Monday, March 7, 2022

Horses and Cows and flowers, Oh My!

 Even though we have mild weather year round, we still see signs of Spring at this time of year!

At the Pruitt Trailhead of Halpata Tastanaki Preserve we met this group of horses. 

We don't see many on this trail.

Part of the trail is shared...

and then other trails are for hikers only.

At the 49th Avenue Trailhead of the Florida Trails, there were horses getting ready for a trail ride.

They have their own trails from the parking lot so this is my only chance to see them.

And then there are the little calves among the herds of cattle right now.

They are so cute!

Maybe you don't think of Florida having a lot of cows but here's a few facts...

"There are more than 886 thousand head of cattle and 15,000 beef producers throughout Florida. Currently, Florida ranks 13th in overall cattle numbers nationwide."

Another sign of Spring are the bushes in full bloom. 

There were dozens of butterflies and bees all over the blooms!

I hiked this trail twice this week just to see these butterflies.


Are you seeing signs of Spring at your house?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!



Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How fun to see the horses and that sweet calf!

Tom said...

..."Happy Trails" to you!

Martha said...

Wonderful photos! We are so lucky to live here. :)

Jeanie said...

I am always impressed to see people on horseback. I've ridden a couple of times. And I just hated it -- freaked me out! But I admire those who do tremendously.

Debbie said...

these horses are really beautiful. our trails are the same, some for horses and then bikers and walkers share the others!! i wish bikers had their own...people walk 4 or 5 across and it can be difficult to slide on to the grass to get around them!! we are seeing signs of spring, in daffodils and tulips getting ready to finish coming up!! 70's these past few days but it is going to get cold again!!

your header is gorgeous. i am not sure if that is a black swallowtail, let me look in to it!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Our community has a 100-year-old historic cattle barn as it was once a ranch, and now it is an equestrian center that boards horses and has western and English riding lessons. I've only ridden a horse a few times in my life- I felt sorry for the! I do wish I had the opportunity to learn how to ride when I was young.

The calf is so sweet! It makes sense that a warm area like Florida that has grass growing year-round would be a good place to raise cows and cattle.

Debbie said...

the butterfly looks similar to the ones i raise but not the same. i think yours might be a red-spotted purple butterfly male or female, i'm not sure. i looked specifically at florida butterflies here is the sight i uses:

i think you got a book so maybe you have it right but it is definitely different than the ones i raise. you do not have to post this comment, it was just meant for you!!

Creations By Cindy said...

The weather has surely been crazy in Florida for us hasn't it? But yes, signs of Spring are everywhere. I like Spring because most often it's not too cold and not too hot! Love the pictures. Those horses are beautiful. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

This post is so beautiful with all your photos. I must tell you I am mad for your new header - wow!

carol l mckenna said...

Love seeing the horses on their trail rides and sweet cows and lovely flora photos and bees too ~ Great photos ~ Xo

Wishing you love and laughter in your days ~

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Gillena Cox said...

Lovely mosiacs and pics Diane. Happy you dropped by and linked to Monday WRites today

Much love

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I would love to see the horses!! So beautiful!! I used to work at a place that gave trail rides in NH. It was so wonderful. I miss it! And I love the signs of spring. Are those blossoms on the wild plum trees? That's what we had here, but they are already done blooming and I am seeing some baby wild plums developing already. More so than last years. I love the calves, and yes, most people are surprised to learn that we are such a high cattle state. Used to be more so than now, thanks to so much over-development of the range-lands. (The Villages, Disney, etc.) Have you read the book "A Land Remembered"? It's worth reading about the history of the Florida cattle ranchers in Florida. Very interesting historical fiction. Have a blessed and wonderful and beautiful spring week!

eileeninmd said...

I always enjoy a scene with the horses and cattle. We sometimes meet up with horse back riders on our local fire roads. They are beautiful animals, the cows are cute too. Pretty butterfly. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

Vee said...

That's interesting about Florida's cattle. I would enjoy seeing the butterflies. Signs of spring? Does rain count?


I's love me a horse!!neat photos--
and that bumble bee looks like he made out of fuzzy chenille!! And that is a really pretty butterfly--
hugs, di

HappyK said...

My favorite is the pictures of the calves! So cute.

Linda said...

Loved seeing the horses and all your signs of spring!

Ricki Treleaven said...

They're riding Western....I like Western trail riding. Our girls both rode English: one rode Saddleseat and the other Huntseat (she was a hunter jumper in competitions). I wanted at least one of them to ride Western because I love the tack, but they wouldn't do it!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

When my daughter and I travel we always try to find someplace to go horseback riding. It's a great way to see the local landscape.

Terri D said...

