Friday, May 31, 2024

Daytime walks to Manatee Springs

I'm trying my best to choose photos from different folders so that I'll have fewer posts of Manatee Springs State Park!

Green Heron

But it's a challenge.

I entitled this folder 'day pics'.

Since it was only 1/2 mile away, I walked over there whenever I wanted to stretch my legs.

We were so fortunate to have good weather while we camped. It was a bit 'buggy' but that's to be expected around the water. 

And this place is like a jungle with all the healthy vegetation.

On Saturday there were a group of scuba divers exploring the caves. 
Once thought of as the longest cave in the world, Manatee Springs cave system includes over 20,000 explored and mapped caves.

It's a popular place for lots of people but even on a Saturday, it wasn't crowded.

So I had a lot of unique bird sightings every day.

I'll share more of the Green Heron.

These are all the same bird but he changed his pose often!

I stood there and watched to my heart's content!

I saw one alligator, one turtle and one monster.

It's a Cypress root or knee but it looked like a turtle monster!

Grumpy Green

Thank you ALL so much for your help with descriptive words for Manatee Springs! One thing we all have in common is our love of nature. We marvel at it's beauty. So here goes the list of words to describe the beauty of the Springs!
Glorious, gorgeous, spectacular, amazing, beautiful, awesome, lovely, splendid, superb, wonderful, grand, impressive, awe-inspiring, awesome, astounding, astonishing, amazing, stunning breathtaking, stupendous, incredible, sensational, out of this world, fabulous, enchanted, magical, insurmountable, unsurpassed, fantastic, unbeatable, awesome, stunning, marvelous, adorable, picturesque, magnificent, beyond beautiful, neat.
And now on to some of the words from other languages! Maravilloso...thanks Teresa
Prachtig, pronounced PRAHKH-tikh...thank you Aritha
And Traude gave me several words in German...hinreibend, marchenhaft, verqauber, atemberaubend, translated...ravishing, fairytale-like, enchanted, breathtaking.

Everyone really came through with words to describe what I've seen at the Springs. I couldn't pick a favorite but I know I'll be using many of these words in future posts. You really are the best blog buddies in the world! You are ALL 'ravishing', meaning unusually attractive, pleasing or striking. 

Thank you!

And thanks for joining me on my walks to the Springs!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !


Tom said... saw some fabulous sights and I thank you for taking me along!

Marcia said...

You've explored a lot of the beautiful spots of Florida.

Red Rose Alley said...

The green heron is a funny looking bird. Such a cutie. I like the picture of the blue green water and the jungle looking woods. The caves sound interesting.

Wishing you wonderful June days, Diane.


Cloudia said...

All of your photos are so beautiful, inviting wherever you take them! Have a wonderful weekend friend Aloha

HappyK said...

All wonderful pictures. You have a great eye.

Ann said...

It was a pleasure joining you on your walks. You sure got a lot of good descriptive words there. And you my dear blog friend are quite ravishing yourself :)

roentare said...

That bird looks so special!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I must've missed the post where you asked for words to describe the springs! LOL. Looks like you got lots of supercalifragilisticexpialadocious responses! LOL! That's my word! Love the Green Heron pictures! He was quite photogenic! Those are amazing photos! And I see your "monster". I love seeing things like that in the woods. Great imagination! Looks like you had a marvelous time there. Thank you for sharing the natural beauty of our wonderful state with us. I'm so glad people are getting to see "the Real Florida".

Terri D said...

Ditto all of those descriptive words!! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

Annie said...

So very lovely. I'd like to see it one day.

Teresa said...

Siempre gracias a ti por tus maravillosos reportajes, tus fotografías de hoy me encantaron, especialmente la garza verde y el monstruo tortuga jaja. Un abrazo.

eileeninmd said...

I just love all the Green Heron images, it is one of my many favorite birds.
I like your monster turtle too. I wonder if the scuba divers get close to the gators, that is spooky. It is a beautiful place for your walks. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Jeannie said...

