Thursday, October 29, 2020

Sharing 'this and that'!

 I was going to title this, 'the beautiful and extremely ugly' but that didn't sound very 'inviting'! 

But it's another week of seeing neat things as we hike. 

The weather is so gorgeous that we are hitting the trails just about every other day! And one day we made TWO hikes! Don't ask....we won't try that again any time soon! We were BEAT!

The little pond at Pruitt is perfect for horses AND birds.

And they are always SO beautiful! 

I have never seen so many butterflies as this year and we saw one we hadn't seen before.

I think it's a Viceroy!

Not great photos but what do you think Debbie?

And I met a fellow 'lady hiker'! YAY! She was a delight to chat with and has made lots of interesting hikes. I hope we see her again soon! She is the beautiful part of this post!

There was only one other car parked where we park so that started the conversation.

You know I love stickers on a vehicle! 

We've seen a couple of caterpillars that look like Halloween.

And a scary spider that has a face.

Hubby took my photo on the Florida Trails.

And if the photo I took of him looks a little askew, it's because he is taking a photo of a snake and I'm not standing still! lol It was a harmless Black Racer....but I was anxious to keep moving!

A neat spider web....

and one with water droplets!

And now we're out of here! For those that celebrate Halloween, the spiders and webs and snakes are for YOU! 

Nature can be scary! But don't be skeeeered! Get out there and ENJOY!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Arlene G said...

I love looking at stitchers on cars as well. Looks like this person hiked the Camino De Santiago. If I were younger and had the time, that would be a hike I would like to take but it is many miles and I am Check out the movie, The Way, Diane. It is about people who hike this pilgrim path in France and Spain. Martin Sheen is the star.

Tom said...

...lovely, but which are the this and which are the that? I get so confused.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I took Bow Wow out on his leash the other day and when we stepped out the door a black snake just like the one your husband is taking a picture of was laying right on the back concrete and Slither off but I did not get a picture that was both first meeting of a black snake and he did very well he didn't pull me down. I wish our weather would hurry up and catch up with your whether we're only 2 hours away from you but we have not had any lovely weather here but we're supposed to starting this weekend have a week of the kind of weather you've been having

Barbara said...

The spider web with water droplets is fascinating and so beautiful!

Marcia said...

I guess you left it up to us to identify the beautiful and ugly. That caterpillar may be one I saw featured in the newspaper because it stings! Are most of your hikes on flat land? Around here in NH that's rare. My walking in the last two weeks has been to the library and back. Health issue and weather have put a damper on a hike.

Louca por porcelana said...

Great pictures!Awesome!

eileeninmd said...


It is good your weather is nice for your hikes. Pretty flowers and I love the horses. We have had foggy, cloudy or rainy days lately, not good for walking. Your butterfly images are beautiful. Nice shots of you and your hubby and the snake. Take care, enjoy your day!

Debbie said...

hi diane, best i know, and i did a little research in 2 of my books, that butterfly is a viceroy!!

i like the title you scratched!! and the horses are beautiful, i recently saw horses of a similar color!!

i am not a fan of bumper stickers on my car, i do enjoy seeing them though. we had "nice, clear" stickers in the rear window of our car, only when my boys were in college, with the names of their colleges!!

nice to see careful with those caterpillars, not all are people friendly!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

You make every hike into such a fun adventure, I smile with every post.

Caroline said...

Hi Diane, beautiful photos. I like the butterfly. I love your post of your hikes. Have a nice weekend. Greetings Caroline

Ann said...

Wow, so many wonderful things out there. I must say that spider is a bit creepy looking though.
It's getting colder all the time here and there is even snow in the forecast for Sunday and Monday.

Edna B said...

Wow, what a great photo of a spider web! I'll bet it was beautiful to see in person. I hope you can keep on hiking for many years to come. I love all the photos that you share. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Vee said...

How nice to find a fellow hiker. It must have been fun to compare notes.

You can keep all those critters, though it was interesting to see them.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Diane! Ooh, I am afraid of spiders but those spiderweb photos are just fab. So delicate and lacy looking. ~smile~ Roseanne

Shannon said...

What a great picture of the web with droplets! I'd been seeing lots of those on early morning hikes but never managed to get a good picture!

Martha said...

Great photos as always. I love the spider web with the water droplets, very cool. I could do without ever seeing that spider again and you wouldn't have caught me standing still around a black racer, harmless or not lol. Have a great day :)

PaintedThread said...

You always have great photos. I especially like the creepy-crawlies this week!

Terri D said...

