Monday, January 15, 2018

“The Give Way of Life”

When I was much younger….years and years ago….I was privileged to hear Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong give a sermon on the ‘give way of life’ versus ‘the get way of life’. It made an impression on me that would stay with me my whole life. And it’s helped me live a more positive way of life.


We all feel sad and even overwhelmed in life and when that happens, it’s a good time to look beyond your own problems and see what you can do for someone else.

It can be a gift of your time or something you know someone else would like and appreciate. Most of you know that I love books so that has become a favorite gift that I give…and give often.

And it’s more fun to sew or craft when you’re making something for someone else. I like to make my friends and family ‘homemade’ gifts and many of you sew for charities too. There’s always someone in need.


So that’s my little contribution to the PERK project!

It sounds simple….and maybe it is!

Learn to live the GIVE WAY of LIFE!

You’ll be blessed!

And spreading happiness!


(all photos taken on Hike #2 at the Florida Trails)

Are you taking part in the PERK project too?

I’m joining Stacey and Jemma today HERE

and I’m joining Mosaic Monday HERE .


Maggie said...

I hadn't heard of PERK until today, Jeanie (Marmalade Gypsy) is taking part also. Going to click over and find out more.
Happy Mosaic Monday!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, this and Jeanie's blog is the first I have heard of the Perk project.
It is a blessing to be able to give more than get. Hubby and I always give as much as we can. Thanks for sharing. I love the photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I will work at giving way

Snap said...

So true -- giving is so easy too! Lovely photos. Happy Monday!

Junkchiccottage said...

Glad to have joined you in the Perk project at Stacey and Jemma's. You are one of the kindest people in blog land and I am so blessed to call you friend. Thank you for sharing your sweet story on kindness shared. Beautiful.

Junkchiccottage said...

It was so nice to join in with you over at Stacey and Jemma's perk project. You are one of the sweetest and kindest hearts out here in blogland. I am blessed to have read your story.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good way to live your life.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You are a generous and loving giver and I can say your gifts to me have warmed my heart! I need to join the PERK project today also. Hugs!

Gillena Cox said...

Good way to live. Thanks for today's inspiration. I luv the hearts photo. The kind of drawing my five year old grand daughter would love to copy. Her favourite shape is hearts.

Happy Mosaic Monday

much love...

Anonymous said...

such an inspiring post!!!

Stacey said...

This is so good, Diane. I know you collect tons of books and passing them on is the best thing. You never know who might benefit from those printed words. Sewing for others is fabulous! The need is so great out there in this big world.

Thank you so much for sharing today. :)

Jeanie said...

What a fabulous new banner! And I have firsthand experienced the kindness and unexpected surprise that you know how to give. I still smile and say thank you!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I've not heard of the PERK project, Diane. Giving our time and energy is always a win, win for both parties involved. Love your new header! ♥

Tammy Patina and Paint said...

I love that phrase the "give way of life"! What a great philosophy! Thanks for sharing!!!

Cindy@CountyRoad407 said...

Great way to put things in perspective. Loved the post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love this idea of the give life and not to get life. Had not heard about perk. I agree 100% we should all try to live the give life thanks for the reminder

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Afternoon My Friend!
I love this post so much and you hit right to the heart of it all!
It is wonderful catching up with you, and I am so glad that you joined us, you really did make my day:)
Great Big Texas Hugs,

Jill said...

Lovely post and I've never heard of the perk project before. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


Janey and Co. said...

My seventh grade teacher told our class that you get out of life what you put into it. THat too has stuck with me all of these years. You put a lot into life Diane..and you are reaping the benefits....Janey

Lowcarb team member said...

Kindness and giving, taking a little time to help others is a good thing to do.
I enjoyed your post and seeing your mosaics too.

I hope the week ahead goes well for you.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

This is the first I've heard of PERK. I'm off to check it out.

Terri D said...

Thank you for introducing us to the PERK project! Sounds like a good 'movement' in which to participate!

Lorrie said...

This is first I've heard of PERK and will be checking it out. I find that I give most of my "makes" away. It's fun and I think people appreciate the gifts. Sometimes, though, I want to make stuff for myself! That always gets put to the end of the list. Have a great week, Diane.

Small City Scenes said...

I do like the give way of life---the way I was raised. Haven't heard of PERK 'til now.

Ricki Treleaven said...

These posts are inspiring. I've enjoyed the ones Ive read so far! I'm amazed at how generous and kind bloggers are...I'm truly humbled when I think about this project and these wonderful posts!

BeachGypsy said...

Had not heard anything about PERK til today when I read Jeannie's blog. I is so true about it being more blessed to give than to receive! Hope you had a real nice weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello,:) Pretty mosaics, and a lovely post. Diane, I'm grateful for all I receive, and giving back is a joy my parents taught me,.. it is so true. A kindness given, is a reward in itself. You live a good life my friend, and now I'm going to look up Perk.

Susie said...

diane, Your hikes are the only ones I get to take any more. It's so cold here I can not even walk the driveways. I loved the infinity hearts. :) I know we get Joy by giving Joy. It's the best. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Beautiful pictures:)

Maggie Ann said...

Love, love your header!

Debbie said...

when i knit, i always know who i'm knitting for. like you said, it always makes the item more special!!

i live a "give way of life". so much of my husbands family are, i need, i need, i want, i want. that inspires me to be an even better person!!

Sheila said...

When giving is in your life you will find it so much better than acquiring more things, i'm sure your friends appreciate the books you give them. What a nice thing to do! Have a great week!

Carla from The River said...

I thank you for sharing. I think this is a wonderful contribution to the PERK project.
Thank you for spreading light my friend. You are special.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What lovely way to live and think! Giving is such a worthwhile attitude and helps to lift the spirits of the giver and the giftee! Love the sweet photos :) Thanks for the inspiration! Hugs xo Karen

Angie said...

I read something recently - don't remember where - that suggested the best way to get out a self-absorbed grump is to turn the focus to someone else - fits with your philosophy very well! I will link over to PERK and check it out! Have a 'giving' week!

BeachGypsy said...

Hello my sweet have our "Alice" header it--so pretty! Golly Mercy!!---its so COLD HERE TOO. We are just not used to this and I'm ready for it to BE GONE, LOL We had to bundle up in thick winter coats, GLOVES, BOOTS, scarves AND hats tonight to run out to get some groceries, ha ha LOL. Glad you liked that furry house post....I know!----so strange isn't it?? Im not sure I'd even go inside that one...makes you think of mad scientists and all kinds of creepy things from the outside of it!! ha ha

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Very True, Diane! I've volunteered almost my entire life, and I've always felt that giving that way was not only helping others but also myself, as I've met the nicest friends through my volunteer work

handmade by amalia said...

Wise words. And I love the new header, Diane.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely post and photos ~ great thoughts!

Happy Weekend coming to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Red Rose Alley said...

A lovely post about "giving" in life, Diane. That last picture is wonderful. Love to come across things like that. I think it was meant for you. ; )


French Ethereal said...

Thank you for sharing this! <3
I pinned your mosaic photo to my Tomes/Short Stories to Read board for you. Spreading kindness is something I do try to do and it is hard to look beyond our own troubles, but it feels good when we can help another even when we don't feel up to par. I'm happy to be on this last part of the PERK Project with you all.

Have a lovely week,
Barb :)