place they want to destroy. Your photos are wonderful and maybe they can awaken people in the energy group!
I wish you good luck in defending this paradise. In Austria we made history with the occupation of the Hainburg floodplain landscape. People chained themselves to trees there and overwintered in the alluvial forest until the government (which wanted to build a hydroelectric power station there and cut down ancient trees for it) gave up! May the strength be with you!
All the best, Traude