Sunday, August 31, 2014

Shades of Lavender and a Hummingbird Moth

We’ve seen some of the most beautiful flowers since we’ve been here.


Butterfly bushes and all kinds of plants in shades of lavender grow so well here in NC.

I always walk over to the butterfly bushes to look for the Hummingbird Moths. A link to learn more about them is HERE.

I’ve only been lucky enough to get one good photo.


Aren’t they amazing?

I’m dedicating my Lavender post to our new host, Judith. Thanks for continuing our love of mosaics, my friend! Thanks also to Diane and Cindy!

I’m joining Beautiful Sunday

Amaze me Monday and

Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday (new link).

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Pumpkin Moon

We walked out on the balcony to watch this spectacular sunset last night.


We love to sit in our glider and watch it change right before our eyes.


The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains take your breath away. Mt. Pisgah, tallest mountain in center.


Reflected in the French doors on the balcony.


And then at around 10 pm, we walked out on the balcony to see the ‘pumpkin moon’.


(that’s not an official name, we just called it that)

Have a fabulous weekend filled with beauty.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Welcome to Marshall, NC

We drove up to Marshall one day and I took LOTS of photos!


It is so picturesque that I couldn’t stop myself!


So I put some of them into mosaics to share even more.


How would you like to live on the side of this hill?


Right above Main Street? Do you see it up there?


Hope the road goes around because it would be a steep hike!


Think the wash on the line is dry yet?

The town of Marshall was in the movie ‘My Fellow Americans’ with James Garner, Jack Lemmon, Dan Aykroyd and Lauren Bacall. We watched it after spending the day there and it was fun to see so many of these buildings and the Rock Café.


There are some scenes that were shot in Asheville, too.


My girlfriend Joyce did a post on Marshall and she has some wonderful photos HERE.

I’m joining Katherine’s Corner for Favorite Things.

Have a fabulous holiday weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Take a walk with me for ‘Good Fences’

We have a beautiful path all the way around our condo complex so we’ll take a nature walk.


And when we are through, we’ll check to see who has juicy blackberry fingers!


Let me check your fingers now!

Stick out your tongue! teehee!

I’m joining Tex for the Good Fences party!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Did I say TWO?

Yes I found TWO fabulous items at New Visions last week. It’s a huge building but the two things I bought were about 3 feet apart.


I just looked at this quickly as I walked by. I wasn’t sure about the price. It seemed too low so I bought the cradle and went back another day to inquire on this.


But yes, it’s a printer’s tray/drawer. And it was marked $19. Oh my! I was thrilled!

I’ll take it back to Florida and probably put shells in it. I think I’ll put it on my coffee table but I’ve looked on Pinterest and a lot of people hang them on the wall. (and I’ll take better photos of it! lol)


It sure is fun to find some neat and interesting things while we’re here.


I’m joining the Vintage Inspiration Link party HERE!

Have you seen these printer’s trays?

Have you found anything special lately?

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Missing Weekend!

Or should I say, the FULL weekend! (I’ll make this a long weekend and include Friday! lol)

I went to the library on Friday morning and checked out a book by Nancy E. Turner. I didn’t even need to read the cover to see what it was about. Anything that Nancy E. Turner writes, I will read. Even my husband has read her books, too. We read These is My Words, Sarah’s Quilt and the Star Garden a few years ago. This is a trilogy that should be read in order. We still remember the stories and certain scenes and sayings from the characters.


My Name is Resolute


And even though I am a fast reader, I am actually trying to slow myself down to enjoy this book to the fullest. But having said that, it has almost 600 pages and I am already over halfway through. It is amazing and will get the highest rating I can give it in Goodreads.


We watched the old Alfred Hitchcock movie, ‘The Birds’ over the weekend, too. I think I had nightmares just THINKING about watching it!

Did you know that Alfred Hitchcock makes an appearance in all of his movies. We have fun looking for him. He was walking some dogs in the very beginning of this movie.

And we spent some time with our growing grandsons, J and B!


Aren’t they handsome? (and also incredibly smart and talented!)

Did you have a nice weekend, too?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Look for the Signs

There are lots of signs in Hendersonville, NC and I must be drawn to them. Because I saw a theme when I looked at the photos I had taken.


And when you can’t decide which mosaic is best….


post them both. (a new rule! lol)

I’m joining Beautiful Sunday

Amaze me Monday and

Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday (new link).


(in case you couldn’t read this one in the mosaic!)

I make my mosaics in Picassa.

Do you enjoy making them as much as I do!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


When you look out at these majestic Blue Ridge Mountains, your heart is filled with gratitude.


We’ve seen some of the most beautiful sunsets since we’ve been here and I’ll share a few in this post.


I don’t have to add any effects or ‘tweak’ them.


They really are this beautiful!

I was grateful for a fun package I received since we’ve been here, too!


Debby from the Cozy Blanket had a giveaway and I WON!


A big box of fun things to use for card making and pages in my art journal!


Thanks Debby! You are such a sweet blog buddy and always so generous.


Enjoy the weekend and take time to look around for the beauty that surrounds us.

Friday, August 22, 2014

‘Fun Finds’ Vintage Style of course!

I found this little cradle at New Visions in Fletcher, NC.


I did a post featuring this shop a few years ago HERE.

It’s always at the top of my list to visit and I always find something neat!


This week I found TWO neat things and here’s the first one.

I wanted to put cute little blankets and a dollie in the cradle but I was afraid my time would run out. It’s screwed together and I am SURE hubby will take it apart to haul it back to Florida soon! lol


But it looks pretty cute with the buffalo we bought for $2.50 and the doggie that traveled with me on the trip.


The cradle was marked $15 but when I took it to the check out, it was on sale for $10! SCORE!

Foam and Fabrics is always on my list to shop when I’m here but believe it or not I didn’t buy any more fabric this trip! I am still trying to use what I have and not purchase more until I see a little room on a shelf! lol But isn’t this a neat antique car?


Sun Have fun this weekend! Sun 

What are your plans?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Driving the Mountain Roads

There is so much beauty to be seen on the mountain roads of Western North Carolina.


We drove up into Madison County one day last week and saw some amazing scenery.

I was shooting photos through the glass and got quite a bit of glare in many of them. But there’s no where to pull over to take photos.


You’re between a rock (wall) and a sheer drop off.


Do you feel better when the rock wall is next to you or the drop off (with NO guard rails!)


I used to get car sick on these winding roads when I moved here 20 something years ago. Now I love it! These are some of my favorite trips!


I’m joining Tex for the Good Fences party!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

(wanna go for a ride? I’ll drive! lol)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Let’s go inside Mast General Store!

It’s one of my favorite places to shop.


They have lots of locally made items and neat things you don’t see anywhere else.


Oh, and CANDY! lol


I bought dishcloths and hubby sneaked in some old timey candy!


Lots of neat displays in the store.


Down the street we browsed in a ‘new’ book store.


I even splurged and bought a Golden Book.


(One I don’t have and it was $1.95!)


Lots of fun when you ‘vacation’ in your home town!


Do you have a nice downtown in your area?

Visit Hendersonville, NC if you’re ever in this part of the state! You’ll be glad you did! (to find a parking place, park at the Visitor’s Center at the South end of Main)