Monday, October 26, 2020

The Mysteries of life!

Well, my title is a bit of an exaggeration but believe me when I tell you I am a person 'prone to exaggeration'! heeheehee!

I'm sharing some of the strange sights I've seen this week. And might even need your help in figuring out what in the world I have actually seen.

We started a hike at Blue Run Park a few days ago with the sight of this hand painted truck. 

I was going to tell you all that I painted my truck but I knew you would then ask when I traded my BMW for a truck. hahaha!

There was a tiny Bible on the ID sign at this Water Oak tree.

And painted rocks by some of the other signs. I even decided to pick one up. I plan to take it to another trail head and leave it there. But when I looked at the photo, I wondered what it was? What is the painting supposed to be?

We saw some amazing airplanes this week! An old Biplane, an Opsrey and the President's airplane as he flew over for a rally here in Florida. 

A few people lost their bobbers in the trees when they were fishing this week.

The Florida State Wildflower, Coreopsis is in full bloom right now.

And then there is this! Let me explain! 

It was growing on the side of a huge Oak Tree. It is BIG! About the size of a cantaloupe! I know it's some kind of fungi but haven't determined exactly which one. Anyone ever seen this before?

It's been an interesting week so far!

 How is your week shaping up?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


Sandy said...

Hmmm. never seen a fungi like that. I didn't know what was painted on the rock until you gave my mind a suggestion. Maybe a plane in flight. Looks like a kid's book with the airplane flight being mapped out:) I love that wildflower. IT is everywhere in the countryside right now with cotton in the background here in the northern parts of Florida's countryside. Quite pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

At first I thought that was a bird flying on that rock and leave flying out behind it but when I zoomed in I'm not sure what it is. I do love those yellow flowers. And all of your photos as always are exquisite.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

At first I thought that was a bird flying on that rock and leave flying out behind it but when I zoomed in I'm not sure what it is. I do love those yellow flowers. And all of your photos as always are exquisite.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Looking at the painted rocks...the dotted line with the red "x" (perhaps the trail to find THAT rock??); the bluish one bottom left (Van Gogh's Starry Night?); the "Bloom" (become yourself?); the happy face (keep smiling?); red white blue (VOTE?);as for the Bible on the tree identification (remember, we are all in GOD's hands?); as for the fungi, yes, I have seen it before but cannot help with the ID....:)jp

Rain said...

Bobbers...I've lost a few in trees too lol...I think that painted rock is a bird leaving some kind of magical trail! :) That's what I see. I love that you saw painted rocks.

Marcia said...

Interesting week just started. Laundry going - that's a Monday morning task. Can't say it has been interesting yet.

Tom said...

...the mysteries are endless.

Happy@Home said...

You sure have seen an interesting variety of things. That fungi is strange looking. I have had a large assortment of fungi popping up in my garden beds this year, but nothing like that. My first thought with the rock was an airplane. On second glance I wondered if it was an X. Perhaps a clue to some sort of game or scavenger hunt with X marking the spot?

Vee said...

The fungi looked like bread dough at first. It would be a thrill to see Air Force 1 flying. The most exciting thing I have seen is a tree in full fall form in a sea of rusty trees. It really stood out.

Arlene G said...

We still find painted rocks in the parks occasionally. I really enjoy finding one and adding it to my collection. I need to paint some to leave around here. In these trying times they would be a pick me up in every Pardon the pun.

Creations By Cindy said...

Looks like you have just found all sorts of interesting things. Love it! Our county has a large group that paints rocks, (kids involved) and hides them in different places for others to find. Though I have never gotten in on that it sure is interesting to see what others find and the stories told. Interesting truck too. LOL! Hope that you have a wonderful week. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

eileeninmd said...


The painted rock is cool, it looks like a bird or a plane? Love the plane images and the fungi. my favorite image is the painted truck.
We are having colder and rainy weather most of this week. I will probably read a lot. Take care, enjoy your week!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I don't know what that fungi is. Looks awful.
The painted rocks are a treat.

Barbara said...

Regarding the rock painted blue, my guess is it's a red airplane with yellow exhaust.

That huge fungi is very interesting!

Lea said...

I've seen some fungi that are pretty, but that is not one of them!
Being a bird watcher, to me the rock image looks like a bird with yellow on the side of its head.
Maybe someone in need of comfort and encouragement will take the book of Bible verses.
The truck is interesting, and I love the wildflowers
Have a wonderful week!

Martha said...

You have definitely seen some interesting things this week! You have me wondering about the rock and the fungi too!

Edna B said...

The little stone is interesting. Possibly a plane in flight. I love the flowers. They're so happy and cheerful looking. Yellow is such a happy color. As for the fungi, I have no clue. I haven't seen any like it. Your walks certainly are interesting. There's so much beauty to see. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Debbie said...

"exciting stuff" diane!! as to the blue rock, i wonder if the red "x" represents where you are, the yellow "x's" leading you to the next painted rock!! i have been seeing rocks at lake of the lilies. i photograph them and then leave them where they were. i have started to paint some rocks, i am not happy with the outcome as of yet. i really need more paint!!

one of the properties we own is right next to a small airport, we see all kinds of planes and even a few jets landing and taking off from there. we know jon bonjovi and springsteen fly in and out frequently!!

so far this week is gloomy. i have not been out and we are getting a lot of rain!!!

Gillena Cox said...

