Monday, March 28, 2022

Don't go out after dark!

 Or maybe I should say.....

don't HIKE after dark!

I started a hike on a bright sunny day but ended up deep in the forest!

It's one of my favorite things to do. I would probably follow all of the deer trails if I hiked in jeans and boots. (a good reason to stick with hiking shoes and capris! lol)

But there are some trails near the Shangri-La trailhead that go down into the canal diggings...

and deep into the forest.

Can you imagine how scary these huge rock formations would be in the dark?

What if it was stormy and a flash of lightning lit them up? 

And there were all those EYES looking back at you!!!

Just use your imagination!

Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly

And plan your hikes during the daylight hours when you can see all of this beauty! 

And enjoy getting out in nature!


Have you ever followed the deer trails in the woods? It's pretty awesome! Now where's my old pair of leather boots? 

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Actually, there is a whole new world to be explored at night, and I recommend night walks with a head lamp and in the company of others. There are things to be discovered you will never see during the day - and equally fascinating.

Tom said...

...quelle belle promenade. Merci de m'avoir accompagné, bonne semaine.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can think of a huge minus if YOU went hiking after dark. NO PHOTOS! to dark to show us these beautiful paths and fantastic woods, the eyes would be asleep, so no butterflies

Tanza Erlambang said...

noooo.... I will not come into the forest at night...
Beautiful photos...

Have a wonderful day

Vee said...

Can't say that I have! Hope that your hubby was with you on that trek into the deep forest.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

For sure those boulders at night would be scary to run into. They are quite interesting in the daylight. I'm too scared to follow deer trails that predators also follow. Cow paths are my speed. :)

Buttercup said...

Oh my! I stick to the marked trails. My days of going off trail are over, but I do love to see other people's pictures.

Edna B said...

That's an adorable photo of the little bird. (last photo) Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Sandy said...

Isn't it a bit dangerous to hike alone? Yes those rock formations are scary...sorta even in daylight. Plus, in the dark, you'd fall and hurt yourself. Nice pictures.
Sandy's Space

eileeninmd said...

Pretty photos from your hike. Hubby and I often hike on the deer trails.
Beautiful captures of the Butterflies and the cute bird. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thanks for sharing your off-the-beaten-path walk! some of those trees and rocks etc are scary enough in broad daylight!! I wouldn't follow the deer trails because I can get lost in a large closet, so I stay on marked paths. Bill has a good sense of direction and we used to hike logging roads and go off-trail sometimes (in Oregon) but he can't do that any more, so I'm done with it too. We are both just thankful there are so many places with boardwalks and marked paths.

Inger said...

Years ago, we used to stay in the woods at night to watch the owls hunt. An unforgettable experience. I don't see many deer here, but they are beautiful, called Mule Deer because of their large ears. But plenty of coyotes and I follow their trails often. They make amazing trails, just one more or less straight line, nothing like the messy trails of their dog relatives.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

To be young and not afraid of falling.... Or of things looking spooky, by moonlight.... Or of things looking really scary, with lightening...


But going too far off the beaten path, could be scary, even in daylight.
I'd never make a hiker!!!!!! lol


Jeanie said...

Yes, I'd agree! Definitely better in the day time, but lovely then!

Ann said...

I'm thinking some of those things could look pretty scary in the dark. It looks wonderful during the daylight hours though. I would love to follow those trails.

Gillena Cox said...

Awesome photos from your hike.
The camoflage butterfly is stunning.

Thanks for dropping by and linkjng up at Mobday WRites


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such deep, dark, cool woods, Diane! Is there any wildlife to be concerned about in your woods? Bears, etc? I love to walk in the woods but we don't have many along the Colorado Front Range so I have to drive up into the Rockies to do that.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

the last photo was perfect for your post - what was she thinking? You have an adventure when you hike for sure

Creations By Cindy said...

Love your places of hiking! You amaze me girl. Yes, I would for sure use a head lamp if hiking after dark. We whitetail deer hunt so we are in the woods walking to stands long before daylight and that head lamp sure helps me and makes me feel better. I need some of your energy. Hugs and blessings to you dear lady. Cindy

HappyK said...

Yes, we do follow deer trails. They are all over Happy Trails.
Probably not a good idea hiking in the woods in the dark. :)

Lorrie said...

What fun to follow the deer trails! Those rock formations would be very scary at night. My ideal time to be in the forest at night is around a campfire!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

They would be very scary structures in the dark.
Looks like a fun hike.
Love the butterflies and birdie.
Enjoy the week...

Cloudia said...

