Friday, April 19, 2024

Hiking AND Camping! Ross Prairie State Forest

 I went back and looked at my hiking journal from 2013 and found our first dedicated 'hike' in Florida.

It was the Holly Hammock loop at Ross Prairie State Forest.

We had walked some trails and even hiked together in the mountains of NC but I started a hiking journal in November, 2013 to keep track of where we hiked and our sightings here in Florida. 

"Old photo"

We've sure had a lot of fun over the years and average around 150 hikes a year now. 

So how perfect was it to enjoy our first camping adventure at Ross Prairie Campground!

Our little Grand Design Imagine AIM.

We spent a week in the forest and I managed 8 hikes in 5 days! (then I came home and hiked one more, I felt so great and then I had to take a fews days off! hahahaha!)

The trails were all in great shape and the prairie was beautiful as always!

Some of our sightings included this beautiful Hermit Thrush.

Hermit Thrush

We've seen these birds every time we've hiked there so it must be the perfect habitat for these sweet birds.

Some of our sightings included deer, wild turkeys, black racer snake, lizards and other small birds,

The morning we were packing up to leave we watched an Eagle soar overhear. 

Bald Eagle

That really was special.

There were lots of wildflowers blooming so we saw butterflies and bees too.

It was so nice to just walk out the door of the camper and hike a trail! Twice I didn't even intend to hike and didn't take my camera. I started walking and next thing I knew I was on a trail!

It was glorious! I'm ready to go again!

Are you getting out more this Spring? 

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !  


Jenn Jilks said...

We are having trouble getting outdoors with all this rain!
These are fun trips for you. I enjoyed them.

Terri D said...

A very nice way to explore!! No, I'm not getting out and shame on me. I sure look forward to your hikes and photos, though!! :)

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane, it was nice to take this journey back in time with you. A hiking journal is a good idea, but on the trip we just completed I was already overwhelmed with the daily entry of our destinations in my smartphone travel journal ;-) We also included quite a few hikes on our trip, and today we went Hiking in our local area again for the first time. However, it's almost wintery cold here again at the moment - there were even a few snowflakes...
Hugs and all the best after my blog break, Traude

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane, it was nice to take this journey back in time with you. A hiking journal is a good idea, but on the trip we just completed I was already overwhelmed with the daily entry of our destinations in my smartphone travel journal ;-) We also included quite a few hikes on our trip, and today we went Hiking in our local area again for the first time. However, it's almost wintery cold here again at the moment - there were even a few snowflakes...
Hugs and all the best after my blog break, Traude

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm so glad you shared your first camping adventure -- perfect place. I *knew* you'd love it as soon as I read you'd bought the trailer. And you said the reason I knew perfectly -- as soon as you step out the door, you're there and ready to hike. Nothing like it.

Tom said...'s good to see you out glamping!

Ann said...

That's a lot of hikes in a year. Nice look back to when you first started.

BeachGypsy said...

I had a feeling that's what yall were doing! So glad you got to go and I love the pictures! Especially THAT EAGLE!!Mercy it's almost 90 here too--- so hot. And we have so many outside chores!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your little camper is adorable and the perfect size. no hiking for us, it's all we cand do to keep up the homestead and we aren't doing very good with that. will have follow along with you and see the trails with your camera.

Jeanie said...

What a cute photo of you! It looks like you have a wonderful time in your Imagine! And that is a lot of hiking!

Soma @ said...

Ross Prairie looks a like a great place for your first dedicated hike in Florida! 150 hikes a year! That sounds amazing and so inspiring! Happy hiking!


roentare said...

Spring bloom is bringing so much energy to the trip

HappyK said...

Fabulous photos of your hike. Glad you are happy with your camping trailer.

Lea said...

Beautiful Thrush!
Love the wildflowers.
Great photo of the sky with streaks of clouds.
Have a blessed day!

Wally Jones said...

What a terrific memory of your first hiking experience in Florida! And just look at what you have added since then!

We continue to enjoy your outings almost as much as you do.

Spring is busting out everywhere we go. So much to see, so little time.

John's Island said...

Hi Diane, I admire your dedication to keeping a hiking journal. You and your hubby are great advocates for the joy of getting out and enjoying nature. I enjoyed your story in this post and the photos. Thank you for sharing and for your kind comment on my blog this morning. Say HELLO to that gentleman in the blue shirt with his camera. 😊 A happy weekend to both of you! John

Mae Travels said...

Spring weather is finally here so we too can hike and enjoy the outdoors and all the new blossoms. Your times and distances sound very accomplished.
best, mae at

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane :=)
A nice look back at your first hiking experience. Keeping a journal of your hiking trips is a good idea, and I must say you have done so many. You must be very fit Diane to do as much walking as you do, but I'm glad you are because you always share so much of the wildlife you encounter. Great shot of the eagle.pretty wild flowers and thrush.

Marit said...

