Monday, June 21, 2021

Get out there and mix it up!

I live in a retirement community in a comfortable home. And there are times when it would be easier to stay at home and relax. But I don't like to sit still and do nothing. I like to be active.

And I can't remember when I've had a more interesting and unusual week as this past week.

We hiked a familiar trail and saw log trucks. 

Way back on the land that constitutes the Halpata Tastanaki Preserve are some pine forests. Here's a photo of the locked gate they go through, it's not open to the public.

But we happened to be there to see 3 big trucks haul Texas Toothpicks out of the forest. (that's what we always called the tall skinny pine trees)

And then there was an early morning meeting with a very special young man.

One of my sons was passing through and I got to have breakfast with him and hug him about 100 times! 

That really made the week AMAZING!

And then I got to do a good deed. I'm not at liberty to say what I did. But I will say I didn't hesitate to do the right thing. And even though I will not know the outcome, I hope and pray someone is very thankful for the hiker in the pink cap this week. I know God blesses us when we live our lives caring for others and following the Golden Rule. 

So I have had lots of good feelings and special blessings this past week. 

Have you had a chance to let your light shine?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

Also I like Thursdays HERE.  


Sandy said...

I can see that your son looks like his mama. That was a good day for him to be there.I am guessing they are thinning out the pines to make for better growth of the others. Enjoy your week.

Tom said...

...up in the Adirondack Mountains we see caravans of log trucks. Keep enjoying the great outdoors!

Gillena Cox said...

You and hubby: looking great. Happy Monday. Thanks for sharing your hiking trips today

Have a good week


Marcia said...

Good for you and your good deed. And what a treat to see your son. My youngest sister and her husband are arriving fromVA for a visit on Wednesday. They will be the first of my family to visit us in NH. May have my oldest sister visit in August,too.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

breakfast with someone you love is always a great way to start the day

stardust said...

What with breakfast with your son by chance and with the act of kindness out of conscience, surely this hike must be one of the most memorable ones, Your son and you look like a young couple! I’ve been feeling nice as the delayed vaccination of my country has been accelerating more and more. My husband finished twice, my second shot is coming soon.


Rain said...

Sounds like a wonderful week! :) So happy you got to do a good deed. I try to do a good deed every day if I can! Makes me feel more connected to this world. :) We have logging trucks go by regularly down the main road here, it's a big business in New Brunswick.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I enjoyed looking at all of those beautiful nature photos Diane. How wonderful to meet up with your son for breakfast. I hope you have a nice week.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Sounds like you had a great week and did a great thing...Karma will reward you for such!! Now that I am considered fully vaccinated, I have to get out more even though I have thoroughly enjoyed staying home....Have another great week!!

Creations By Cindy said...

What fun times you have and good for you for staying active. Lordy girl, I have been trying to do Christian yoga and I didn't know certain muscles existed! Til I went to get out of the bed the next day! LOL! I try to stay active as well. Some days are better than others. I do still work 3 days a week outside the home. So glad you got to see your son. That's sweet pictures of you both. And speaking of good deed...girl...that is awesome! I think every single week we should secretly do a good deed for someone if we can. God always gives us back three times what we give or do. Happy Week to You. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I forgot to tell you in other comment but every week I tell my girls to pray about who God would like them to bless in the coming week. No matter how that blessing may take shape...card, email, text, baked good, food, money, gift, no matter what...just do it and give God the praise and glory.

Edna B said...

How wonderful that you were able to spend time with your son. Awesome! Hugs, Edna B.

Catherine Holman said...

I'm sure you were a real blessing to someone! I need to become more active.

EricaSta said...

Yes, we love being active. Good that you can hike, with your nice son, it sounds wonderful. Wish you more of such good weeks.

