Saturday, June 19, 2021

Bees and Bugs and Birds

We headed out on a warm muggy morning to hike Halpata Tastanaki Preserve from the Pruitt trailhead.

It wasn't terribly hot and there were some clouds in the sky but the humidity was high and there wasn't the slightest bit of breeze so it felt pretty oppressive. But we have to pick and choose hiking days in the summer months. And I was SO ready to get out in nature.

This bee looked like he had enough pollen collected to head back to the hive!

And hubby took a great photo of this beautiful green dragonfly.

But then we saw that a Robber fly had captured the dragonfly.

They were very still for a few minutes and then the Robber fly flipped it over and gave us a stare down.

Doesn't it look like something from a Science Fiction movie?

We saw Great Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Hawks, Grackles, Ibis, Warblers and Herons.

We heard Bobwhites calling to each other all along the way and thought we saw one at a distance.

We zoomed in for the photo but it appears to be a Meadowlark. 

Possibly a juvenile Meadowlark. Another good sighting.

Halloween Pennant

It was a good hike and worth a little 'perspiration'. Hike #88!

We are supposed to be in the high 80s for the next few days. I know it's hotter in other parts of the country right now. What are your temps this weekend?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Shiju Sugunan said...

Great captures! The Robber fly is such a thug.

eileeninmd said...

I usually do not like walking on those hot humid days, we have some days like that too. I am glad you are still out there enjoying the hikes and nature. Great captures of the bee, dragonfly with the Robber Fly is amazing. Beautiful birds, I love the Meadowlarks, pretty shot of the Halloween Pennant. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

Rain said...

I love where you walk, you see so many lovely critters! The weather looks wonderful! :)

Sandy said...

IT does look like something from a science fiction movie. I am glad to see that you are seeing and hearing Bobwhites. They were so common around here a long time ago. They have not been around in a while. Hopefully they are making a comeback.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You are so right about that being a science fiction movie and they could use those photos to create from it it would make a great one. I always liked dragonflies until one day I was sitting out by the pool and our butterflies were flying and the big beautiful butterfly with blue on his wings with flying over the pool and a dragonfly started to attack him and ripped his wings to pieces. I came inside and did a Google Search and found that they do kill butterflies. And it's not science fiction either haha. Every morning when I walk bow it gets more humid each day

Jeanie said...

That bee photo is a stunner. The light/color -- perfection. You have had some good sightings here but it does sound thick and gooey down there!

Vee said...

Murder and mayhem on the trail... Hope that you will have a lovely, cool day at home after a hot and humid day on the trail.

italiafinlandia said...

nice to see the Halloween Pennant. I am quite sure it does not live in Finland. :)
Have a nice weekend!

Lea said...

It is 78 now at 9:30am in northeast Mississippi, and the humidity is at 77% with a 35% chance of rain.
Love those dragonfly photos! It's a fly eat fly world out there!
The bee in the flower is a great photo, too!
Have a blessed day!

Kim said...

Good morning, Diane! That was quite an adventurous walk with that Robber Fly incident! Nature is so full of surprises. We're only going to see high 70's this weekend thanks to Tropical Storm Claudette. Not complaining, that's for sure! Hopefully, we'll not get overmuch rain. Happy Saturday to you!

Martha said...

Great photos. I hope you get more hiking in over the weekend - enjoy!

Tom said...

..,you sure captured a lot of beauty! Enjoy your weekend.

Ricki Treleaven said...

The bug fight gives me the willies! It's a cool 67 degrees here with rain due to tropical storm Claudette. No storms yet, thank heavens!

Marcia said...

Temperature to get into the 80s but we don't have the humidity that you do. That robber fly is one I'd not want to meet.

R's Rue said...

Great captures. Love it. Have a beautiful day.

RedPat said...

That Robber Fly is incredible! What a fiend!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my, that Robber Fly looked treacherous! Did it eat the dragonfly? We've had a very unusually hot week--Denver was 100 degrees multiple days! I hope it will cool down this week.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What a great photo hike ~ Beautiful ~ Xo ~ Very humid today in MA.

'Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
~ Helen Keller

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Marit said...