I will add "precariously balanced". How those birds can stand atop a protruding stick without falling into the water is amazing. I guess it is my nature to be surprised. People stumble and fall down; birds fall up and fly away.

Jeanie said...

That green heron amazes me! It isn't green! I've never seen one before and I sure would never have called it a heron from a photo! I'm not sure I'd even look it up with herons. This is why I love blogging -- we learn new things every day!

Lea said...

All beautiful, interesting, wonderful photos, but the first Green Heron photo is the best!

Debbie said...

your pictures are really "stunning"...i "adore" all of them. the herons coloring is "awesome", you captured it well in your images!!

my favorite was the monster turtle, "eye-catching" and "picturesque!!

have an "amazing" weekend!! (i don't think i gave you anything new!!)

Penelope Notes said...

Fabulous photo of the heron's grasping claw-like feet. :)

Creations By Cindy said...

What beautiful pictures you have captured. Happy June. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Grumpy Green fits perfectly for that one picture! He certainly was cooperative with you!

Katerinas Blog said...

20,000 explored and mapped caves?
What fantastic places excel in the world?
So here's what you learn from blogging!!
The photo with the bird reflected in the water is fantastic!!
As well as the fake monster turtle!!
In general, the waters have such a beautiful blue color!!

RedPat said...

Your shots of the Green Heron are wonderful. It is a good looking bird.
Are the Manatee Springs the same as the Homosassa Springs which I have visited years ago?

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane, this green heron is a show :-D I think he struck various poses just for you - and sometimes fluffed up his "hairstyle" so that the beautiful green can be seen particularly well! When I saw the 5th photo, I wondered what animals were swimming on the water and only then I read that they were scuba divers ;-DDD So, and there was also a monster - luckily it didn't notice you... or was well-disposed towards you.
Great that you've collected all the terms to describe Manatee Springs :-D That's a lot! Thank you for using the German words, too. I forgot, however, that in the German language we have a few letters that don't exist in English, like the "sharp S"... So I'm writing the words down for you again so that American computers should be able to handle them too - hopefully:
hinreissend - ravishing
maerchenhaft - fairytale-like
verzaubert - enchanted
atemberaubend - breathtaking
And if I ever come to Florida again, we'll practice the pronunciation ;-DD
All the best & hugs, Traude
PS: My toenails are currently painted turquoise ;-)

Little Wandering Wren said...

I have enjoyed my virtual wandering with you. Your birds are exotic and exciting finds. Grumpy Green made me smile, and your Heron is wonderful! I bet those scuba divers have the best time, too! Yes, all those words are perfect!
Have a great week.
Wren x

magiceye said...

Loved the green heron photos!

Irma said...

The green heron is beautiful and the reflection is beautiful.
Nice place also for walking.
Greetings Irma

carol l mckenna said...

So many awesome photos ~ thanks, hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Tanza Erlambang said...

a green heron looks so adorable, never seen in nature
thank you for sharing lovely photos and descriptions of Florida swampy areas...

Mae Travels said...

I love the way your photos captured the enormous yellow-orange feet of the heron!
best, mae

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

There is nothing wrong about lots of photos from a place you love.

I love your green heron!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Simply fabulous photographs and I like the reflections too.

Wishing you a happy month of June, enjoy your days.

All the best Jan

Sharon Wagner said...

I had no idea the caves are so exspansive. I love those golden feet!

Wally Jones said...

What a wonderful place to camp!

The park must pay that Green Heron to pose. You certainly took advantage of its cooperative nature.

The only description I could add to the many you have already received is a rough translation from "Deep Southern": Mighty Purty.

Thank you for sharing!

Veronica Lee said...

Your photos of the Green Heron are stunning!
Manatee Springs sounds like a magical place, and I love the "monster turtle" find.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful walks, Diane.

Looking forward to more of your adventures!

Linda said...

Such gorgeous pictures!!! I love all your 'words!'

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful photos and lots of bird watching! I sure enjoyed your hike. Thank you.