Hugs by Heidrun

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Handsome son, he has your smile.
Texas toothpicks is funny. It is nice to have a name for those tall thin trees.
Happy Summer!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish I could have breakfast with either or both my sons. did your handsome son LOVE the red jeep? he he he.... i hope the person you helped will do well. hike on and report back. what is that pointed dagger looking thing in the first collage? is it a carving of a tree stump, at the bottom looks like a home for little people who make cookies

FrenchGardenHouse said...

This sounds like such a wonderful week! It's always good to go out and explore our beautiful world! I am so happy that you had lots of good feelings and special blessings this week. Yay! xo Lidy

eileeninmd said...


It is great your son came to visit with you, that is awesome.
You are sweet to help others and doing good deeds.
We like being active too, but those hot humid days can be awful when hiking .
Take care, have a happy new week!

Carla from The River said...

Good for you my friend in the pink cap. ;-) I know how you feel, when doing a good deed, it makes one feel so good. I had a good deed done to me this past week. I had the most wonderful young man help me at the pet store. He helped me pick out my fish for my little pond. He was SO nice and helpful. It was a true blessing.

High Fives on getting to see your son. FUN!! FUN!! To get all those hugs.
Love, Carla

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So glad you were able to see your son, Diane! I know that always makes a Momma's heart feel good.

I'm also happy you were able to help another person. If there is one scripture I try to remember and live by it is Matthew 25, 31-46.

Lisa said...

How great to see your son! My oldest lives on the opposite US coast from me, and I haven't seen him in a couple of years. Nice you did a good deed, and even nicer you aren't crowing about it! Too many do things to put on their social media, not out of being kind. Being kind is the best person to be.

Jeanie said...

I am SO glad you got to see and hug your son! That's the best part of this (or any!) post!

Linda said...

I love your life and so admire the way you live it!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So happy for you to see your son this past week. That is always a treat when our kids come to visit, even when ours live just a mile away it is a treat for us to see them. And one lives IN our house, and it is still a treat to see him when he comes home from work and helps with the supper dishes and tells me all about his day and some of the interesting things he sees on the golf course where he works. I keep telling him to take pictures of the birds, ducks, eagles, etc., but he is too busy on the mowers to take the time but at least he appreciates them and that makes me happy that I brought him up right! LOL. Those log trucks are something to watch, but I sure don't like to follow them on the highway. They make me nervous worrying that a log will come tumbling off the truck right at me...So I usually stay way back or get around them. I am sure whoever is the recipient of your kind deed is most appreciative. Sometimes it would be fun to be a bug on a tree or wall and watch and see when someone discovers something special... May the Lord bless you for your kindness to others. Enjoy your's starting out muggy and rainy here...but we need the rain so I won't complain. Take care.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well you did have a nice hike. I have see logging trucks in Wales and usually meet them on a narrow road

Small City Scenes said...

We live on a 15,000 acre tree farm and we see and hear logging occasionally. No clear cut here---just handy parcels. Glad you did a good deed----felling good is payment. Good you got to hug your son---1000 times

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A very special week indeed -- how lovely to see your son and someone else was obviously very lucky that you passed by. You gave and received many special blessings. I did not know your home was in a retirement community (except for the fact that most of Florida is one, LOL) . I know you are a good example to all of the other residents -- staying as active as you can is definitely the best thing for all of us.

Lowcarb team member said...

Certainly sounds a very good week.
Well done on your good deed.
How wonderful to see your son, thank you for the lovely photographs you have shared.

All the best Jan

Cloudia said...

God bless you

Soma @ said...

Beautiful hiking photos and how wonderful that you got to see your son! Well done on your good deed too. Sounds like you had a really wonderful week.


BeachGypsy said...

