Friday, August 9, 2024

Great Horned Owl - time and chance!

We make so many decisions when we get up in the morning. I eat a good breakfast and have a cup of coffee...always! And then I check the weather. This particular morning was supposed to be a little less hot with a bit of a breeze. So I started getting ready to go for a hike. I've been starting at a trailhead near my house so that there's not much drive time to get there. And I didn't even make my bed! I sliced an apple and packed it and extra water in my little insulated bag to have after the hike. I put my water bottle, phone and extra camera battery in my backpack, grabbed my camera and I was ready to roll!

Great horned Owl

This is the firebreak I was hiking. 

A firebreak is a path that is plowed to keep a wildfire from continuing to spread. This firebreak was tilled up about a month ago so some weeds and grass have started to grow but it still serves the purpose.

Of course when I started the hike, there were stops to look at the many deer tracks on the trail and one possible bobcat track. 

There were flowers to photograph and little Warblers flitting about.

I got to a 'T' in the road and took a few steps to the right at the hummingbird tree. (I shared it last month)

And a really BIG bird flew across the trail in front of me. I thought it was a big bodied Hawk! I was so thrilled that it lit in a tree. So being the country girl (at heart) that I am, I trekked through the brambles in the forest to get a better look.

I was so glad I did! It was a Great horned owl.

Probably a young one by the looks of his 'horns'.

We had seen one of these beautiful owls at Pruitt a few years ago so I could see the difference.

All of these photos are of his back.

He swiveled his head all the way around to watch me!

It was an amazing sighting and made me really glad I didn't take the time to make my bed before I left my house.

I would have missed his flight across the trail and not even noticed him in the tree.

Time and chance. 

I hope you can get out and observe nature where you live this week!

Don't forget.....go BEFORE you do any housework!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

  and Mosaic Monday HERE !


Latane Barton said...

You are just so lucky to see so much of God's nature. BTW I love your header!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the owl is amazing x 10.. wow! love that first shot, so glad you did not make he bed, he was worth it all by himself...

Jeanie said...

It's going to be coolish all day (and tomorrow too -- what's with that? And maybe rainy later) so I'm getting in my walk a bit later but before the rain. We had a great breakfast today before the kids left. Now to pick up!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Wow! Great pictures
Thank you!
Your hike looks relaxing.

Red Rose Alley said...

That's something that he can turn his head all the way around. That was a wonderful sighting. Reading about the firebreak was interesting. I'm afraid that wouldn't work here in California. Lots of open forests and wild territory, and we just had a huge fire here - its about 35% contained last I checked, but the winds keep shifting it in different directions. It's a BIG one that has spread rapidly. The yellow wildflowers are pretty. And I like the one on your Header too! : )

I hope you have pleasant August days, Diane.


Ed Rosack said...

Awesome find and photos - well done!

Cloudia said...

That was amazing! Your preparation, knowledge and method all met together beautifully and we are lucky to see these great photos. Thanks so much Aloha

Cloudia said...


HappyK said...

Fantastic picture of the owl!!!

Terri D said...

Something like that takes your breath away!! He is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!

Tom said...

...thanks for taking me along to see the sights. Have a fabulous weekend.

doodles n daydreams said...

Wow! How lucky. Right time, right place :)

Irma said...

What a great series of photos.
The American eagle owl is my favorite, we only see them in a zoo.
You'd better go outside for a walk before it gets too hot, I do that now, you can do something in the house in the afternoon.
I wish you a good weekend.
Greeetings Irma

Ann said...

That owl is amazing. What a treat to get to watch him.

eileeninmd said...

A great hike and wonderful photos.
I do love the owl, great sighting!
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Impressive photos of that handsome owl ~ wow! ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Bill said...

An excellent executed plan. You were rewarded with the beautiful owl posing nicely for you. Well done and thanks for sharing.

RedPat said...

That is amazing! How lucky you were to see this fabulous bird. A bed can always be made later. ;-)

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

OMG! I have never seen any owl in the wild! If I saw that owl I would be so excited , there are no words! It is quite spectacular! I always make my bed the minute we are out of it or it just doesn't end up getting made.

italiafinlandia said...

Well done! It always needs luck with wildlife...and you were lucky!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane :)

How thrilling, firstly to see such a large bird fly across the path you were walking on, and then to discover it was a Great Horned Owl. must have made your day, ...never mind that your bed was wasn't made. Your photos are fab!
Warm hugs

Rostrose said...

