Monday, November 2, 2020

Shaggy Bracket, the Mystery Fungi!

We've been able to ID the Fungi that we saw growing on the side of a large oak tree on the Florida Trails!

The first time we saw it, I said it looked like a loaf of bread and was as big as a cantaloupe.

But 4 days later it looked like the dough had been stretched out to make pizza!

It even had the sauce already on it!


Another view....

4 days after that it started looking like the pizza had been baked too long.

And with ALL that information, we narrowed it down to Inonotus  hispidus or the oak loving Inonotus dryophilis. Commonly called Shaggy Bracket.

We keep walking this trail just to see how much it has changed!

I found one good website that helped with the ID HERE

What would we do without the internet! 

On the days I don't hike, I spend some time outside in my yard. 

I sat out front in a lawn chair and saw this beautiful Cardinal and I went back inside to grab my camera.

Isn't it beautiful there among the flowers and palm fronds.

And I loved all the guesses as to what the painted rock was. My fav was what Sam wrote, "I think the rock was stating X marks the spot and now no one will be able to find the treasure because you moved it! LOL 

So you'll all be happy to know, I went back and dug up the treasure and moved it to X marks the spot! 

Now you'll have to come and hike the Florida Trails to find it!

 (just kidding...just kidding!!!)

The pretty bluebird on the mailbox was in front of my house!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


Tom said...

...fabulous images!

Arlene G said...

Oh a blue bird and a cardinal...two of my favorites. Those mushrooms look like they could be wall brackets....they have a very pretty dimension.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Congratulations indentifying the fungi. It does look better with age.
Beautiful photos. The cardinal is quite the bird model.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That picture of the Cardinal finding under that frond is absolutely spectacular and I love it! And I have seen that type of mushroom growing on the tree but never like the first one I did not know they changed and it's amazing how much is changing every time you look at it truly amazing

A Bit of the Blarney said...

My goodness, but you have some interesting photos of the fungi as it grew and matured. The photo taken at a distance really shows how large it really is! Amazing! Your photo of the cardinal shows how really handsome he is! Thank you and have a grand week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Nothing could be much nicer than a bluebird on a mailbox. Since this is the bird of happiness, perhaps there were no bills today.

Gillena Cox said...

Amazing the way that mystetious fungus morphed its way of wonders. Beautiful bird today
Happy Monday


Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I do love me a red bird! Your pictures are beautiful. So glad you found out what that Pizza was! LOL! It's a nice cool morning in Florida today. LOVING it! Even got on a pair of little booties! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Lea said...

Very interesting fungus, and beautiful birds!
Have a wonderful week!

Edna B said...

I'm jealous! A bluebird on your mailbox! I never get to see them. I love the cardinal too. We do have lots of them here. As for the mushroom, it's really quite interesting. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

eileeninmd said...


Love the Blue bird and the Cardinal. I have seen a lot of the bracket fungi. It is fun finding the painted rocks. Great collection of photos. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

EricaSta said...

The Cardinal is an amazing bird. Fantastisc captures, I enjoyed reading.
Stay healthy and well.

Happy MosaicMonday

Martha said...

the Shaggy Bracket is really unusual and it did look like pizza with sauce. Beautiful bird shots too. Have a great week Diane!

Sandi Magle said...

I love of the weathermen here in Chicagoland has one day a week...Fungi Friday where they post photos of Chicagoans' fungi...which is lots of FUN! Great photos and fun information. Sandi


Preciosas fotografĂ­as de la naturaleza!! said...

That is definitely "a fungi amongi"....and it sure does look like a pizza, sauce and all. I love bluebirds. We get them in the Spring but not sure they stay all summer. It looks like they go to your house!
I don't think I have ever been quoted before! LOL!

Vee said...

That fungi is something else. Time lapse photography on that process would be intriguing. The cardinal in your own yard is gorgeous.

NatureFootstep said...

how cool to see that fungi grow like that. Don´t happen that often. It really changed both form and colors. :)
I love the beautiful mosaic you created with the cardinal in the center- Really beautiful :)

Terri D said...

That is such a strange fungus on the tree! Wow! Interesting how it changed each time you saw it. The cardinal is beautiful! I always enjoy my visit to your posts!!

Rain said...

The pizza fungus is gorgeous! I thought it looked more like pancakes though! That cardinal is perfectly framed!

Sandy said...

I love the pictures of the fungus. Nature is so amazing. I love watching my little cardinals, mockingbirds, and blue jays. Those I can count on every single day.

The Feminine Energy said...

How absolutely wonderful to learn about that fungi... and so many great pictures. Thank you so much for the fungi lesson, my friend!! ~Andrea xoxo

Happy@Home said...

