Thursday, January 3, 2019

2018 “By the Numbers”

I had a very good year! I hope you feel the same way!


By the numbers…

I hiked 95 times this year! I enjoyed being out in nature and my health improved too. I saw some amazing sights….be sure to come back Saturday for the MOST amazing sighting of the year!

I read 83 books…so many of them 5 stars!

I volunteered at the Hospice House over 40 times. And my hubby set records for the time he spent volunteering for our community in other capacities.

When I decided to volunteer as a patient visitor at the Legacy Hospice House, I knew I would need to take care of myself. To be able to give to others, you need to be healthy and happy. So I ramped up my hiking trips!

I kept my blog going and even did a hiking series. I took oodles of photos and did dozens of posts! (are oodles and dozens real numbers? heehee)

I did NOT sew or craft as much this past year but I started cross stitching again so I have that to look forward to THIS year!

I solved some of life’s greatest mysteries.


Like what in the world were these pods growing on a tree!


After a frost, they softened and turned a soft orangey color.


They are persimmons!!!

And what happened to the baby gators at Blue Run Park?


They are still there. We didn’t see them for several weeks in a row but last weekend, they were back in the original spot. (we didn’t see Mama Gator but she was probably close by)


I think I’ll choose ‘Live Life to the Fullest’ for this new year.

And see what the new year holds!

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I’m excited! How about you?

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


Arlene G said...

Great Job Diane!! I remember a persimmon tree that grew near our driveway growing up. I was always tempted to eat one when they turned a lovely orange color but alas, they were bitter as in turn your mouth inside out bitter. When I moved to Kentucky I had my first taste of persimmon pudding...oh my so yummy. But it takes a lot of persimmons to make it.

Sam I Am...... said...

Great post and congrats on all you accomplished...especially your volunteering. I didn't know you did that. I found some of those persimmons here on a walk too...I had no idea what they were! Not sure when you harvest them either. Thank you Arlene for your info as that is more than I ever knew about them. I should research them more as they are around here for sure. I did not make my Good Reads Challenge and it was less than yours but it was more than I read the previous year. It sounds like you had a great and very balanced year. I wish an even better one this year and I can't wait to see your cross stitch! I like the SAL's and suggestions from Priscilla and Chelsea's Floss Tube podcast because they steer clear of big, complicated xs projects with fancy stitches. Take care!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You did have a great year!! I love your words for 2019.

Sandy said...

Those are very good numbers. I have loved your hikes. I think I should note those beach walks in my planner or something. Do you still record your books on the site Goodreads? Positive attitude and moving goes a long way.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

You were indeed a busy bee in 2018!!
I wish you a happy and fruitful New Year :)

Jeanie said...

That is a FABULOUS year and I especially, ESPECIALLY admire your Hospice work. Thank you for sharing so much with us from your walks and more! Onward to an exciting 2019!

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

What a busy, beautiful, blessed year you had! And many blessings to you in the New Year - for all you do for others and volunteering. Giving of oneself with your time and compassion, is truly a remarkable gift.

Happy New Year, my friend!!! God Bless, Net

Happy@Home said...

I am impressed and inspired by your accomplishments for 2018. I'd like to start hiking as we have some nice trails in our new neighborhood. Now if I could get it to stop raining. I am intrigued by the persimmons as I recently read a Southern Living article recommending them as one of the top trees to grow. I have never tasted one and I know persimmon pudding is a "thing" in these parts. I need to find some and give it a try.
Great choice in words for the new year!

Kathy said...

You did a lot in 2018. Hope this year is just as active and fun for you.

Linda said...

You do, indeed, live Life to the fullest! God bless you and all you do in this new year! Thank you for sharing your adventures with all of us!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a great 2018 dear Sis. I'm looking forward to 2019 and hoping that it's a healthier year for me. Hugs!

Michelle said...

It sounds like you made the most of 2018. Best wishes for a great new year. Thanks for linking up today.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy New Year to you from a recent "new" follower. I enjoyed reading your list of 2018 accomplishments, Diane, and volunteering is a wonderful give-back and I am sure that the hours you and your husband give to others is most appreciated. Congrats too on the hiking achievement. I have been walking indoors on a treadmill in the mill apt gym and may get outside again in the next couple of weeks. Living life to hte fullest is the best resolution we can all have for any year!