Cool ramblings

Linda said...

Yes, I have followed deer trails but not very far.

Amila said...

These rock formations will sure appear as scary structures at night. I agree that I can also enjoy the beauty of nature during day time. I also enjoyed all these captures. So beautiful moments from your hike.

Irma said...

I think it's cool to go into the forest in the dark.
I never go out after dark I'm night blind so can't see anything at all.
Greetings Irma

Debbie said...

i would stick to daytime walks for safeties sake, but if you are brave enough...

this was fun, you have a wonderful imagination and captured some great images!! i am not familiar with the butterfly with the black and white stripes with the red, i will have to look it up!!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Cute post and lovely photos. I am not one to walk in isolated areas like forests. I like to stay on the trails with people, daylight, and no animals.. I do enjoy the water birds.

kestrel said...

That is a lovely hiking route but the stones look frightening even in the day light. I like the way the sunlight streams into the trail and the different browns on the trees and ground. Over here it is damp and the sunlight cannot even peep in due to the dense foilage. Butterflies with eyes to detract predators. Great pictures and yep, don't hike too late be safe

Far Side of Fifty said...

We do follow the deer trails in our woods in the early spring before the brush starts to grow:) Beautiful butterflies!!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Scary! I think I'll take a hard pass hiking at night. I love seeing the photos of the rocks.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is a delightful walk! I enjoyed it.

Angie said...

Diane - you have quite the imagination, my dear! I often wander the woods around here, on deer trails, or just making my own path. The scariest thing at this time of the year is the ticks! I have already found one on me after just a few hours out in the garden! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Delightful walk...but also, I saw horses coming up the wouldn't be good to go in the dark and step where they had done you know what! LOL. Also, deer scat, bear scat...or maybe the BEAR itself! yeah, I think it's best to stay in the daylight on our Florida trails. There's so much more to see that way...and this was lovely!! Thank you for sharing! Love those big Florida!!!!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

That trail looks nice to be hiking during the day but I wouldn't want to be there at night. It's too dangerous to hike at night as you could get lost or fall and hurt yourself! I enjoyed looking at those wonderful photos of your hike. Thanks for the blog visit and I hope you have a great day.

Caroline said...

Beautiful photos of the wood. Nice walk.

Barbara said...

It's interesting to note how dark a trail can become in the most dense parts of a forest in mid-day!

Wally Jones said...

Another wonderful post which makes me want to get outside - now!

Exploring in the dark can be great as long as you're careful. I love the night sounds, especially when owls are calling. Star-packed skies are another bonus. Depending on time of year, skeeters can be an issue. And with all the shadows, undefined shapes and "things that go bump in the night" - who wouldn't love it?

Following deer trails is a neat way to discover a forest's secrets. And, once your reach the end of one, you can finally look around and say with authority: "The buck stops here." :)

Have a great day!

Rain said...

I love that you put it in my mind to imagine what those photos would look like after dark! Nice and spooky! ☺☺☺

Crafty in the Med said...

Following these intriguing photos I can certainly see what you mean. Everything changes at nighttime! I do love a long walk in a cool forest though. keep well. Amanda x

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

What beautiful photos! How fortunate you are to have such a lovely place to walk.

Teresa said...

Por aquí suelen hacer caminatas de noche en verano y con luna llena, pero yo no he ido nunca, prefiero el día. Tu caminata fue preciosa. Besos.

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane,
I really don't want to follow this trail in the dark. I would be afraid of getting lost. Once, 40 years ago, I got lost together with my friend Gina on the Schneeberg (the name means Snow-mountain, but luckily there was no snow). We were afraid of falling off the mountain in the dark, there are steep rock faces there. So we had to sleep between trees next to a cattle pasture... that was creepy too. In the early hours of the morning we discovered that we had only slept 10 minutes from the refuge. What an adventure :-DD
But in daylight the rocks even look nice - to me like a seal's head and like a turtle... :-)
Have a nice weekend and all the best!
Hugs, Traude

Red Rose Alley said...

That big rock DOES look like some prehistoric animal. Yes, stick to hiking during the day. Never know what you'll come across at night. My son hikes the woods around us often, and sees the wonderful deer almost every time. I like the butterflies you saw, especially the zebra one. Isn't that so pretty? And that little bird is sweet at the end. They are coming around more now. Your Header is pretty, Diane, and kind of looks like Fall.


Lowcarb team member said...

There were certainly some good sightings, you've shared some lovely photographs.
For me, I think daylight is best :)

All the best Jan

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The rocks were well spotted and would scare you as shadows at in the evening or night