Friday, June 28, 2024

Hiking on a four lane hwy! Is it safe?

 It seems pretty safe on this particular highway!

I rarely see another hiker and I've managed to avoid seeing a bear.

But the blackberries are ripe and I see 'evidence' that they've eaten there!

I love walking down in the canal diggings and that's where I took the trail photos.

This one was taken after a rain shower passed through and left it a little 'less hot'.

Out in the open there are lots of wildflowers blooming.

I always see butterflies.

But on this particular hike, I watched a large hummingbird.

It was the biggest one I've ever seen and really surprised me.

I'm not hiking as much now with the heat but I get out when I can.

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !


Tom said...

...Diane, thanks for taking me along of this four lane nature hiking. Take care and be safe and cool.

MadSnapper said...

the hummingbird at the end is priceless. looks really big and also like he is saying, LOOK at me, see my beautiful wings.. love that highway shot.. wow on that one... Beau and I have cut our morning walk down by a few minutes, neither of us can take the humidity...

Rostrose said...

Hehe, dear Diane,
a funny photo and a good idea with the four lane hwy ;-DD I would dare to hike here too! Especially if there are no bears to meet, but instead big hummingbirds. The biggest hummingbird I have ever seen was a Doctorbird in Jamaica - its tail feathers alone make it look quite huge (for hummingbird standards ;-)) but it also had a relatively large body compared to some of the tiny ones I have seen. The blackberries look delicious, I would eat them too, even if I weren't a bear.
All the best, Traude

Rostrose said...

Hehe, dear Diane,
a funny photo and a good idea with the four lane hwy ;-DD I would dare to hike here too! Especially if there are no bears to meet, but instead big hummingbirds. The biggest hummingbird I have ever seen was a Doctorbird in Jamaica - its tail feathers alone make it look quite huge (for hummingbird standards ;-)) but it also had a relatively large body compared to some of the tiny ones I have seen. The blackberries look delicious, I would eat them too, even if I weren't a bear.
All the best, Traude

Jenn Jilks said...

It is wonderful getting out doors!

Ann said...

Sure looks like a nice place for a hike. You always spot such nice things while out.

roentare said...

These butterflies are just so gorgeous

HappyK said...

What a lovely place for hiking. As always your photos are beautiful.

Terri D said...

Wonderful photos!! You always capture nature at its best!! Stay cool!

Jeanie said...

Berries and butterflies. ANd no bears! Works for me!

Katerinas Blog said...

Wow Diana,
what beautiful creatures!
Have a beautiful and fun summer!!

Teresa said...

Tus paseos siempre me encantan, nos traes cosas preciosas e interesantes. Buen fin de semana.

eileeninmd said...

Another beautiful hike, the flowers and berries look pretty.
Love the hummingbird and the butterflies. Great photos.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Lea said...

Great photos!
Love the Hummingbird photos! It looks like a female Ruby-throated to me.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Mae Travels said...

Florida might be hot but it always looks pretty!

carol l mckenna said...

That is the best 'four lane' highway ~ and such beauty along the way with the floral, fauna and avian photos ~ Wow! Thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

Nice place to hike on. Berries and butterflies sound good to me. Great photos, have a great weekend.

Wally Jones said...

Even if we can only get out for a little while, it pays great dividends for our peace of mind.

Great images of your hike!

Looks like we're into the summer rain schedule.

RedPat said...

I love that you take us along on these hikes. That Hummingbird does look big. Have a good week and stay cool.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the shadow shot and what a beautiful hummingbird that is and yes, it does look quite big.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

magiceye said...

Lovely photos and your shadow selfie is cool!

magiceye said...

Lovely photos and your shadow selfie is cool!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

That looks like a very nice trail and I LOVE that you saw the hummingbird. Have a great holiday!! xoxo

Debbie said...

the "4 lane highway" image, that is a good one!! you are lucky to see so many butterflies, i am just starting to see them in my yard now!! the hummingbird is spectacular, your images of it are really special. too bad you did not have one of the hand/finger held hummingbird feeders, maybe it would have stopped for a drink!!

enjoy your sunday!!

21 Wits said...

Hello and thank you for the lovely photos your nature is incredible, and I so enjoy reading about your area too!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That was quite a hike on that 4 laned highway! Loved seeing the hummingbird! How wonderful you managed to see it in the wild like that. I only ever see them at our feeder, or in a tree nearby waiting to come to the feeder. That was special! Beautiful sights to see! Thank you for sharing them with us.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful wildflowers! Glad you're getting out to enjoy them.

Barbara said...

I didn't know a hummingbird could get as big as this one you've shared. How interesting! Like you, I'm not outside quite as much with this heat. So thankful for A/C!

Veronica Lee said...

Your hiking experience sounds wonderful, Diane!
I can almost feel the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings through your descriptions and the lovely photos.
The sightings of butterflies and that large hummingbird must have been such magical moments. It's great to hear that you've been enjoying the outdoors, even with the summer heat.

Stay safe and keep sharing those wonderful adventures!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that hummingbird is so precious. He IS a big one. And what a pretty butterfly. Love the blue colors. The blackberries look so good. They are starting to be my favorite berry. : ) Stay cool through these hot summer days.

Happy July!


BeachGypsy said...

happy 4th of July, Diane! Hope you have a happy and safe and peaceful one! It's hot here, we're staying in as much as possible! LOL Love your hike pictures, you always get such great ones! do you have hummingbirds at your house too and do you feed them? We have feeders and I make their food, we love to watch them, they are so entertaining! Hugs!

Natasha said...

Such a fun hike. The blackberries are way too inviting.
That hummer looks stunning.

Marit said...

The butterflies and the hummingbirds are very beautiful! Wonderful photos!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm loving your four lane trail!! And your berries, and your hummingbird. And the possibility of a bear encounter.

At our Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness, a novice hiker spotted a bobcat and called it in to animal control. He was upset when they refused to come out and remove the bobcat and told him to look up the word wilderness.

Aunt Helen said...

Hello Diane, I enjoy your hikes. I know it has been too hot many days, but soon it will be better! I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THE 4TH OF jULY. i AM HAVING A hOT dOG, BEANS, pOTATO SALAD, AND WATERMELON. jUST STAYING IN AND THE tv AND PHONE ARE MY COMPANY! hAVE A GOOD EVENING. lOVE, Aunt Helen

EricaSta said...

I am always happy about the exchange in the comments! Thanks for the nice comment. And I know I'm late writing this week.
I'm particularly fascinated by the hummingbirds, dear Diane. Nature is unique! Such a delicate little bird and it's full of wonder. A programme on TV recently shed some light on hummingbirds. You took some fantastic pictures. What an experience it must be to see them in the forest.
Thanks also for the contribution to MosaicMonday. What a wonderful collage.
Greetings and hugs from Heidrun