Saturday, October 3, 2020

Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway

There's a section of this trail that I hike OFTEN! 

It's the closest trail to my home (3 miles away) and an easy hike.

The trail is paved so it's a popular trail for bicycling. I rarely see another hiker but I've met and talked to quite a few of the people on their bikes. They stop to ask me what I've seen. And tell me what THEY'VE seen! It makes the hike even more enjoyable.

So we're just hiking along at our own slow pace.

Stopping to see the flowers....


and watch a tiny Phaon Crescent.

Eastern Bluebirds

Looking up in the trees to see what birds are perched on the limb

and marveling at the beauty all around!

American Kestrel

Northern Flicker

I'm trying my best to learn to identify birds. 

Red headed Woodpecker

And I have a good Wildflower ID book now but I still have trouble now and then.

This wildflower is growing in a big clump...not quite what I would call a bush.

And there are several clumps. Now let's take a closer look.

Right now it has hundreds of small flowers.

And they are beautiful up close!

Does anyone know what it is? It's growing in sandy soil up on top of the hill. (not a wet area)

Our weather is changing so we'll be getting out on some of the other trails we have to save for cooler weather. But if I had to pick a favorite, it would be this section of the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway.

Dotted Horsemint

Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway link HERE.

What is your weather like this weekend? 

We are keeping the President and first lady in our prayers and ask God to bless them and give them a speedy recovery.

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


eileeninmd said...

Good morning,

Your walk sounds wonderful, lots of beautiful things to see. The brds are great, I love the Blue Birds, Kestrel, Flicker and the Red-headed woodpecker! The wildflowers are gorgeous! I love the closeups of those cute little flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

Lea said...

Beautiful birds photos!
Your unidentified wildflower reminds me of Foxglove, and there is a False Foxglove wildflower, but I am not sure that is it. Maybe someone else has a positive ID for you.
Have a blessed day!

Sandy said...

I have thought about you this week because I can't come in. It is so pretty this week. All I want to do is be out there. I think this would be one of my favorite trails too. I don't know the flower.

Sandy said...

However, my family got me an app for one of my birthdays which I have kept up the monthly fee on. You just take a picture of the plant and it identifies it. It is called Picture This.

Arlene G said...

Such a pretty place to get some nice that it is paved for bikers and walkers. I especially enjoyed the picture of Woody Woodpecker.:)

SImple and Serene Living said...

Such a beautiful place for you to hike. Have no idea what that flower is, but it is gorgeous. xo Laura

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Not only do I not know what that gorgeous little Bellflower is I don't think I've ever seen one here. It is new to me and absolutely beautiful. What a great place to have only 3 miles from home

Vee said...

What a pretty little rose bell like flower that is! Hope that someone can help you out. The eastern bluebirds are so pretty,,,one of my favorite birds and I see them so seldom anymore (even when they are supposed to be here.) Though my lantana is still blooming, I have not seen any more hummingbirds. This makes me glad as I hope that they are well on their way to your corner, though I do miss them.

Susie said...

Diane, I love seeing the birds and flowers. That is a pretty pink flower with the odd white circles(are those spent flowers or buds). Nice that people are friendly on the paths. Be safe. Blessings, xoxo, love Susie
p.s. Our Luke is home and doing well. Thank you for the prayers.

Tom said...

...I think that all of our butterflies have flown down to be with you!

Rain said...

I don't know what that flower is but it's so pretty! What a lovely hike! I love those Northern Flickers! :)

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The flowers remind me of sage, the way they grown in a bundle like that. I don't know what they are. beautiful photos.

RedPat said...

That trail seems to be a grand place for a hike! You have shown us some beautiful pics from there!

Barbara said...

Out of all the birds, and all the woodpeckers, you have seen, I do believe this post has the absolute, without a doubt cartoon Woody Woodpecker -- because of his red head!

GREAT pictures of everything, Diane!

The Feminine Energy said...

The simple pleasures: hiking, noticing nature, a friendly howdy-do from others. I believe in this age of COVID this discovery of the simple joys is the most positive thing about it. I'm glad for at least that. ~Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

You always see so many wonderful things on your hikes. Thanks for sharing them

Bob Bushell said...

I do love hiking, lucky you. And the Red headed Woodpecker somewhat special.

Terri D said...

Our weather is the same as yours these past few days! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your hike with us and those beautiful photos!

Jean said...

Gorgeous photos. I need a wildflower book, so many kinds. I don't know what you have there but they remind of a fuchsia a bit. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your walk looks and sounds wonderful.
Great photographs.

All the best Jan

Bill said...

