Monday, January 14, 2019

Camellias in Bloom at Sholom Park

I don’t walk at Sholom Park as often now. I would rather hike in the forest!


But it’s always a beautiful park to visit so when hubby called to tell me he had driven past the entrance and saw an interesting bird soaring overhead, I headed over there. I happened to be ‘out and about’ at the same time and wasn’t far away. Of course I DID NOT have my good camera with me. The bird turned out to be a Northern Harrier but I didn’t get a good photo so you’ll just have to take my word! lol


But to make up for that….


the Camellias were in full bloom!

They were simply gorgeous!


Lots of pretty flower beds to enjoy.

But the Camellias were the star!


I even love the petals scattered on the ground.


It’s a beautiful time of the year to live in Florida!


Come on down! We’ll go for a walk in the park!

I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Like you, I prefer to walk in a forest, but gardens have their attractions too, not the least of which is the fact that one is more likely to find hummingbirds in gardens, for example. And the colour and variety of the plants and flowers is appealing too. Northern Harrier is not a species I would associate with this kind if habitat, but if there is one thing we learn about birds it is than anything can show up anywhere!

Sandy said...

Camellias are my absolute favorite thing about winter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you on walking on the wild side and not the perfectly groomed park side. that said, the park is beautiful.... so are the flowers, yet another reason I love our Florida, as do you....

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Just being outside is great

It's me said...

Beautiful Ria 💕💕

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

The camellias are absolutely beautiful and they are especially pretty around here in the bleak months.

Jeanie said...

Oh! Camelias! They are unbearably beautiful!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I love camellias. Our sasanqua camellias are in full bloom right now.

Arlene G said...

Those camellias are just gorgeous!!

Connie said...

It is a beautiful place to walk, I'm sure that there is much more excitement discovering wildlife in the forest . . . but walking through groomed gardens can be very peaceful and lovely.
Thanks for letting me tag along.
Connie :)

Gillena Cox said...

Your Camellias are lovely. Happy mosaic Monday


Terri D said...

Beautiful photos and yes, it is a lovely time to be in Florida! Our bird sanctuary, Lake Morton, has pelicans lining the shore this time of year. I posted a picture off a few of them on my blog today. The camellias are beautiful and so are the puddles of blossoms on the ground around them!

Red Rose Alley said...

These are pretty Camellias, Diane. I just took some pictures of what I thought was the Camellia, but now I'm not so sure. They were Pink also. That fountain in the middle of the water is lovely. This looks like such a peaceful park. I will send you the photo now and you can tell me what it is. You're so good at figuring out the flowers and birds. : )

love, ~Sheri

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a beautiful park, and the Camellias are stunningly beautiful.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

The Camellias are very pretty and that looks like a really nice park

Tom said...

...camellias are the one plant that I wish would grow here in the frozen north, beautiful.

Susie said...

The pictures are so pretty Diane. I bet those flowers smelled wonderful. I am so eager for spring so we can have some here on the porch. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Linda said...

You are so right - what a beautiful place to live!!!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

How lovely! I would never want to leave this beautiful park!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love camellias. SO wonderful this time of year. xo Laura

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful floral photos ~ so colorful and creative! ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous pink those camellias are, Diane! ♥

HappyK said...

Sometimes it is nice to walk along a paved pathway.
I like walking anywhere. :)

Barbara said...

Beautiful. We former Coloradoans marvel at all the flowering trees and bushes here in Florida in the middle of winter! It's glorious!

Rose said...

The flowers are a welcome sight to me!

Vee said...

I take walks with you nearly every day. 🙂

BeachGypsy said...

Love these pretty pictures Diane!You did a great job. The camellias are sure in full bloom here too. Our backyard ones have completely SHOWERED AND COVERED (both petals and whole blooms) Gypsy and Smokey's graves......a beautiful sight, and also so sad when I discovered it the other day. It's like the tree knew.....

Carla from The River said...

I would love to come on down!
Sam called and shared that Georgia got a wee bit chilly the other night.
Low 30's!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love your finds, whether it’s a city park or in the forest or anywhere you go you always find the beauty. I haven’t seen a camellia in a long time. Must be too hot here ...we used to have them in our yard in Oregon (in early spring tho).

Debbie said...

sometimes...the picture in our memory is all we need!! but a northern harrier, that will teach you to not leave home without your camera. i use a pretty leather backpack and i always keep my camera in it when i go anywhere - you just never know - but i am sure you will see it again!!

the flowers are so pretty and the mosaics are such a beautiful way to display them!!!

Angie said...

Diane - I am just the teeniest bit jealous that you have sunshine and camellias and flowers in gardens. Just today I was day-dreaming about a sandy beach and the salty aroma of the ocean - I think I heard the Toes in the Water song by Zac Brown and it got me in a beach-y mood. But then, I am still enjoying our winter sports and wood fires … thanks for linking up your Florida beauty to Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

The camellias are lovely! We have snow here... no flowers.

stardust said...

I feel warm spring-like sunshine from this post. So, I wonder if these camellias are spring-blooming “Camellia Japonica.” Your mosaic of the flowers is so lovely. I love scattered petals on the ground, too. In winter, there are “Camellia sasanqua” and winter-blooming “Camellia hiemalis” in my country. I can’t tell them apart.


Bob Bushell said...

Lovely gardens, but, I love the forests and the open spaces, that way everything is nature.

ann said...

The camellias made the trip worth while, didn't they. The glimpse of new bird makes a trip even more worthwhile, but they don't often stick around while we transport ourselves to see them.

Debbie said...

Such lovely photos of a gorgeous flower! How blessed you are to live in such a place as this! Enjoy!

bj said...

These are so lovely...on my walk this morning, I could find not one flower blooming other than wintertime pansies....not my fav.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Those camellias are gorgeous! Oh how I would love to smell one of them! Florida is so beautiful year round, but these blooms from the camellias are truly breathtaking! Doesn't it always seem that you never have your "good" camera with you when a great shot opportunity happens! That happens to me a lot too! Blessings :)

Inger said...

I love your walks and I'm sure this time of the year Florida must be just gorgeous and not so humid. I lived in NJ for nine years and couldn't take the humidity there, so no way could I live in Florida. Which makes it just so great to visit your blog and enjoy it from a distance.

Stephanie said...

Indeed, it's a beautiful time of year where you live. Right now, it's windy, cold, and gloomy here in the mountains. We're supposed to get snow tonight, tomorrow, and Friday. Can I come stay with you? :) Thanks for sharing your beauty with us.

Hugs and blessings!

KB said...

Such beautiful flowers

DIMI said...

Hello! Such a beautiful park! Lovely pictures!
Those Camelias are gorgeous!
Like the view of the lake and the beautiful scenery!
Thank you for sharing! Enjoy your day!