HappyK said...

You sure did have a great year!!
83 books is a lot of reading. I thought I did good with 50. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You and your husband both did well to do the volunteering even without all the other things. it was a super duper year for both of you and that is a lot of hiking.

Cherdecor said...

Thank you for a most encouraging post. I want to do that so badly. The only hiking I do is inside a grocery store. Ha! I would also love to live in warmer weather. I can only dream so I will tag along with you. Have another wonderful year!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a great post and many congratulations on all you've achieved - you must be so pleased.
I think volunteering is a wonderful thing to do and there are so many ways in which this can be done.
Wishing you a very happy 2019.

All the best Jan

Meditations in Motion said...

So cool! I have never seen a persimmon tree. did you taste the persimmons? I have been volunteering more this year for Meals on Wheels. Such a satisfying feeling. I love it!

Tanya Breese said...

You have been busy in a good way! Those baby alligators are cute!

Ann said...

You had a good year and I hope this one will be even better. I have high hopes for this year. So many things I would like to do

carol l mckenna said...

What a creative and marvelous post to start the New Year ~ great photos too!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Danice G said...

What a wonderful year it was. It's amazing how much you accomplished. Yes, 2019 is going to be another great year.

Tom said... sure were a busy soul, keep up the good work in 2019.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

You have enjoyed a wonderful year! I suspect it has a lot to do with your hiking, volunteering and reading---I believe when we spread kindness it comes back to us many fold. Here's to a wonderful year ahead!

Terri D said...

This post is full of just everything good!! Your posts always lift me up and this one is no exception!! Happy new year!

Rose said...

Sounds like you have read a LOT....and did a lot besides!

Anonymous said...

Diane, you did good! Love all the hikes and pictures etc. I wonder how big those baby gators will grow?

A Colorful World said...

Wow...I SOOOO feel like an under-achiever! :-) I only read 52 books and didn't volunteer anywhere. I did several paintings and am writing a book though, so I know that counts toward a decent list! :-) Well, anyway, loved the photos; loved your list and hope your new year is just as wonderful!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Lovely post, as always my dear. You certainly had a great year - and I'm sure there are many appreciative folks who enjoyed your volunteering with a joyful heart. The baby alligators are so small, hard to believe they will grow to such huge monstrous things. I've loved your posts this year - and plan to enjoy more this coming year. Happy New Year dear friend.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Those gators have great eyes, don't they...

Out on the prairie said...

Would have never guessed persimmons

Debbie said...

i'm excited too, you had a great year. it's kinda neat that you kept track of things/numbers, i'll bet that made you feel even better. nice post, made me feel happy!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your header is stunning! I believe that you did so many really meaningful and wonderful things last year. How awesome it is to be able to help people who are suffering or in trouble, I believe this is our purpose here on earth. Your yellow and brown leaves are gorgeous!

BeachGypsy said...

You did some great things this past year! Your volunteer time was a blessing to many families. And your friendship is a blessing to me, for sure! Glad to get another look at those sweet lil baby gators!!--so cute. Wow, you outread me this year!!--I'm plugging along more slowly but I do always have a book going. I love my magazines too, somehow I read through THOSE VERY QUICKLY, ha ha Happy new year, my Sunshine state friend!!

Sami said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Diane and a Happy New Year to you too. You have a lovely blog and I've enjoyed reading a few of your posts. Wow, you've read a lot of books, I also enjoy reading but haven't managed that many in a year ever!

Lorrie said...

You had a great year, Diane. 83 books is wonderful, as is 95 hikes. Love that. I hope 2019 is just as much fun as 2018 was.

betty-NZ said...

What a fabulous list of accomplishments!

Barbara said...

This summation of your accomplishments in the past year is very interesting and inspiring. I learn so much from your discoveries!

Oh please do share your cross stitch projects as they are completed. I would love to see them!

Jenn Jilks said...

I am a hospice volunteer, too. I visit twice a week, 3 hours each. I don't know how many hours I've done!