I’m enjoying my new lap quilt in the lanai. So far it hasn’t been cool enough to wrap up but cooler temps are on the way. And I’m reading the BEST book that I want to share.

Did you ever read an author that can paint a picture? Describe something so that you can picture it in your mind? Beth Hoffman is that kind of author. Her books are always delightful. I like to rate my books 1 to 10 and I gave Saving CeeCee Honeycutt a 10! It really was THAT good!
Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman is wonderful so far!
I don’t usually do reviews but I thought I would just quote a little part of what I read today in chapter 2. (I just started the book today)
“…the deep chug chug of Daddy’s tractor sounded. Puffs of gray smoke lifted into the air from its tall exhaust stack and Roxy was hunkered down for the ride.
Earlier that summer, Daddy had taught Roxy to do something amazing. After folding an old blanket and setting it on the front of the tractor, he tied it down with twine…and whistled for Roxy. She was big and beautiful and loved my dad something awful. Roxy was a Brahma chicken, fluffy white with feather pantaloons that went all the way down to her toes.
Daddy lifted Roxy onto the blanket and taught her how to ride on the front of the tractor. Roxy sat up there like a feathery pom pom, all plump and proud. I thought it was the cutest thing I’d ever seen…. Mama said Daddy spent more time talking to that chicken than he did talking to her.”

(a new bookmark from the library, made by a young artist)
I’m joining Ricki Jill for Literary Friday .
And Marfi with a Book and a Blanket HERE .
Are you reading a good book today?
UPDATE ~ I was SO thrilled to receive a comment from the author!
Beth Hoffman wrote,
“What a surprise. I'm delighted that you're reading my new novel and have featured it on your blog along with your quilt!
I hope you'll continue to enjoy Teddi's story and I thank you for your kind words.”
Thank you SO much for visiting me today! I am honored and delighted! And thanks to all of you that take time to visit my blog and comment. Sweet hugs to you ALL!