Thursday, January 25, 2018

“Follow Your Heart”

I like to choose a word to focus on for the new year but this year, I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted. And then when I put out a few decorations over the weekend, I found it.


Follow your heart!

That’s what I’m going to focus on this year. I have some ideas. And it will definitely mean stepping out of my ‘comfort zone’ to accomplish some of them but I’ll let you know as the year goes by what I do that’s different.

I’m just like everyone here….I have a lot of good things going on in my life…I am very blessed…. but there are little hurts and heavy losses all along the way. I lost 2 loved ones this month that made me sad. And I had some hurtful things said to me that made me ….let’s see? Would the word be MAD? Well, upset might be a better word.

So I’ve been thinking…..and probably thinking too much!

Now I need to change my focus and decide to ‘follow my heart’.


The whispers of your heart…oh I like this from Princess Sassy Pants!

It’s funny how you see your word or phrase used after you’ve chosen it. It’s all around me now…in books, on tv and even in a movie we are watching.

I’m still going to work on my altered books (or junk journals).


Here’s a couple I am working on right now.


And we are taking hikes this month to take advantage of the beautiful weather. (we have 5 hikes this year already!)

What can you do this year to ‘follow your heart’?

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


Karen said...

I'm looking for the good in people, seeking out the little joys in every day and focusing on the good things, letting go of the negatives.

Arlene G said...

Diane I have that same Follow Your Heart Sign. I just put it on the back door from the garage into the house. Of course I always remember a sermon from our preacher who says Don't Follow you Heart, It can lead you astray. My pastor would be glad to know I am listening.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good luck with your new found resolve. I am sure that the hikes you have planned will help you to "follow your heart." As for people saying hurtful things I think that you have to be bigger than they are, even though it's hard to do sometimes. Just think of one of your most remarkable citizens, Michelle Obama - "When they go low, we go high."

Susie said...

Diane, I love your new sign. I am excited for you. I already am thinking of the things you could do. You are talented girlfriend.!!! I am thinking "bird journal", hiking maps, trail critics, mini books, baby doll postcards. flowers, birds, and seaside postcards.haha see I know some things about you. :):) Blessings to you every step of the way, xoxo, Susie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh Sis I love the 'follow your heart' inspiration. You are an inspiration to me as someone who does this already. I'm hoping to feel better and live better this year! Hugs!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I think follow your heart are great words to focus on for the year. I love the cute sign. So sorry for your losses this past month. I can not imagine someone saying anything hurtful to you, you are always so kind. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

bj said...

Such a great post...."follow your heart" is a good phrase to live by.
My heart is still so shattered that I am struggling to write my blog heart just isn't in it right now.

I received the book this morning and....THANK YOU. I've been a fan of Sassy Pants for a long time...such a cute book. xoxo

Vee said...

Good question. I’ll think about it!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Connie said...

Sweet post . . . I'm having a sad day, so this was a nice pick-me-up, Thank you :)

Betty J. Crow said...

Listen to the whispers of your heart... good advice. Love the 'altered books'.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good idea to follow your heart, make yourself happy, life is to short to not be happy.. i always do a lot of thinking when someone says hurtful things..

Stacey said...

Follow your heart is perfect. ♥

Jeanie said...

I love seeing your creative projects. And I think your plan to follow your heart is a good one. A win-win. I look forward to enjoying the journey with you!

Debby Ray said...

First of all, I am so sorry that you have lost loved ones...that is never easy and secondly, I can't imagine anyone saying ugly words to you...shame on them! I love your new phrase for the year. I will also be following my heart as we are getting closer and closer to our move to long as it is in accordance with God's. HUGS to you!

Catherine Holman said...

I'm following my heart by getting back to painting! I spent most of yesterday working on a painting and loving every minute of it!
So sorry to hear that you lost two loved ones recently. Praying for you.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Life is full of ups and downs, isn't it? I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of family members. We too lost two dear ones in December. I like that you are choosing to follow your heart. Our hearts always know what's best for us. Have a happy evening. ♥

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am so sorry for your losses and I can't imagine anyone saying anything mean to you. That makes me mad. I believe everyone should follow their heart. IN the end it is what will mean the most to us. xo Laura

Christine said...

Good for you, Diane! Follow your heart & be blessed!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think follow your heart are great words to focus on, and I do like the sign.
I am sorry to read of your losses this past month, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Take Care

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

Rather like not letting anyone or anything steal your joy. Follow your heart! I love it.

PatC - All is Bright said...

Follow your heart - your beautiful heart ❤️

Michelle said...

Following your heart is the best kind of advice. Nothing like your feelings and intuition to guide you through the world. Thank you for linking up today and have a blessed weekend.

Linda said...

I'm so sorry for the hurtful things that were said to you. That's hard.
Looking ahead and those hikes sound wonderful. May your heart lead you to many lovely places and experiences.

BeachGypsy said...

I am so sorry for the losses. I can't even imagine someone saying mean or hurtful things to are a sweet and kind friend. I know it's not easy, but try not to focus on the hurtful things, otherwise they bring you down and that is their intent anyway.

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful post,

Joanne said...

Your posts are always so beautiful and make me smile.
Follow my heart....I guess I'll just try to continue to write because that is a place all my own🧡

Blessings, Joanne

Red Rose Alley said...

Jane Lee Logan's quotes are very special, indeed. I really like this one. And I'm wondering, "does she do the cute illustrations too?"


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh I love the Follow Your Heart theme - might I borrow it? (I'm such a copycat). I don't have many specifics in mind just yet - but one thing I have decided to do is spend more time marketing my book. I am preparing it for publication on Smashwords - which has a much larger distribution than I have right now, and without even getting it finished I have had a good result - lots more income and sales from the version on kindle and paperback on Amazon. I was so pleased that my intentions (and hours of prep work for the new e-book version on Smashwords has already begun to pay off in a way I never expected)

Now let's find other things to change or try - I am beginning to feel adventuresome - thank you my sweet friend.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oops - me again - forgot to tell you - I love your header - and those books are just wonderful. Bye again my dear.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I really like your idea of choosing a phrase to follow and you’ve chosen a great one! It will be fun to see where your heart leads you and I look forward to your shares.

Angie said...

Diane - sorry to hear about your losses. This year, my hubby and I are focusing on helping each other be better versions of ourselves. One activity that has really helped me is to start my day reading the Bible. I take one verb that speaks to me and try to apply that to my day - for example, today was "Arise". I have found myself calmer and better equipped to deal with the curveballs that life flings our way!