Monday, October 10, 2022

What do the fairies in the forest eat?

Well, macaroons of course!

You didn't think they lived on a diet of berries and nuts did you?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw these mushrooms and thought they looked exactly like macaroons.

So I used my imagination and looked around for the forest fairies, but of course they were shy and I didn't get good photos of them. Can you spot all three of them at the base of this tree?

I hiked the Florida trails from hwy 484 and went East on the trail.

And it was a fairyland of mushrooms and lichen.

The trail has grown up in tall weeds but once you get through these, you can walk on a paved section.

I thought this black and white lichen was beautiful too!

Every cluster was different!

It looks like my Jeep has been swallowed up by the grass! But we got out without any trouble!

Look for the extraordinary in your part of the world and enjoy
 your week! 

I'm joining Mosaic Monday HERE 

and I like Thursdays HERE !  


Vee said...

Well now...there's a question I have never heard asked before! And the answer was delightful. I think one of those mushrooms looks just like a pancake. 🥞

Tom said...

...I hope that they can tell the poisonous ones from the non poisonous ones!

Lea said...

Great photos!
Now every time I see a mushroom, I will around for fairies!
Have a blessed day!

Marcia said...

Those definitely look like cookies.

BeachGypsy said...

Wow I have never seen mushrooms like THAT!!!--- That rainbow one is straight out of a fairytale and the black ones are pretty too!! So neat to see these!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love to see the different forms of fungi in the woods! They are never exactly the same. Another of God's masterpieces. Yes, those do look like cookies...but that first one also reminded me of a Big Mac hamburger! LOL. The fairies do have to have a more balanced diet, you know! They can't just eat macaroons and pancakes and licorice! LOL. (what some of those fungi looked like to me). Fun stuff.

Wally said...

All of our moisture lately has produced a bumper crop of "fairy goodies"!
Wonderful photo series.

A new week has started! So much to explore, so little time.

Inger said...

Swedish fairies can be seen at dawn, dancing in the mist above the forest ponds. I don't think any fairies can be seen after the sun rises.

eileeninmd said...

They are neat looking mushroom, I have never heard of the macaroons. The Lichen is pretty. Except for the kind you can eat. Take care, enjoy your day!

Carla from The River said...

My husband enjoys stopping and looking at mushrooms. It is fun to really look at the detail of each one. Color, texture and more.
And using our imaginations is always fun.. fairies and mushrooms, you bet.

Soma @ said...

What a great question and I love the answer. This should be in your art journal.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do believe these are the most amazing mushrooms I have ever seen in my life and photos and with my real eyes. They are stunning the colored ones and the black and white

Jenn Jilks said...

Most of mine aren't nearly as sweet as these! What a great find!

ann said...

I did not realize that there were so many varieties of mushrooms. Certainly there must be a fairy or two hiding somewhere--during a full moon perhaps you might be able catch a glimpse.


I have to say--those are different kinds of mushrooms I have never seen before--and they are both really really pretty--nice catch--thanks for sharing!! I was excited to look out my window tonight and seen a big rain bow outside--nice bright colors--too!!! though no rain here-funny!!
hugs, di

HappyK said...

Unusual looking mushrooms and the black and white lichen is really cool looking. Have never seen either before.

Terri D said...

How amazing and how interesting!! Gosh, there is so much beauty all around us. We just have to look... or hope you keep posting what the rest of us have missed!! Thanks!! xo

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

the black and white lichen is exquisite and the mushrooms are really interesting. I have seen some mushrooms on occasion that really grab my attention. Beautiful photos.

Cloudia said...

Such a delightful outing and post!

Happy@Home said...

I thought we had some unusual mushrooms, but yours take the cake. Never seen any like that before. The lichen is also very unusual and interesting.

Irma said...

What beautiful pictures of the mushrooms.
You don't see many species here in the Netherlands.
Greetings Irma

Ann said...

Oh my, they do look like macaroons. I think the one resembles a collapsed witch's hat though. That black and white lichen is pretty. I've never seen anything like that.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If I were starting over I would really get into fungi.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Amazing! They do look like cookies. The black and white look like crushed Oreos.

Lorrie said...

They DO look like macarons! I'm sure the fairies enjoy them. Beautiful black and white lichens, too. What an amazing world we live in.

Angie said...

Diane - perhaps it is just a coincidence, but on a hike I took yesterday with two of my friends, I focused on taking pictures of lichen, moss, small things in the forest. So pretty. But, sadly, no fairies emerged for a photo shoot!

Linda said...

You always find BEAUTY every hike you take!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those fungi are wonderful !! We came across a field of so many kinds when we were in Alaska and I've never forgotten the wonder. Haven't seen such interesting ones anywhere else including in either of our home states.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, those mushrooms are so strange looking, aren't they? I hope the fairies don't get sick from them hehehe. I've heard some mushrooms are poisonous, and it would be hard for me to know which ones. That tree is pretty with the moss growing from it. I like that picture of your red jeep buried in the tall grass. You have an eye for noticing the unordinary in nature, Diane.

Have a good October week.


Lowcarb team member said...

Fabulous fungi photographs.
You certainly had a great hike.

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

Extraordinary looking mushrooms and great photos from your walk.

Raquel Loio said...

So much magic in that forest and in your post! Of course this is the food of the fairies! :) I've never seen mushrooms with that shape either, impressive. Best wishes, Raquel

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Diane, that one mushroom looks just like a macaroon! How fun to go on these hikes and spot beautiful mushrooms and lichen. I hope you are having a nice week and enjoy the weekend.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You spotted such pretty mushrooms on your hike this week. Enjoy the weekend Diane.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

You spotted such pretty mushrooms that look like a macaroon Diane. I hope you have a nice weekend.

Tanza Erlambang said...

colorful mushroom...
I never seen in nature.... Thank you for sharing

PaintedThread said...

Those are some pretty funky mushrooms!

LA Paylor said...

how astounding they are!!!!

Danice G said...

What awesome colorful mushrooms! 'Did not know that they come in such colors.

Connie said...

These mushrooms made me think of a book we used to have that was by national geographic one of their field guides is on mushrooms and it is an amazing book if you could find it, I know you would love it. It would help you identify every mushroom and whether it was edible or not. There are hundreds of varieties, it's amazing.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Simply lovely... Never seen something like this before. Macaroon Mushrooms. For Faeries of course!


Debbie said...

very cool, fancy fungi. awesome sightings!!!

Teresa said...

Me encantaron los hongos, nunca los había visto. Besos.

Kathy said...

Wow! This was fantastic! I have never seen any mushrooms like this before. They are wonderful.