Monday, May 20, 2019

for the love of hiking.....

I love hiking! 

 Oh, I've mentioned this before? teehee!

Every time I go, I see something amazing!

Have you ever seen a mushroom as beautiful as this one?

The photo is 'straight out of the camera'! It really WAS this color! And right along the trail where I could see it up close! It was about the size of a saucer too!

And when we went on a 'Mother's Day Hike, we saw a Yucca in full bloom!

That was an beautiful sight!

Someone on a bicycle told us to look for it on the trail ahead! I see a lot of the same people since I hike the Florida Trails so often.

I'm not sure they will recognize me the next time I hike though!

I got a new cap from one of my sons. He said it would match my shirt! (I have 2 Columbia hiking shirts, one is more green and one more blue...I think I need a PINK one, don't you?)

 Look who it came to...Hiker Mom!

Have you had a chance to get outside and walk this week?

I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


Anonymous said...

hiker mom is perfect for you!!! I think you do need a pink one! You look beautiful in pastel colours!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

wow, really? Never knew.

carol l mckenna said...

Hiker Mom is great ~ and what wonderful nature shots you find ~ beautiful!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Arlene G said...

That mushroom looks like a groovy sun from the 70s Diane!!

Vee said...

Love that Mother’s Day gift. Your son was really thinking!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

walking can save our lives. I did two like always. early to beat the heat. love the color of the new hat. FL is all about pastel colors. that mushroom looks like a sunrise or sunset melted on it. never seen one that color. now I have

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

You get great use from your hiking gear, Diane!
Thanks for your visit. I live in Texas, but the Hill Country is about 4 and 1/2 hours away. It’ll be hot, so yes, I have my shirts packed, as we will be hiking!

likeschocolate said...

My husband has one of these shirts and he loves them. lovely hiking finds!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is an unusual mushroom, isn't it? Looks like the sun. : ) I really like your hiking clothes, and that is such a light and pretty color. So nice of your son to send you a new cap. I don't see the Yucca around here. What a lovely sight for you on the trail.

Have a wonderful week.


Gillena Cox said...

Nice shots Diane. Keep on hiking. Happy Mosaic Monday


Tom said...

...neat mushroom, I saw some day, but they were rather plain!

Carla from The River said...

How sweet, Hiker Mom!!! I love that.

I did get out and hike this past week. One hike was with Sam. :-)

You are up to 70 hikes girl!!! 2019 is going to be record breaking.


Lowcarb team member said...

That mushroom is beautiful, such an amazing colour.

Hiker Mom! I love it!
Can you ever have enough tops and caps?
Definitely get a pink one next.

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

Jenn Jilks said...

I hiked down to the pond today! I didn't have an outfit as fine as yours, though.

Red Rose Alley said...

ps....Diane, I know how much you love to read. My sister gave me a book called "Crow Call." I loved it, and it reminded me of me and my dad, as I used to go hunting with him and spend time with him when I was young. I love the plaid shirt she wears in the book. It's a cute story that I think you would like. And the special part of this book is that her and her dad had a piece of cherry pie at the diner, and I had a piece of cherry pie at the diner with my sister the day she gave me the book. I thought I'd pass it along since you love books so much. : )

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hiking is a wonderful form of recreation and is beneficial both physically and mentally - in a blue shirt or a pink shirt, new or old, the hike will be equally enervating. I actually buy most of my clothes at Goodwill so I take what they have!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Hiker Mom - I love your photos - lovely shots from your hike.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful photos.

HappyK said...

Oh yes, you definitely need a pink one too.
That certainly is a pretty mushroom and sounds pretty big too.

Powell River Books said...

I love hiking too, as long as it isn't too steep. I can walk a long ways though. - Margy

Ann Thompson said...

That mushroom is amazing. I have never seen one like that.
Love the color of your new hat

Connie said...

Hiking Mom, You not only take amazing photos but you dress nice too.
Sweet Mother's Day gift :)

Angie said...

Diane - your son has you pegged - from now on, I might just address you as Hiker Mom!!! That mushroom is amazing - did you look underneath for any fairies or other small creatures? It immediately brought Alice in Wonderland to mind … I walked down to the lake today because we thought we spotted a moose (it was an elk) and I completed my loop to check on the trail cams. But neither of those qualify as a hike in my book - we hope to get out on Thursday!!! Thanks for another glimpse into your hiking joy, and for linking it to Mosaic Monday.

betty-NZ said...

I always enjoy seeing the discoveries of others when they walk/hike. Thanks for sharing these great images. Yes, you definitely need a pink one!

Terri D said...

No hikes for me but my knee surgery got scheduled today for August 27th. That mushroom is amazing! Is it really a mushroom or just a toadstool?

ellen b. said...

Fun hiking outfits Hiker Mom! Good for you for getting out there. That mushroom is amazing.

Inger said...

I love the outfit and prefer it over pink. How about lavender though - I think that's your color. The mushroom looks good enough to be poisonous!

Tomoko said...

Ohh! Such a colrful mushroom!Amazing!
The blue cap is wonderful. Your son know well what color mutches you.
I like blue and pink as well.Same as you.
Have a good weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The hat is a fun gift from your son, Diane, and very pretty and useful!

I never saw a mushroom that color--very psychedelic!

Cranberry Morning said...

Hiker mom. Perfect! And yes, a nice pale pink would look good too, although that's a really pretty blue! We can't seem to get rain out of our system up here. One nice day then rain and wind again. Hoping for sunny skies. Love to hike!!

Simply Shelley said...

What a cute picture of you. I would love to be able to hike. But right now it's a big challenge for me to stand and walk. Maybe someday. All the things you saw on your hike is very interesting. I love to be out and about in the nature. Special blessings to you my friend

Linda said...

I love that pic of you! So cute!!
I’ve never seen a mushroom that beautiful before! I imagine it must be poisonous to be that pretty! You inspire me with your hiking! We do not have the pretty places here like you do there! My exercise is working in the jungle of our back yard these days!

podso said...

How thoughtful of your son to give you a new hiking cap. I like it and you will look different! It's neat that you see the same people along your hiking paths. That means you're all serious hikers! Great exercise and good lift for your spirits.

BeachGypsy said...

Girlfriend, that is one of my favorite pictures of you ever, standing there holding your camera!! You look so happy. Love the hike pictures and wow!!--that is one interesting mushroom, dont think I've ever saw one like that before. Wonder what it was? I love your new hiking things too!

Anonymous said...

Hello Hiker Mom! What a beautiful color your gifts are! You are always gorgeous but you will be blue gorgeous in these! xo

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a unique mushroom that you found, it is beautiful! Love all your new gear, and the nickname for you too! It really does make a difference to have nice gear to hike in! I like the Columbia brand, I have several of those tops. So fun getting out in nature isn't it! Blessings :)

Jeanie said...

Love your hiking ensemble! My favorite color!

Sylvia said...

LD. I think a pink one would be great. Love the mushroom. I walk every morning unless it is raining. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

Michelle said...

That is a great gift and I know you will get a lot of use out of it. Nice to see you enjoying a good hike. Nothing quite like being outdoors and really enjoying it. Thanks for linking up and have a great holiday weekend!