Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Black-crowned Night Heron

We’ve sure had a lot of wonderful hikes at the Blue Run Park in Dunnellon. It’s sad to think it’s almost too hot to hike already but our hikes will be few and far between now until Fall. We’ll still get out but not for the 2 hour hikes we enjoy most.


It was a beautiful ‘warm’ day when we spotted this elusive Black-crowned Night Heron.


And we were often peeking through the vegetation trying to get these shots.


One more…


So I’ll share a few photos from my camera, a Canon SX50 HS


and my hubby’s, a Nikon Coolpix P900.


What surprised us the most was spotting a second Night Heron on our way back out.


We know there were 2 because we saw one fly and the other stay perched.


So we have a pair of Black-crowned Night Herons and hopes of baby herons in the future.


I wish it was easier to spot the nests but the vegetation is wild and healthy along the Rainbow River.


This was taken near our bird sighting. What a beautiful day to be out in a boat…or on the trail with our cameras!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Sandy said...

He is a beauty. Yep, summer has arrived this week it seems. I even saw my first snake this past week walking down the street. I am not a snake fan at all.
I have also had a rare thing this year. A bluebird of all things. He/she has been hanging around all spring. That is a first.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these photos are so crystal clear and beautiful i feel like i could stroke those feathers. super shots of a beautiful heron. i told Bob yesterday, when we stepped in the back yard for our after lunch sit by the pool time, that it was to hot and I came back in. i love the sun when it is cool but not when it is HOT.. early am is the only time for walking. last night it was 87 at 4:30 and 92 was the high for the last couple of days and the humidty is not nearly as high as it can get. that is what i dread. 90's and high humidty. but these birds love it

eileeninmd said...

Hello, awesome captures of the BC Night Heron. It is one of my favorite birds.
Pretty scene and view. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. Happy Mother's Day!

Susie said...

Diane, You and your husband are really getting some great shots of birds. What a beauty this little heron . I like the water photos too. Blessings, stay cool, xoxo, Susie

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful series of photos of our beautiful 'feathered friends' ~ captured so well.

Happy Mother's Day to you ~ xxx

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Vee said...

Mr. and Mrs. Black Heron...very nice captures! You have eagle eyes. Already so warm? That’s crazy! Perhaps you’ll get a cooler day here or there before fall...makes for a long season of not being able to get out much.

Linda said...

Wow! Your photos are excellent! I don’t think I could take a good picture like you do no matter what camera I had! Louis Dean has two expensive ones but I’m no better with them than I am with my phone or iPad! It is ridiculous!
Yes, y’all have had some amazing hikes this year! And I’ve loved them all!

Jeanie said...

I always think of herons as being large like Harry so I especially love seeing this more petite one. Beautiful photos.

LA Paylor said...

great shots. I can almost see what they're thinking. Baby herons... nice

Terri D said...

You get the best photos of birds, and many of them I've never heard of. I appreciate the lessons!! One of these days, I am taking a ride up to Dunnellon and maybe we can meet for lunch?!

Danice G said...

What an unusual bird. More great photos by you and Mr. Lavender Dreams as well.

A Colorful World said...

Stunning heron shots! What a great place to hike. But as you say getting a bit too hot there for the longer hikes...just now getting a bit warmer here. Wish I COULD still hike, but I always enjoy everyone's blog posts about their treks!

Mia said...

Beautiful photos, my friend. I LOVE herons. Kises!!!!!!!!

Jacqueline said...

These photos are incredible! It is getting hot here in east central Georgia too. We have changed our walking times. Take Care. Jackie

Jacqueline said...

These photos are incredible! It is getting hot here in east central Georgia too. We have changed our walking times. Take Care. Jackie

podso said...

Great photos! It's gotten hot here too, summer has arrived I think. Ninety!

HappyK said...

Fantastic shots.
Our summers are like your winters. : )

Linda said...

Great shots! I love the herons.

Angie said...

Spectacular shots! I do hope mommy and daddy bring about more beauties like themselves! Sorry it's getting too hot to hike already ... our hiking season is just starting!

Anni said...

I know what you mean about too hot to walk! Here too. You got some fabulous photos of the BCN heron!!

For sharing this special post with us birders this week at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you!

Janey and Co. said...

As usual, I am blown away by your photography.I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. Janey

Karen said...

Beautiful bird! - you sure have some great hiking trails... and weather! in your neck o'the woods.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Great photos and a beautifully photographed bird.
I watch them with real pleasure.
Spring greetings from Poland.

Cherdecor said...

I wish I had a Nikon Coolpix P900. I need a good camera. Maybe having one would inspire me to write more posts. Your photos are lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a handsome Heron. He looks like a young one. I do enjoy your bird photos, Diane.


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

What a poser!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful catches of one of my favorite ever birds!! Yes, summer came early here in N Ft M -- and it's not the heat here but the humidity -- in the form of thundershowers and downpours, with 90 temps in between the rain. Not the best time to go on long hikes for sure (especially with possible lightning).

Will you stay all summer? We leave the first week of June. (I think it is probably a little bit cooler where you are than here in Ft M....)