Dear Diane,
making the bed is totally overrated anyway!
(On the contrary - making the bed immediately after getting up is bad. Because if the blanket, mattress and pillow are still warm and damp, the ideal climate is created for mattress mites / house dust mites. Instead, you should throw back the blanket after getting up and let the bed cool down or dry.)
So you did everything right - and you were rewarded for it - with a very extraordinary sight. "Your" Great horned owl is a magnificent bird! He sent you a cute look!
And you saw other beauties in nature, that is definitely more important than made beds!
Thank you very much for your lovely comment! 🥰
Hugs and all the best - have a wonderful Sunday,

Debbie said...

so funny to be rewarded in such a brilliant way because you did not make your bed!! what a thrilling experience, your pictures are so beautiful and really highlight this exciting moment!!

are your leaves turning already?? i enjoyed seeing those fall colors!!

Mae Travels said...

Seeing an owl makes any day of birding special! Your photos are wonderful.
best, mae at

Lea said...

Seeing an Owl is really special!
Love the wildflowers, too

GreenComotion said...

Your photos of the owl are so sharp. I thought the owl went shopping for an outfit :)
Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

Linda said...

I love the owl! Congratulations on getting good pictures of him.

Veronica Lee said...

What a great adventure!
Your hike sounds wonderful, and your photos are stunning.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment with us—time and chance really do bring unexpected joys!

Veronica Lee said...

What a great adventure!
Your hike sounds wonderful, and your photos are stunning.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment with us—time and chance really do bring unexpected joys!

Anu said...

Hello. Awsome owl! You got a nice series of photos. Take care!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Great pictures! I was thinking it was a younger one too. He/she just seems as though it has some growing to do before it becomes full sized.

Alexandra said...

What a gift! It's great how they can turn their heads and good thing it did so you did not have to get through the bush for a face view!

magiceye said...

Lovely captures!

Carla from The River said...

Fantastic eye my friend. And amazing photos.

We are off on a camping trip Monday... I cannot wait.

Love, Carla

Connie said...

Your photos are wonderful. That owl looks a little scary and his coloring certainly blends in with the branches of the trees. Have fun on your camping trip :)

Shiju Sugunan said...

That's an incredible owl sighting! The photos are fantastic!

Buttercup said...

Love seeing all that you encounter on your hikes. So grateful that you share your photographs.

Teresa said...

Siempre geniales tus salidas al campo, el búho se ve precioso, me encantaría verlo. Besos.

Angie said...

Diane - thanks so much for your visit to my blog! I haven't been on the web much lately, so I am not sure if there is more to your comment about "your summer has been better than mine" - hope all is well over and down there!

What a fabulous experience to see a Great Horned Owl - and what a good excuse to give myself the next time I want to get out of housework!

diane b said...

That is good advice go before you do anything. I used to walk an hour with friends at 6:30 am before breakfast . Just get up and go. But I haven't been able to do that since I have had back problems. It is so depressing.

diane b said...

Love the big Owl.

Wally Jones said...

What an awesome example of "timing is everything"!

Any day one sees an owl is a very special day indeed.

All that other stuff is not a bad way to spend a morning, either!

We hope your week is going well.

Tanza Erlambang said...

the owl looks fantastic....
the bird population seem decreasing recently, especially in our areas......

Karen said...

Diane, the owl pictures are wonderful! I enjoyed your hike;) So glad you stopped by my blog, and I look forward to reading more of yours.

Rainbow Evening said...

beautiful nature.
thank you for sharing interesting photos

BeachGypsy said...

Great sighting on the owl!-- love all the pictures-- felt like I was right there hiking with you!! The trails are so pretty. It's HOT HERE again . 🔥

Happy@Home said...

Good advice. I see hawks daily, but never owls. What a thrill that would be.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How exciting to see the great horned owl, I agree, seeing wildlife is like that. Often you see them when you are least expecting to! Life is all about little decisions - isn't it! Something to ponder for the day. Glad you had such a wonderful hike!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In our house, whoever is out of the shower first makes the bed. That Great Horned Owl out there waiting for me could induce me to skip both! Miriam nearly always accompanies me, however, so the same rules would still apply when we got back home! Ah, well……