Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Common Ground-Dove

Well, it was new to us! We looked out into our courtyard and saw a little dove. 

At first we thought is was a baby orphan!

We have Mourning Doves come into our courtyard and usually eat under the feeders.

 (Mourning Dove seen on a hike for comparison)

But this dove didn't eat in OR under the feeders. He just 'hung' out for awhile.

Later we saw 3 of these doves under the Camellia bush. Time to get the ID book out!

They are Common Ground-Doves. According to All about Birds HERE, it is a tiny dove with a small head and short tail, often with a pink or red color at the base of the bill. YAY! Something new for us!

April has brought so many birds into our area. Florida is a birders paradise. I drove over to the big store that starts with a W yesterday and saw a sea gull, boat tailed grackle, 2 little blue herons, an ibis, 3 crows chasing a hawk...along with all the usual birds. No pics of these. I was on a mission to SHOP! lol

But here are some of the photos of a large flock of Cedar Waxwings that flew into the tree next door this month!

Anything unusual at your bird feeders this week?

Hey wait! At least let me comb my hair before you put me on the internet!!!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Vee said...

New to me as well. He is a little charmer and I hope that he hangs around. I haven’t seen anything new here lately. Might pay to look!

Sandy said...

I don't think I have ever seen one. Lots of regular doves, but not that one. Don't you love it when you see something new and rare?

eileeninmd said...


The Common Ground Dove is pretty. Sweet photos. I love the beautiful Waxwings too. Great sightings and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks also for leaving a comment for me.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty bird so soft and lovely, I love the one with the wacky hair! Such beautiful!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how beautiful.... ground doves. I believe I've only seen mourning doves but perhaps I've seen others & just don't know it.

Your weather sounds so luscious down there in Florida. Up here in northwest Indiana it's 39 degrees right now, at almost 9:30am. *sigh* There's talk of snow coming. My old bones need warmth. Perhaps a visit to you is in order. *haha*

Love, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the one with the uncombed hair at the end, could be Batmans side kick Robin, he he he.... see the mask? a wax wing named Robin. ha ha… I am always amazed at the Walmart bird life. WM is only 3 miles from the beach, so just about anything we see at the beach will soon show up at WM... the Crows and Gulls really love the breakfast bar they find where HUMANS throw out trash.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am back, forgot to say I have never seen a ground dove. they are so cute. I do love the mourning doves. I wonder if the little ones coo? I love to hear them cooing

Zaa said...

Oh how well I remember the doves in Florida ... Lucky You ... I don't think I've seen a ground dove or even realized that there were so many different types... How exciting... The pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing the beauty... Have a fabulous week-end...Hugs

Tom said...

...I heard one cooing this morning.

Arlene G said...

Yes we have those doves here. We once had a couple of doves who lived at our old house each spring. They made a nest in my hanging baskets.


Didn't know there was a 'smaller' dove--they are cute!!!
and that last photo of the 'hair' is soooo darn cute!!!
we are expecting a couple inches of snow tonight or tomorrow--
and here I thought spring was here--!!?????????
luv, di

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, this little Dove is sweet. Small and so cute. I see the Mourning Doves all the time here, and I love Doves of any kind. They are special birds, and whenever I see them I automatically feel peace. The Cedar Waxwings are funny with their hair sticking up hehehe. Thanks for sharing your Florida birds, Diane. You know how much I enjoy seeing them. : )


HappyK said...

The ground dove is a new one for me too. Sure are cute.

Ann said...

I see lots of mourning doves but never one like you have here.
That last picture cracks me up, that's quite the hairstyle.

Anu said...

Hello. The Common Ground Dove looks beautiful. It is always so great to see new birds. The waxwings are wonderful looking birds!

handmade by amalia said...

There are so many doves out and about just now. Where have they all come from? And why do they make so much noise? But I'm not complaining. They have their own problems to deal with - we have an equal amount of ravens and they don't seem to get along.
Hope the blog problems will be sorted soon, Diane, you've had more than your fair share :-(

Phil Slade said...

Isn't it great to find a bird that is new to you and to then be able to put a name to it?

But hey Diane, never mind the shopping. That can wait when there are migrant birds around. The shops will still be there tomorrow, the birds may not be. Lolz.

Anni said...

Is it as comical to you as it is to me? To see little birds chase away big raptors?

Loved the dove series. Once again, thanks for stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin' and linking in with us birders. I appreciate your loyalty and sharing.

Tomoko said...

Ohhh, such a sweet dove! Very soft.
I think I have never seen a ground dove in my area.

NanaDiana said...

What sweet sweet birds--so gentle looking and beautiful. It is good to be back and following along on your walks. xo Diana

carol l mckenna said...

Love the doves and that wax wing is quite the bird ~ gorgeous photos1

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debbie said...

i have never seen that dove and it is quite beautiful!!

oh and the waxwings, they don't come here with and they are just so pretty, i would love to host them in my backyard!!

i have not seen anything new or unusual this week at the feeders but the population of birds is up and i am so happy about that!! happy monday diane!!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Mourning Dove, they are awesome.

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Isn't he a cutie! Nothing new in my yard except snow haha!

Happy@Home said...

He is a little cutie pie. I've only seen mourning doves around here. Lots of bluebirds, goldfinches, hawks and a few cardinals are what we have been seeing around here lately.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Those are some beautiful looking birds and I hope you have a nice week Diane.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the doves and that wax wing has personality :)

All the best Jan

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh you saw so many great birds ...waxwings are huge favorites of mine, but not from here ...LOL, they would be if I ever saw them here. But only seen in Oregon for me. There are lots of other migrants here thoygh, but I’m seldom fast enough to get pictures of them! We do see ground doves often tho ...I love their bright red legs.

Barbara said...

It must be the common ground doves that I see here in my neighborhood. I have watched them at times and wondered why they spend so much time on the ground when it seems it would be safer for them up in a tree. I do see them on the roof and hear them, of course. They sound very calming.

Chuckled at the comment by the bird who protested he needed to comb his hair before going onto the Internet. You have a great sense of humor!

Debbie Harris said...

How wonderful to have so many beautiful birds!
I love the photo with all those birds in the tree, WOW!

nothing new in our yard as of yet, still wild Turkey's hanging around though.

Have a great week~

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love doves

Aunt Helen said...

Hi Diane, I love this pretty Dove! I loved the Bluebirds too-left a message, but guess it didn't go through! Also, it is fun seeing Wendy's antics!! Glad she is a "Bookworm" too! It is a beautiful day here in "Paradise". Love, Aunt Helen