Great job on identifying that fungi and capturing it in all of it's various transformations. How interesting. Beautiful capture of that bluebird!

Debbie said...

my first see great things in your yard without hiking the florida trails. both the bluebird and the cardinal are such beautiful birds!!

interesting information on the fungi, who know there were so many varieties. this one was certainly an interesting find!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hahaha, Diane, that fungus did look like pizza!!!

I absolutely loved your photo of the cardinal. We don't see them here and I miss them. They are one of my favorite birds.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love fungus!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is the craziest fungi ... more unbelievable than even in Alaska where we hike in a place with the most kinds I’ve ever seen. .... what a nice hike and you don’t even have to leave home to see beautiful colorful birds. Just wonderful.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful feathered friends photos ~ Always love to see a cardinal come visit ~ Such amazing fungi ~ ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka(A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

Fungi give me the willies for some reason! I love the birds though! xo

Susie said...

It was fun to see the tree fungi changing so much. I love the bird photos. Your mosaic looked great. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

HappyK said...

That fungus is amazing. It made so many changes.
Love the blue bird picture!

Angie said...

Diane - I loved the progression of the fungi - and it did look like pizza (or maybe I am just hungry!) I miss Cardinals so much - what a stunning picture, perfectly framed by the palms. And you embellished it so nicely with that mosaic - fabulous, my dear! Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday, and welcome to November!

Lorrie said...

So interesting to see the changing look of the fungus! Amazing! And the cardinal - such a beautiful bird!

Linda said...

I enjoyed the comparison to a pizza! I love what you did with the cardinal photo.

Irma said...

What beautiful pictures these are.
I love the birds, you don't see these species in the Netherlands unfortunately.
Have a good day and stay healthy.

Ann said...

That fungi is amazing and your descriptions of it are perfect

Pamela M. Steiner said...

OH, that beautiful Bluebird! What a treasure that was!! And also that Cardinal! Love to watch them. Now, your "shaggy bracket" fungi is very interesting. I had one on a tree that looked like pancakes, and this one looks very similar. My father used to take some of those larger ones when they were dry and paint pictures on them. I think one of my siblings still has one that he did many years ago and it lasted all these years. I wish I had a picture of it. Enjoy this beautiful fall weather we are having while it lasts! yesterday was a bit windy and cold, and right now it is 48 here at our house at 6 am. Wow! Happy November! Love your pictures as always.

Rajani Rehana said...

Fabulous blog

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE that cardinal photo. Beautiful!!!
And the way you described the fungi, was great Diane, very creative.
Love, Carla

Jeanie said...

I am so intrigued with how fungi seems to change on a daily or near-daily basis. I've seen it up north. But never one so spectacular as this one! WOW!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

LOVE fungi!!!!!!

✨ đź’› ✨ đź’› ✨

Connie said...

What a lovely post . . . pretty blue bird and glorious red cardinal and I love how you showed us the progression of the growing fungi . . . very interesting.
Happy Hiking!!!
Connie :)

Dawn said...

ahh the ole saggy bracket, lol. Very interesting how fungi change. It fascinates me to watch how they grow, morph and wilt or rot.
Love the cardinal and the little Eastern blue bird, they are so precious.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done on identifying the fungi.
Great photographs.

All the best Jan

Debbie said...

The fungi is so high up in the tree. How neat to see it change each time you hike. I love the bird pictures~ Wonderful post, Diane. xo

Linda said...

I love hiking with you!!!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

How nice to get out on the hikes all the time! I enjoyed looking at the photos of the birds and fungi. Have a nice end of the week and weekend.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that sweet little blue bird, what a precious photo. And the red cardinal! They are such wonderful birds. I always wondered why the male was red and the female was a brownish color. That fungus is strange, indeed. And to see it grow like that in different stages would be so interesting.

I hope you have happy and healthy November days, Diane.


Caroline said...

Hi, beautifl photos of the mushrooms, the red cardinal and the blue bird. I love it. Greetings Caroline

Teresa said...

Me ha encantado ver como va cambiando el hongo. Los pájaros son preciosos, tienes suerte de verlos en el jardín. Besos.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I just love this post. We had so many interesting mushrooms this year that I was in awe. We also have some on trees and I would love to know their names. Love your bluebird...wish I could see one, and that cardinal is glowing. YOu've done an interesting treatment of the photo too. Happy Trails.

LA Paylor said...

applause on the photo "quilt" you made!!! I want to figure out how to do that in fabric, great work there!!!!

Scientific Frontline said...

That isn't Shaggy Bracket, it's: Ganoderma curtisii or Reishi Mushroom