Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dedicated to friends of OLD…and NEW!

Years ago, before I had a blog, I was in a doll forum and made a lot of friends.


A few I have hung on to all of these years.


I took a few pics of my doll room today and wanted to dedicate this post to Pat, Bronwyn and Kaila and to all of my new dollie friends….those that love dolls as much as I do!


Enjoy this marvelous weekend!


Have you taken time to play?

***Holiday Hugs***


ginigirl said...

Thanks for dedicating your website to me today! How I miss those wonderful LM days! Didn't we have fun?!

Donna said...

They sure are having a grand tea party!

A Garden of Threads said...

I still have a few dolls from my childhood. They are in a display case. Hope you have a wonderful pre-holiday weekend.

Susie said...

Love your dollys, makes me want to be little again. xoxo,Susie

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

How sweet, Diane! Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

Holly said...

I love these photos! It would be so much fun to join in on their tea party. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. Merry Christmas! Holly

Barb said...

How much fun and all the memories that just came flooding back to me!
Thank you Diane and Have a Fabulous Christmas!

Debby said...

They look beautiful and so real. Happy HOlidays.

PatC - All is Bright said...

How sweet! You have a wonderful collection. I too love dolls and you know just how to display them. YOU are never to old to have a doll.

Merry Christmas!


NanaDiana said...

Those dolls are so cute, Diane. One day I will have to post photos of the ones I have- xo Diana

Simply Shelley said...

The last little sweetie with the Raggedy is my favorite....I always love visiting your doll room. I have given up so many of my dolls, just keeping a few,but I will forever and always love dolls. I still have that little gift to send to you,but it will be after the new year before I get it on its way! Wishing you both and all those babies a very Merry Christmas.

Vee said...

That is better than a Teddy Bear Picnic. Not as much time as I'd like. Wait. I'm in Blogdom reading all my friends' blogs and seeing what fun they're having. Yes! I am having fun.

Danice G said...

Oh what beautiful dolls. I have a collection of old Madame Alexander dolls that I need to post about. Thanks for sharing with us Diane :)

Cranberry Morning said...

They are all so pretty! And you know they all come to life when you're sleeping at night... (they do look so real, don't they!)

Country Crow said...

Wow! Your dolls are so awesome! They look just like real children! I've seen a big doll in the store couple days ago, and thought that I want one! Now I think I'll get one too! Yours look so amazing! :)

Della said...

So pretty and sweet that they are all dressed and ready for the holidays! Love that little tree in the middle of the table!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

You have a doll ROOM?! How fun it must be -- I bet everyone loves (or they SHOULD!) going in there and visiting. Do you change it up for the seasons? I did take time to play today -- watched White Christmas :)

cucki said...

So sweetttttt
Merry Christmas dear x

Danielle said...

My mom is a doll lover also ;)....I plan on playing all day in my art studio....may as is too cold to play outside ;)

maddyrose said...

Your beautiful dolls all dressed up for their Christmas tea party is absolutely adorable. What a lovely collection! Have a wonderful Christmas Diane. Warm hugs

Chenille Cottage said...

Such darling dollies! You have an amazing collection!
Smiles across the miles!
Carolynn xxx