My goodness luv the painted rocks, you did have a week or extraordinary finds
Happy you dropped by my blog. Thanks for linkinup


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

so many spots of blue in your collection - that's my favorite color

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Maybe I'm hungry right now but that fungi looked like a loaf of bread! How unusual.
Painted rocks can be fun to spot. I think this is either a pirate's map X or an airplane.
Sometimes we hear and see Air Force jets flying over from the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. They are fast!

Lowcarb team member said...

You've seen and shared some great finds here, thank you.
Painted rocks are definitely getting popular :)

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Lots of interesting objects you found. Have never seen fungus like that before!!

NatureFootstep said...

giggling, it seems you had fun this week. :)
About the painted rock I have read about it. Some people paint them and leave them here and there. Not sure why, maybe just to stir someones imagination. :)

Here is an explanation:

I think there are millions of different fungi. I have seen some similar to this but not that smooth and round. This looks very soft but my guess is it wasn´t. But it is beautiful. :)
Take care!

Jenn Jilks said...

Our fungus is about done.
I have learned to plane watch.
There are issues with painted rocks, in that it could be toxic. So sad.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow! Air Force One was pretty close to the ground to get that good of a picture. Must have been when he was headed to the Villages? Or was that when he went to Ocala? Exciting days. The fungi is amazing. I haven't seen one quite like that. It looks kind of deformed to me. LOL. Love the little painted rocks, but I really don't know what that one is...a redbird? Cardinal..? Neat stuff you are finding out there! You are very observant!

The Liberty Belle said...

You encountered some interesting sights! I think the tiny Bible was cute. The painted truck was creative. Have a wonderful day.

Terri D said...

You surely did find some strange things to photograph for us to see! That fungus is the strangest thing I've seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing!! You should do a monthly post on the strangest things you see out there!!

Carla from The River said...

I love the truck. I want it. :-) That looks like a friendly alligator on it. But it might not make sense in Wisconsin.. better a blue truck with snowmen. Hee Hee!
I found three painted rocks hiking last week. I love finding them.
That is unique about the bible.. that I have not ever found on the trail.
Love, Carla

Joyful said...

A very interesting collection of photos. I can feel the warmth from the light and sun in them. I am in need of a bit of warmth from the sun. The fungi looks interesting but I don't know what kind it is. have a great week ahead.

Billie Jo said...

I am sorry I am so late responding to your comment on my blog! Thank you for visiting! I have not heard from our friend you asked about. Please let me know if you do. I am happy to be a new follower here as well!

BeachGypsy said...

this was a fun fun post, loved it! Wow, you saw SO MANY OF THE PAINTED ROCKS! We come upon them from time to time, but never that many at once. Glad you were there that exact day and got all the pictures! That is neat that the President's plane flew over you and that is a fun truck--all painted like that! LOL Have a great week my friend!

stardust said...

You filled this post with such interesting finds. The painted stone set fire on my imagination. It would be a star-spreading gold-fish-shaped machine (airplane). By enlarging the image, I saw a mouth and an eye of the plane on the side of the yellow things. The fungi look like soft cushions of dwarfs. In the left-bottom of the mosaic of fungus, I saw a fungus laughing. Coreopsis look like stars on earth. Nature is wondrous. Have happy days ahead.


Lorrie said...

And here I thought I'd find the answers to all of life's puzzling questions when I read your title....teehee...lots of interesting items found along your way! Painted rocks are big out here - on hiking trails and in parks.

Lorrie said...

Oh dear, I think my comment got lost. Anyway, lots of fun things you found on your walk!

Linda said...

Wow, that is quite a fungus! I love the coreopsis collage.

Angie said...

Diane - the painted rock reminded me of a plane in flight - not very imaginative, I know. I am afraid I won't be much help to you with the fungi - not my specialty! Those bobbers could be Christmas tree ornaments! I never knew coreopsis was Florida's State Wildflower - great choice. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Ann said...

You found some wonderful things. I'm prone to exaggeration as well so I loved this. I think that one rock looks like a treasure mark with x marks the spot.

Janey and Co. said...

Proof positive that there is always something interesting out there, especially if you are as observant as you!

Dawn said...

oh what a great post! I love finding "odd" or different things when out and about. It's like a daily treasure hunting. Now that fungus! WOW
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Connie said...

I always enjoy tagging alone on your walks. Fungi can be beautiful . . . who would have guessed, LOL. If I lived in Florida I might think that one of those tree bobbers was mine :) said...

My coreopsis is still blooming here. I think the rock was stating X marks the spot and now no one will be able to find the treasure because you moved it! LOL! Love the fungi...they are beautiful....usually poisonous but beautiful. You do find interesting things!

Jeanie said...

The painted rock and fabulous fungi are the ones grabbing me in this post! Lovely shots!

Deborah Montgomery said...

Some fun finds on your walks! I love that fungi. So interesting to see the different colors and shapes.

Teresa said...

Viste cosas muy interesantes. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

The rock looks like a bird or a plane. The painted "bloom" rock is sweet. I like the fact that they have a description of the tree that tells a little about it. The tiny Bible is special, indeed. It is there for anyone who really needs it in their life. The fish bobbers look like Christmas tree ornaments hehehe. And the smiley face rock I liked most of all. Keep smiling, my dear friend.


Jeannie said...

Wow! What amazing sights you saw this past week. Quite interesting. You should do this post every week. Wonder how weird it could get?