Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wild Bird Week!

Is it really wild bird week? No, I just made that up! But we’ve been on so many hikes lately that I may need to post pics every day for a week to share some of our sightings. And as I am sitting here with my computer (netbook) on my lap, I can see the bird feeders in our courtyard. And lo and behold!!! A bright orange Tanager flew in with the goldfinches and warblers! And no…I didn’t get a photo! Hope he comes back!




and another warbler

So here are some of the birds and critters we saw on a hike at Blue Run Park in Dunnellon, FL last week!


Great Blue Heron


Little Blue Heron


Little Blue


Little Blue Too


The lily pads have yellow buds all over them!

And if you look in the swamp close enough…


you might see this!


Hope you’ve enjoyed our hike today!

Keep those hiking shoes handy!


Swim faster little ducks!

I’m joining Wild Bird Wednesday HERE.


Sandy said...

I just love birds. I need to do more photographing. I love all of your photos.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Loved your shots.

I follow a warbler site on FB ... and I realize I haven't seen a post in ages. I gotta go see if it's active, or it dropped off my feed because I wasn't 'interacting'


NanaDiana said...

Great photos, Diane...but yu can keep your gator (or croc) right there. lol Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday- xo Diana

SImple and Serene Living said...

It is warming up here and I can't wait to get out and walk again. Love bird sightings and herons are a favorite of mine. xo Laura

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Lovely bird photos, Diane. Now that gator would frighten me. It is exciting you were able to get a photo with hopefully your telephoto lens! I know you Floridians are used to seeing them, but they are a little too wild for me. Yikes. Watch where you hike, my friend! ♥

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

Hi Diane! Love birds, they are so fascinating to watch and they're colors are just so beautiful!! Wild bird week ....should be a thing! haha lol. Wonderful pictures you've got! Enjoy all your pretty site seeings!! Nature is so amazing! Wishing you a lovely day! xo Holly

Vee said...

I knew it! "They" are everywhere in Florida. *shudder*

Love warblers, love their warbling songs...

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely selection of photo's.
I enjoyed looking at them all, thank you.

All the best Jan

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, that gator sends chills down my spine......Nothing like feeling someone is watching you....hahaha! Love the beautiful bird photos and the pretty yellow water-lily. We have great blue herons here, too (WA state). Once we visited a little secluded beach to have a picnic and didn't realize it was a heron rookery overhead! It was like sitting among pterodactyls while we ate! haha! When they started dive-bombing us we high-tailed it out of there! Looking forward to seeing more photos for 'bird week'! Sending hugs xo Karen

HappyK said...

Great collection of pictures. My favorite is the first. So nice and sharp too.

Les Fous du Cap said...

Joli blog, belles photos ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable photos from your hike! Hope you enjoy a pleasant evening.

Cranberry Morning said...

Your bird (and alligator!) photos are just wonderful, Diane! What a great hike. Hope you're having a lovely evening.

Carla from The River said...

I love all your photos. I love your alligator sightings, just as much as your bird. I honestly think alligators are fascinating creatures.

11 hikes!! WOW, what a great start to 2017!!
Did you get that hiking kiss in? ;-) Tee Hee Hee Tee

Love, Carla

Carla from The River said...

I heard on the news, Florida is having a hunting season for Python!!! What on earth? Fill us in when you can.
Love, Carla

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Good pics, love the warbler but the alligator pic is very interesting.

Linda H said...

As always, wonderful bird shots. Not so keen on the 'gator, though. You can keep him...

Linda said...

Love your bird pics and hike!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Well, Miss Lavender Dreamer, you've given us quite a viewing today. What wonderful photos of your birds, even that croc/gater fellow. Is he giving you the once over with his beady eye?

I love that beautiful lily pad with the yellow bud. So pretty.

Wishing you a beautiful day...

Anu said...

Great series of photos! Have a nice day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello! Wonderful collection of birds, Diane! I love the sweet warblers and the last Wood Ducks. Great sightings and photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!


Unas fotos preciosas en plena naturaleza, besos

Jeanie said...

Every one of these is a fabulous, card-worthy photo. I'll give the alligators a pass, though!

Cherdecor said...

I love your wild bird pictures, but for heaven's sake, please stay back from that gator!!!! It was real, RIGHT? Gators scare me. Please be careful!

podso said...

Beautiful birds but not so sure about the gator.

Sam I Am...... said...

I'd keep my "running" shoes handy after seeing that critter! I hope you were using your zoom lens for that picture as they can move mighty fast!

Red Rose Alley said...

I was getting ready to comment on this post the other day, then I got distracted with something, oh my. Yikes, that critter in the swamp must have scared you! The lily pads with the yellow buds are so pretty, and that first little bird is so sweet. I have a special place in my heart for the birds. :)


September Violets said...

I really don't know how you can walk where there are crocodiles or alligators!! They terrify me!! I'm not a fan of reptiles in the first place, but all those teeth...underwater...gah! I DO love the herons, and those little blue herons are gorgeous. I've never seen one in real life, and am not sure they're even up here, so glad you shared them.
Yes, swim faster little ducks!! There's danger under your webbed feet!