Even before you said, soon as I saw the picture---I knew that was your son!! So GLAD HE GOT TO VISIT!! Sounds like y'all had a great time! Did he like your new bright red jeep? LOL Love the hiking pictures too, of course. Neat to see those big trucks. Hope y'all had a real nice weekend. It's hot and muggy and rainy here. Our gardens are growing fast. To get the open mouth alligator picture is just have to "sweet talk them" ha ha lOL. I do the same with peacocks!---I sweet talk them and lo and behold---they open up those big huge beautiful tail feathers every hubby gets a big kick out of it. He calls me the "alligator whisperer and the peacock whisperer and the cat whisperer and the dog.........well, you get the idea! LOL ha ha. Now, to be truthful, it DOES WORK with all those animals I mentioned EXCEPT THE GATOR, LOL. Those things do what they WANT TO. lol RIGHT? Pretty cool how he did open up to show me his big teeth tho, so glad I had my camera!

Vee said...

Of course you did the right thing! Did it involve CPR?

What joy to meet up with your son for breakfast and all those hugs.

Terri D said...

How GREAT that you got to visit with your son and get all those hugs in!! When I travel up to our son's in Georgia, I pass through a stretch with pine crops and a lot of those trucks, and a big field full of pine mulch. Florida pine is a crop. I always love your photos!! xo

Ann said...

That's awesome that you got to spend some time with your son. Good for you doing a good deed too.

Angie said...

Diane - how wonderful that you got some time with your son - a special blessing! "Cleaning" the forest of "Texas toothpicks' is a good idea if it opens up the forest to diversity; I just hope they are not clear-cutting the forest. And congrats on your good deed! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Arlene G said...

Hugging those kids never gets old no matter how old we are and they are!!

Jill Harrison said...

It is better to be out and about being active than sitting at home in a granny chair! So fabulous to have breakfast with your son and especially the 100 hugs! I am sure the receiver of your good deed was very grateful. Have a good week, stay safe and thank you for stopping by my blog last week.

Kathy said...

You have had a great week! Wonder what was going on with all of those logs.
That is so wonderful that you got to see your son. Even better that you got to hug him.

Kim said...

So glad you got to see your son and hug him a lot. That is enough right there to make one's day! Glad you had a good week with lots of happy memories. And GO YOU for doing a secret good deed! That's always a lovely feeling. Take care, dear Diane!

Aunt Helen said...

How fun to have a surprise visit from one of the boys! Such nice photos! Hugs are always the best! I am always happy when my nieces come to see me, and Carolyn of course.
Have a great evening! Love, Aunt Helen

Ricki Treleaven said...

You ARE sunshine, Sweetie! Love this post, and your son looks just like you!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is unusual to see big log trucks on the trail. Oh, how wonderful to have a visit with your son! And a great photo of the two of you next to your new red jeep. Yes, it's important to help others, and it's good that you came through for someone this week. And following the Golden Rule is special, indeed. So many have forgotten that it seems. Have a beautiful rest of the week, Diane. Can't believe it's almost July!


Debbie said...

How nice to be able to spend some time with your son. God bless you for being usable for God's glory. We see lots of logging trucks here, too. They are clearing old timber up here. have a good rest of your week, Diane. xxoo

Olde Dame Holly said...

How wonderful that you did a good deed! "A deed done in silence is twice the deed." I had to laugh at your description of those tall skinny trees! Texas Toothpicks!

Sharon Wagner said...

I always try to do good, but nothing great stands out this week. I better get busy...

Teresa said...

Me alegra que hayas podido abrazar a tu hijo. Besos.

LA Paylor said...

golden rule... yes yes yes... bless you and those you helped without a need for glory. Thank you for sharing that it's a good thing to care for and about others! Your son is surely handsome and looks kind

Crafty in the Med said...

How wonderful to spend some time with your son and great photos of you both. Don't think I have ever said how much I like your red jeep! :-) Out and about is far better than sitting at home and thanks to that I get to see all these interesting excursions you go on. Thanks for sharing. keep well Amanda x

SImple and Serene Living said...

Nothing better than hugging our children. I'm sure your good deed was a wonderful one, my friend. xo Laura

Jeannie said...

What a handsome man! (I am flirting)