That big spider is very interesting and very ugly!! Thanks for taking us along on your fabulous hikes!!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Each of your walks is full of beautiful photos.
I admire butterflies and a wonderful spider web.
I wish you good health.
Greetings from autumn Poland.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed the extremely ugly part, Diane! Love all the pictures though I must say the spider face was not my favorite. It is a little creepy! BOO!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty horsey area. Love all of nature, snakes and spiders, long as I see them first.

Susie H said...

Great pictures ... even the ugly! Lol! Happy Halloween!

HappyK said...

The water droplets on the spider web is beautiful.
Lots of great photos!!
Always nice to meet another walker. :)

LA Paylor said...

lots of beauty and I bet somewhere at some spider bar, there's a boy spider who'd think that was a cutie!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh my! We've been seeing some spider webs too, on those dewy mornings they really show up well. Love your photos...all of them, spider included! And that black racer is a friendly snake, so never fear! But they do startle you when they run across the road in front of you! Yep, been there done that! Fun pictures...thank you for sharing!!! I feel like I was there with you.

Sandi Magle said...

LOL, Spiders, Snakes and Webs...oh my! I can just imagine, luckily the worst thing we've found here was a sleepy possum under our deck boards we were replacing. He was just annoyed, that we interrupted his mid-day nap. Hugs, fun hikes! Sandi

Jeanie said...

I'm not thrilled with spiders and snakes but all in all, not to much to get too freaked about!

Linda said...

What a cool spider!

Irma said...

Hi Diane,
Beautiful series of photos.
I love the spider and the picture of you is very beautiful too.
Greetings Irma

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Well, I never found the ugly, unless you wanted to put that label on your blurry photo of the beautiful Viceroy. Certainly not caterpillars, spiders or snakes! Happy Halloween and stay safe!

Janey and Co. said...

What a great post. Amazing how you can find so much beauty on a hike. The stickers on that car attest to a very serious hiker! I had dreams of doing the Camino in Spain, but fear I have waited too long.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Really impressive photos!!! Thank you for sharing! I especially love the butterfly! Happy Halloween!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so nice that you and your husband can get out for those hikes all the time. It's so pretty to see nature like that and I enjoy looking at your photos. Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice Friday and weekend.

Debbie said...

how nice that you and your husband share and enjoy this hobby!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Diane, I too am envious of these fabulous places to hike. And also that the two of you get to share all that beauty together. I loved seeing the close ups of your critters...all interesting to me. I also liked seeing each of you looking so hale and hearty on the hiking trail. A wonderful post for us all.

Sandy said...

I am not much of a sticker on the car girl, but I do like the vehicle owner's choice of stickers. I always enjoy your walks. The weather is fabulous today. I have already been on one walk and will probably go again later.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh wonderful series of photos of nature and sweet shots of you and hubby ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YIKES! Two hikes in one day is a little rough. When I do 5 miles, I'm spent so I can imagine how you two felt. It's so wonderful to meet nice people out on the trails. I, too, have met many. Nice discoveries as well!!...:)jp

Ricki Treleaven said...

I get the heebie jeebies looking at the spiders and webs! Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy your weekend!


Lowcarb team member said...

We've had so much rain today that I really enjoyed my armchair hike/walk with you, even the scary spiders!

All the best Jan

BeachGypsy said...

ok too many skeeeery things in this post!!--ha ha LOL. Looks like a great hike though....and great weather. What y'all got planned this weekend? We have some big heavy ornate mirrors to get hung up and then we are free to go play, ha ha LOL!! Gonna make up some good pork chops for supper. Don't forget to go out and see the big Blue Moon tonight ok? Hope you have a great weekend my friend!! Hugs

It's me said...

Happy weekend love from me Ria...stay safe 🍀💕🍀

Red Rose Alley said...

That spider web with the water drops is very cool. I've always thought that spider webs were beautiful. There's just something about them. The Halloween caterpillar is funny. And it's so nice that you got to chat with a hiker along the way. Oh, those horses made my heart sing. : )

Happy Halloween, Diane!


Teresa said...

Me parece que fue un precioso paseo. Me gustó mucho todo, la araña también. Cuidado con las orugas, los pelillos son urticantes. Besos.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I don't mind spiders or snakes--as long as their outside of course--and I love looking at spider webs, esp covered with dew! Appropriate list for Halloween!

Jeannie said...

I have to confess. I didn't look at the spider. When I saw it coming up, I closed my eyes and quickly scrolled down the page. I get skeeeeered....

Michelle said...

I think these photos are beautiful and I love a good hike. You captured the dew on the web perfectly. Thanks for linking up and have a great week. said...

As usual you always have awesome photos. Neat spider, and great web pics. I always look at stickers on cars too.