Monday, March 11, 2019

Horses and Signs "Take Two"

This post came up for a few short hours before blogger 'kilt my blog' a couple of weeks ago. So I was able to write it again and hopefully it won't be too confusing! And YES, I am STILL very happy to have my old blog back! YAY! So here goes...

It's fun to meet friendly people when you hike.

 We have new signs up on the Florida Trails! There are so many trail markers and warning signs already but now there are new red caution signs for the trail crossings.

But I would rather be safe. Everyone has been very considerate of me on the trails. There are many more bikes on this section of paved trail than hikers. And just a few horses that come from the campground nearby, for a small stretch of the way. 

 A 'few' more signs along the way!

 It's beginning to look like Spring here in Florida! 

This is Red Chokeberry and it's in full bloom now!

We even have the dreaded pollen already....ahhhchhooo!!!

 I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE   
and Cooking and Crafting with J&J HERE.


Vee said...

It looks as if everyone yields to horses. Those signs are excellent.

Karen said...

What a great hiking area! I'd love to ride my horses through those nice flat not-rocky trails. Connecticut is famous for the rocks. Ugh.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my husband cut the grass. all day yesterday both inside and outside I sneezed my head off. if I was not sneezing I was blowing my nose. lovely trails, I don't like sharing trails with bikes. our preserves can be dangersous, bikes fly along the trails .. I prefer hikers only, let the bikes have their own trails.

R's Rue said...


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Oh I know the pollen count is high. I'm having terrible sinus trouble right now. Lovely trail and I love the spring blossoms on the bush.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful photos from your walk and the trail. We have similar signs. showing who has the right away. We share our bike trail with horses , bikes, joggers and walkers. The spring blossoms are pretty. Too soon for flower here. We are warming up this week, yay! Happy Monday, have a great day and new week ahead!

The Feminine Energy said...

I love hiking trails... in-person and in pictures. Thank you for posting these. They brightened my Monday morning! Love, Andrea xoxo

Nancy Chan said...

Glad to know that your old blog is back. You have nice trails with lovely surroundings. I think it will be nice to cycle along the horses. I understand that allergy to pollen can cause serious sinus.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

It's good to be safe

Mia said...

Lovely photos, my friend. Kisses!!!

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful landscapes!Enjoy your time!Hugs!

Terri D said...

Yep... that pollen is beginning to cover anything that is still for more than five minutes! LOL Great photos, as always, and thanks for taking us along~~

Tom said...

...thanks for the preview of spring, I will need to wait a bit longer!

Kathy said...

I love spring except for the pollen. Lovely trails you walk on.

Sylvia said...

Diane, Chokecherry blossoms. I am so jealous as we are months away from those. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

Edna B said...

It's looking beautiful here in Kissimmee too. That's why I come here this time of year. The weather is nice and there are so many beautiful flowers and birds everywhere. I love your photos. I used to love hiking, just can't do it anymore. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Out on the prairie said...

seems like the tree pollen grabs me the worse. Nice equestrian area

gypsyrose said...

Lovely photos the blossom is so pretty x

Janey and Co. said...

So pretty! Nice to have an area for transportation other than cars!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems to me that signs are proliferating everywhere. It is as though we cannot be expected to make a sane decision without specific instructions. There is a little overkill if you ask me.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

The flowering signs of Spring are a welcome sight.

Inger said...

So glad you have your wonderful blog back. I haven't been feeling well and haven't blogged since that happened to you. I never found your email then, but wrote a reply to your comment on my blog. Now, I just realized I didn't even read this post that I'm commenting on. So I will sign off and then go back and read it. See, I was just so happy that all was well with you and your blog.

A Casa Madeira said...

Is it a new blog?
I loved the pictures.
Good week.

Terra said...

I love to see horses on trails and to see mulitple uses for trails. How good you have your blog back.

Red Rose Alley said...

I just saw this same white flower at the trail yesterday, but didn't know its name. I wonder if it's the same thing. What a sight it must be to run into the horses on the trail. I like your new Header - that's very cool. : )


Anonymous said...

Diane, horses are such magnificent creatures! We have had a few signs of spring. Love the flowering bush!

Mage said...

You really do things right.

Zaa said...

You always take interesting nature hikes and walks...I love to follow along with your..There is always so much beauty to see. We're still under 6 feet of snow so pollen isn't a problem yet...but at least the temperatures have warmed giving us the HOOPE of Spring. Thanks for sharing all the fabulous pictures...Hugs

Angie said...

Diane - in congested areas, it is important to have reminders for everyone about common courtesies. We used to run regularly on trails used by horses, and the riders always appreciated when we slowed to a walk so as to avoid spooking the horses (and I secretly appreciated the slight break!) I like your new header, and the chokeberry flowers (minus the pollen!) Thanks for always adding your 'warm southern hugs' to Mosaic Monday!

Ann said...

We haven't gotten to pollen season yet but it'll be here before I know it.
The signs are unavoidable but it's nice if you have people who will respect them. Some places people don't care or pay attention

Debby Ray said...

"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...."...remember that song from the 60s?Just be careful where you step...LOL!

Inger said...

I saw on the news that the weather is lovely in Florida. I know you are enjoying it and your walks and photo ops.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh no! Not good about the dreaded pollen! ....ahhhchhooo!!!
Bless you.

Lovely to see your photographs.

All the best Jan

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I often meet the nicest people on trails, sporting happy faces and contented hearts. :-)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

No blooms or pollen here yet because there's still a lot of snow and ice, but Spring is supposed to be coming by next week and before then we will get some really warm days. Then we will be able to get out for some hiking again too.

BeachGypsy said...

Love this post and all the pictures especially the spring bursting out everywhere, and the signs too! So neat y'all see horses on the trails. The horses we see are IN THE STREET as they are pulling wagons, LOL!! The dreaded pollen has arrived here as well. The icky yellow stuff that coats everything.

Tanza Erlambang said...

wonderful views.
have a great day

Stephanie said...

Oh, what a fun and beautiful hiking area! And I love that Spring is showing her lovely face in your corner of the world. My son saw a Robin the other day, but today it's snowing and I have an idea she is huddled under a tree branch somewhere :)

Hugs to you, my friend!

Cherdecor said...

I love that everyone is to yield to horses. Those signs should be posted in Amish Country because every once in a while there is an accident of a car hitting a horse and buggy. I feel sorry for those people and their children.

Lorrie said...

Everyone should yield to horses - it's just common sense. How lovely the chokeberry blossoms are. I'm glad spring is arriving, but too bad about the sneezey pollen!

Sam I Am...... said...

Oh, horses! You know I love them. What a pretty place to ride, bike or hike! I've been sneezing and I have allergy eyes. How did you learn to identify birds and flowers so well?

Jeanie said...

I love coming upon others during my walk. We smile, maybe chat. It's the best. No horses on my path, though!