Bautiful photos! The dragonflies looks a bit creepy. I have them in my pond too.

betty said...

Just visiting :) Wow, you got some amazing pictures on your hike! That dragonfly one was absolutely stunning!

I live in Phoenix, Arizona. Its 115 degrees today :) (but its a dry heat lol)


Bill said...

That Robber Fly doesn't waste any time getting his prey. Great photos from your hike and a beautiful new header.

Ann said...

You saw a lot of cool things while you were out. Rather fascinating and a bit gruesome with the robber fly and the dragonfly.

Lowcarb team member said...

It's not easy to hike when the humidity increases!
I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

Here in the UK after some lovely sunny days we've had quite a lot of rain, but I'm not complaining, rain can be so refreshing.

Have a lovely weekend and a good week ahead.

All the best Jan

Terri D said...

You & hubby got some great photos (again) Diane. Thanks for always taking us along! xo

HappyK said...

Wonderful photos along your hike.
It hit 70 here today and low humidity.

Linda said...

I tend to melt in the heat. Thanks for sharing your hike.

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures all!

Phil Slade said...

88 is very hot to be out walking Diane. I think with those temperatures I would be up at the crack of dawn and then back for breakfast. Those pictures of the robber fly doing it's stuff are very dramatic. Nature can be cruel but in a strange way, gripping.

Anni said...

I sweat the minute I step out the door thses days. No such thing as a "little perspiration". lol

Great series of pics on your trail walk... And, as always, your linking up with us birders is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Some terrific observations on your walk and great pictures of the robber fly/dragonfly drama. I have no idea how you handle that kind of heat and humidity. I would have to hibernate! On the coldest day in the winter I can dress up and stay warm, but that kind of oppressive heat is impossible to escape.

Edna B said...

Great photos! I haven't seen a dragonfly in a very long time. Temps here are in the eighties. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Aunt Helen said...

What a great nature hike!! I have never seen many of those species. My favorite was the fat little Bumblebee! Tell Ron "A Happy Fathers Day," and Love, from Aunt Helen

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a meanie that robber fly is. It is very rainy here this weekend so no walking outside. Have a great Sunday. xo Laura

NatureFootstep said...

the bee visited a very beautiful flower. Not disturbed by the hot weather. :)

Never seen a fly like that Robber fly. Seems like something from a scary movie. Is it common where you live?? We don´t have anything like that one as I know of anywy.

Take care!

Inger said...

I bet you were happy to discover that very pretty lavender flower that's in your header photo. It's so delicate and lovely. My temp was probably 110 yesterday. I've never been in something as hot as it was then. I think it may be better today, at least a little bit better. It was interesting to watch the insects. You find the neatest things to share.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great robber fly drama. I had one capture a butterfly just after I took its picture. Thought the butterfly was just flying away but it suddenly fell to the ground. I had to look closely to see what had happened.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I've lived all along the Gulf Coast and I can tell you, just the temp doesn't tell the story. There is NOTHING more miserable than high humidity with warmth. Our 110 here feels better than 80s and high humidity any day!!! You are brave to face it! Ooo, that "horrible" robber fly. Nature - can be upsetting!

Nancy Chan said...

I prefer to walk in the early morning when the air is fresh and cool. I don't like to walk in the evening when it is hot and humid. I feel sad for the green dragonfly. Great sightings of pretty birds from your hike. A little sweating does us good. Have a wonderful week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm so envious of the fact that you two can get good flight pictures *and* great shots of dragonflies -- neither of which I can manage. I am going to catch up on your posts just to see how Florida is doing this month, but I won't comment on every single one because I don't want to make you so tired of me you can't stand it! Thanks for all!!

Teresa said...

Todo se ve precioso. Por aquí ahora mismo está lloviendo con tormenta y granizos. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

That Halloween Pennant is interesting, isn't it? Oh my, that green dragonfly is sooooo pretty. It's too bad the Robber fly got a hold of him. I like the photo of the shadowy bird. I think sometimes those are the prettiest. When I took a photo of the Quail, it was in the shade, and I was surprised that it came out nicely. That bee photo collecting pollen from the flowers is sweet. I really like that one. : )
