Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Did you have a good day?

I’d like to answer that! I’m going to throw in an extra post this week just to ‘brag’! You all know I love living in Florida and we have some pretty incredible days in the middle of the winter!


I hiked today on the Florida Trails and it was 77 degrees! There were lots of people taking advantage of the nice weather to ride their bikes. I only saw one other hiker but I saw lots of pretty birds.


This is a Red-Bellied Woodpecker and I stood and watched him for a few minutes. This looks like a good tree to find insects.

So then I came home and had a cup of coffee with my sweetie. (and some cottage cheese with fresh Florida strawberries on top)

And at 3:30 pm, hubby and I walked outside and watched the rocket launch from Cape Canaveral.


We are not ‘close’ so these photos are from a long distance. I only took ONE photo (above). You’ll have to look closely!


And hubby took one of  the smoke from the launch.

We stood out on the golf course and squealed and jumped up and down….well at least one of us did! haha

Was this an exciting day? Absolutely!

Did anything out of the ordinary happen to you today?


librarylady64 said...

I posted on my blog. I haven't done that in a long time. Also it is 26 degrees here so I stayed in and watched channel ID. Love those true crime shows.
Enjoy your beautiful weather my friend!

Stacey said...

Got a haircut and had lunch with friends. Your day sounds wonderful!

gypsyrose said...

No just a normal day but I did have a nice message from you Thank you for following me now, love the woodpecker photo would love to see one and the trail looks a great place to walk.take care x

Jeanie said...

How fun is that! And your woodpecker is pretty fun, too!

Latane Barton said...

I wish I was in Florida with you. What a great day to be outside. What happened to me that was exciting? I went to chic-fil-a and played bingo with a bunch of senior citizens there. And, I won so I got my breakfast free. That's pretty exciting for this old lady.

Sandy said...

Living in Florida is pretty sweet! I don't have it as warm as you, but it was nice today. I planted some new roses today and came inside to watch the launch on TV. I went to a launch before the shuttle program ended. It was amazing!!!

Terri D said...

Wow! It is pretty exciting that you could see the launch (part of it anyway)!! That place where you can hike is so great! You always find interesting birds to share with us.

Red Rose Alley said...

I often wonder why they're called Red-Bellied Woodpecker, cause I never see red on their bellies. But I do see these in our area as well. I love that first picture of the trail. And fresh strawberries sound good to me right now. Glad you had a nice hike today, Diane, and the weather was just right for it.

love, ~Sheri

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What fun to see that launch! I was watching a live feed on Facebook I think it was on CNN. It was very exciting!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

hmmm...I got some good writing in


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Nothing exciting happened in our day yesterday but we enjoyed the beautiful weather just like you did since we're only a couple hours away from you. We actually hit 81 at 12:30 and we're sitting out by the pool in the Sun and I said it's too hot out here I've got to go in. It was a beautiful day for hiking

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the Red-bellied Woodie shot. That is awesome you were able to see the rocket launch. I watched it on TV! I wish I was in Florida now, the temps and weather in Maryland have been cold and icy. Enjoy your day!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

There are indeed times when Florida living seems so inviting... as in the day you described. Today we're getting more snow and rain - a very grey day weatherwise.

carol l mckenna said...

Great photo of our 'feathered friend' and lovely photo tour ~

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I took Mom to the dentist (she is getting new dentures) then home again. Tiger and his Dad came over to clip a rose bush that had gotten out of control. Bring in the trash cans and do a few other little things. I love it when Tiger helps. He is getting to be such a big boy. Then I was exhausted but it felt good to be outside with the sun on my face. Today it's pouring rain.

Linda said...

Oh, I do love your walks!

Angie said...

I watched the post-launch news coverage while at the gym - very exciting to see the 'space program' start up again!

We went out for breakfast (yummy) so that local real estate agents could view our house, which just went on the market. Fulfilled my normal shift at the historical museum. Workout at the gym. Most unusual activity? Local bar holds a weekly talent contest leading up to a final in March - we saw musicians, a magician and a contortionist! So entertaining!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Perfect Day!!! We have lots like that -- except for the rocket sighting -- that's very cool!

Debby Ray said...

Nothing much hear but I did enjoy reading your post! What beautiful weather you must be having. And I have also been enjoying cottage cheese lately with fresh berries...strawberries and raspberries. What a thrill to have been able to see the launch!
Hugs and blessings!

Susie said...

Diane, Years ago, I went to the Cape and got to see many interesting things to do with space launches. I would have loved seeing one in person. They are amazing. Love seeing your birds when you take us along on a hike. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

HappyK said...

Sounds like a very nice day.
Great shot of the woodpecker.

Lorrie said...

It's Friday, and Fridays are always special. Weekend ahead, and here in BC it's a long one. Monday is Family Day. Hooray!

77 degrees sounds absolutely wonderful.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - that is amazing to see a rocket launch - what a place you live in. Nothing special here today - just ordinary wonderfulness.