What a wonderful place for a hike. All the birds and wildflowers you see is amazing. I love the Red headed Woodpecker, he really stands out beautifully. Have a wonderful weekend, take care and stay safe.
BTW, that was a new header I had, glad you liked it.

Lorrie said...

What a lovely assortment of birds and flowers and even people that you saw on your walk. Those blue skies are amazing!

HappyK said...

Favorite picture is of the red headed woodpecker. Beautiful bird.
Walking or hiking lets you see so many wonderful things that you would miss if you didn't go. Keep enjoying those hikes!!

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful photos you took on your lovely hike ~ Nature's beauty captured so well ~ and fun too!

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debbie said...

this looks like a great spot for hiking. i wonder what your prefer, paved trails or natural?? your captures are really outstanding this week...all of them, but the red headed woodpecker and the flicker were real standouts. our weather has turned cooler, we were out today and i think the weather was perfect!!

i am not very knowledgable about wild flowers, that bush sure is pretty!!

Edna B said...

What a beautiful place for a hike. I love all the different birds and wild flowers. I'm not sure what that purple flower is, but I'll look it up in my book. I'm praying right along with you for our President and his lovely wife to have a speedy recovery. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Small City Scenes said...

What a super place to hike with so many thing to see. Paved hiking areas are so hard on my knees. give me packed dirt anytime. Poor me---haha

Yvonne said...

According to US Wildflowers data base for Florida, your flower is Slenderleaf False Foxglove (Agalinis tenuifolia). That's a really beautiful greenway you hike with lots of nature to take in.

Linda said...

Lovely pictures! It looks like a nice place to walk.

Sami said...

Thanks for your lovely visit to my blog Diane. Wonderful birds and flowers you have found on your walks. There is a free app "plant net" which identifies leaves, flowers, etc by photo. Have a lovely weekend :)

Phil Slade said...

Thanks for that virtual walk Diane.Ypu have lots to look at and to discover I can see. It's good to share information with others on the trail but somehow I think that you will impress them with your all round knowledge, even if you can't ID every single flower. Who can?

Anni said...

Thanks so much for sharing this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a glorious week ahead! That red headed photo is stunning!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, you see a lot of interesting things on your hike. Gorgeous birds, insects flowers, berries and people to share it with. Wonderful!
To pick a favorite image it will be the tiny wildflower. Such a beauty when you get closer :) And of course the kestrel, and pecker and.......... :)

Caroline said...

Hi Diane, Beautiful photos of the birds and flowers you saw during your hike. Thank you for sharing with us. Greetings Caroline

Inger said...

Everything looks so fresh and clean and beautiful. Here in the So. California mountains nights a cool, days are hot with sun mixed with smoke, as our local weather person called it. Smoke from far away.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photos! The butterfly is just magnificent! Just breathtaking! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful photos.
I thought I read this post earlier to day, but it is back at the top of the blogs I follow.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Beautiful birds and flora and fauna today! So glad you were able to get out and enjoy so many beautiful species of birds! Now, that pink flower has me stumped. Do you ever use "Google Lens" on your cell phone to identify plants? If you click on your google icon app, there is a little square symbol in the right corner of the search bar that is made up of different colors with a blue dot in the middle. Click on that and it goes to Google Lens. You can then use it to "look at" the flower up close, and it will then give you ideas of what it thinks it is. I tried doing it by looking here at your pictures, but I think I would need to see it in person. You might try it again. I can't come up with the answer. It is pretty, whatever it is!! We are having a nice rainy afternoon here. How about you?

Jeanie said...

I can see why you like to hike there - it really is beautiful. I love that pretty pink bloom!

BeachGypsy said...

Wow that is a pretty trail! And you got some great pictures this time, love the beautyberries one, and the one right before the beautyberries---of the brilliant blue sky,so pretty! So many neat birds this hike!--I do love seeing what you capture, Well, not "capture" ha ha ha LOL...but capture with your camera. Love that woodpecker picture, that's a neat one. Hope your weekend was real nice. Ours was slow, but nice and we walked every day. Today a long hike on the beach, about an hour and a half. It was very breezy and hardly anybody there, great day for a hike. The cool breezes make long hikes easier for sure. Did you find out what the pretty flowers were? They are pretty and I sure don't recognize them.

Aunt Helen said...

Love the variety of birds, and the lavender flowers look like little bells--their real name sounds musical!! I had started this post and computer left me high and dry, so I am sorry if it is out of order. Cooler weather now--great for hiking! Have fun! Love, Aunt Helen

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You are so lucky to be able to get out for these walks with your husband. I love the pretty birds and flowers. Thanks for taking us along with you. Enjoy the hiking and the week Diane.

Teresa said...

Un paseo precioso, tienes mucha suerte en ver tantos pájaros y flora. Besos.