Nice old photos! I like to read about your hikes. I'm a lot in my garden when the weather is good, but right now it's too cold here

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely memories in your great photos ~ enjoying each moment ~ We are out everyday even between the raindrops ~ lol hugs

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Linda said...

What beautiful memories! You are amazing!

RedPat said...

We have had a lot of wet weather so it hasn't been enticing me to go for any long walks. I'm not sure you can call a walk in the city a hike? I'm impressed by the number of hikes that you have been taking, Diane. Hugs

Shiju Sugunan said...

Sounds like an amazing trip! 8 hikes in 5 days, that's impressive! The eagle sighting must have been incredible.

Debbie said...

you have been hiking for a very long time, good for you!! great captures of the thrush and the bald eagle in flight, what an incredible sighting!! i think the camper is a great choice for you, i wonder if you would feel comfortable sharing pictures of the inside!!

there are so many types of milkweed but i really like this light pink one!! have a great weekend!!

Carla from The River said...

Yay... the first camp went well. I am looking forward to more adventures with you.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So happy for you to be camping AND hiking! what a great combination! Any you didn't even have to travel very far! What a great idea! Love all the photos and am so happy for you to be able to do this, especially now before it gets too hot...which it is happening as we speak, I'm afraid. I hope we get another cool spell before summer fully sets in. 90's in April is too hot! Enjoy your lovely adventures, and thank you for sharing the beauty with us.

Lowcarb team member said...

Great pictures.
I think your camper looks good and 150 hikes a year is brilliant.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

italiafinlandia said...

Spring is still far away and even migratory birds are mixed-up in this cold April, here in Finland.

stardust said...

You haven’t changed to compare the photo on the sidebar. I see it’s one of the effects of walking through wildlife keeping your pace. Your photos always show it. 8 hikes in 5 days! I can relate to it, in every Sakura season, I get so restless and can’t stop going out. Sadly I feel physical declining recently, but your attitude is encouraging. Keep hiking, keep blogging.

GreenComotion said...

I love your new mobile accommodation and I love the recollection of your first dedicated hike and all. The photos of the birds are beautiful as ever, perhaps enriched by the wonderful surroundings - or is it the other way around, I wonder :)

I want to leave you a song that you might like. Hope you don't mind -

Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

Barbara said...

You asked if we are getting out more this spring. Due to my husband's surgery in March, he is not supposed to ride his bicycle for a couple of months. So we are outside, but walking instead of biking. At that slower pace, we do tend to notice more details in the passing scenery.

But either way, just being outside at this time of year is a pleasure.

Tanza Erlambang said...

Imagine looks so cute....
Thank you for sharing photos....

Marco Luijken said...

Fantastic pictures. Great to read you have walked so many hikes.
That's very special and so great to see wonderful places in the world.
I have read many books with stories of many hikers.
Nice post.

Many greetings,

Happy@Home said...

What a good idea to start the journal all those years ago. It must be a great sense of accomplishment to look back at all the hikes you've taken.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your little camper is cute, and ideal for all the hikes you go on. So glad you spent some time in nature without the camera. It's always sweet when we notice and appreciate nature without our cameras. I was out watering the plants this morning, and saw a stellar jay, two quail, and a hummingbird fluttered about right in front of me. They love water. The milkweed is a pretty wildflower, and I like its blush color. Pretty sky photo.

Have a wonderful week.


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How exciting to be adventuring in an RV and getting to hike to your heart's content! Always a joy to see the eagles, we have them here, and I love to watch them soar so effortlessly. I love your hiking journal idea, that is a good way to keep track of all your adventures!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your camping adventure looks fun! Keeping a journal of your hikes and nature sightings was such a good idea, Diane! I have been seeing a lot of nature art as journal-keeping on Pinterest lately and I am tempted to begin doing that this summer.

Teresa said...

Me alegra que lo pases bien con tus paseos. Gracias por tus reportajes. Besos.

Veronica Lee said...

Diane, your camping and hiking adventures sound like so much fun!
I love how you keep track of your hikes in a journal.
It must be amazing to look back and see all the places you've explored.
Your photos are stunning, especially the ones of the Hermit Thrush and the Bald Eagle!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's awesome that you do so much hiking! That's a beautiful camper. I kind of use my blog as my hiking journal. I find myself looking at old post for hike details and to decide if I want to repeat a hike.

Linda said...

Looks like fun!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I haven't been camping since summer camp circa 1978! I love your enthusiasm for it, and I bet you enjoyed hiking all the trails. :D Your camper is cute. Have you posted the inside of it? I haven't been on the internet much lately as we've been traveling.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane
Sorry I am catching up with my visiting and commenting.
Your camping trip looks fun. It is nice to see the milkweed.
Great captures of the Hermit Thrush and the Eagle.
Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Jeannie said...

You haven't aged a minute! I guess it is all the fresh air and many hikes that have kept you young looking.

Thanks for sharing the beginning. It shows how much you have accomplished.


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I love your caper-it's the perfect size!

I am extremely impressed with your hiking - 150 a year?? You go girl!!