There were horses at Tenoroc this morning. I always enjoy seeing them and wish I could join them!! The Tabula trees and Crepe Myrtles are just beautiful around here! xo

stardust said...

I felt warm air wafting from your photos. I’ve never experienced horse-riding, but only to see the horses under the blue skies are relaxing to me. The little calves are so cute. Signs of spring at my house? Blooms of Ume (Japanese apricot), plants coming through ground, and less time to use heater in the daytime, to name a few.


Angie said...

Diane - I am surprised to hear those facts about the cows. Such stunning photos of the flowers, bees and butterflies. We are NOWHERE near spring at the moment. Still a TON of snow around here! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

Beautiful horses and calves, and the flowers are also lovely!

Irma said...

What a beautiful pictures.
The calf is really cute.
Nice to see so many horses.
Greetings Irma

EricaSta said...

You are welcome ... Thank you for your nice comment.

Now I'm here and enjoy your lovely pictures. Especially the sweet little calf and the wonderful Butterfly and the blooms. This is a small trip for my eyes and of course for the brain.

Stay healthy and well, dear blogfriend 😘

riitta k said...

I loved the photos of horses, I see them also ocassionally. Guess what: it is snowing in Finland :(((( So no signs of spring yet...

Wishing you a lovely International Women’s Day!

Ann said...

Aww, the calves are cute. I just love those ears.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ALL of these photos are awesome!!! love the header. LOVE cows, love horses and also butterflies. Most of all today I love number 5's LEGGINS. LOL now I just need a horse

Jenn Jilks said...

I've often wondered if you have signs of spring down south!
The sun is warmer, here. No greenery at all, though! It's too cold!

Lowcarb team member said...

The horses are lovely to see and that calf looks so cute.
Great photographs you've shared, thank you.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

PS Beautiful butterfly and bees too.

All the best Jan

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing pictures

Jeevan said...

You captured the season of spring so well in these photos! Cute calves
Looks like a great ride for those horses.

Kim said...

Lots of fun sightings this go round! We're seeing signs of spring here, too. Lovely! Hope you have a good rest of the week, Diane!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I used to love going on trail rides. Looks like you had a fun hike. xo Laura

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

The weather looks nice there in Florida. I enjoyed looking at all of these nice photos of nature and animals. Enjoy your daily walks Diane.

Lorrie said...

The calves are so sweet, and oh, the beauty of those butterflies among the spring blossoms! We are seeing early spring bulbs begin to flower and it's such a welcome sight. Have a good day, Diane.

21 Wits said...

No, not so many signs of spring yet, but next week I believe we will. Hoping so. These horses are beautiful and what a lovely area to horseback ride through. Great post thanks.

Sharon Wagner said...

Happy trails! Ugh. I'm going home soon and there won't be much spring activity yet.

Teresa said...

Bonito paseo, me encanta ver los caballos, las flores y mariposas. Besos.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, the butterflies are so graceful and pretty. I would have loved to seen them hovering over the flowers. The bee picture is really nice also. I have to keep my distance from them, as I'm allergic to this fellow. The little calves are sweet, aren't they? And how fun to see the horses getting ready for a trail ride. There's nothing like horses.

Have a good rest of the week, Diane.


Rostrose said...

Dear Diane,
your spring pictures make me very happy - they almost look like summer to me. (Some of the women on the horses wear shirts without sleeves, we're still a long way from that.) The calves are really adorable. And wonderful that there are so many flowers for the hungry insects. I didn't know that Florida has the same butterflies (are they called "Swallowtails"? - Iphiclides podalirius) as in our contry!
Hugs and all the best - and PEACE, oh yesss!

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful area for a ride. Loved the cows, butterflies and bees too :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I still remember being quite surprised at the number of cattle around this part of Florida (the first season we were here). That's a good trail system you have there.

LA Paylor said...

love cows! Love horses! we just got 5" of snow this week!

Amila said...

What a wonderful adventure! I love these cattle. They look innocent. Flowers are beautiful too...

Jill Harrison said...

We discovered a long distance horse trail with over night campsites last year when we were visiting Nannup in our south west. So cool for horsy people. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou for visiting my blog.

Edna B said...

Great photos! Some little green plants are just now coming up through the ground in my garden. Spring is coming! Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Wally Jones said...

Very nice series of images showing us that Spring is almost here!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Wonderful signs of spring there! So fun to see the horses and sweet little calves. And those amazing butterflies! x K

John's Island said...

Hi Diane, I am late with this comment. Sometimes I’m really slow on social media, so forgive me. I don’t want to miss any of your posts. :-) I enjoyed the variety of pics in this post. The horses, the butterflies, the bee, the cows! :-) I love the way you are out on your adventures and taking photos to share with us. John