Thursday, March 14, 2019

I shouldn't give up my 'day job'!

Well, not to become a famous artist! I have some talented artists in my family but I'm not one of them! I do like to 'create' and 'craft' and try something new!

So when I was feeling like I needed a lift, I bought myself some Tombow Watercolor markers. 

Oh my! They are fantastic! (I ordered the pens from the big online A store and I found the paper at the big W store nearby)

At first I tried to draw or paint with them and it looked like Wendy, my doll had gotten into my markers.

 Wendy is visiting Aunt Helen in this photo! 

Aunt Helen even let her sit on her desk to help her with her computer work! heehee!

So I went to youtube and searched for Tombow watercolor markers and found all kinds of tutorials and got some great ideas.

I though they would be perfect for the backgrounds of cards.

My first try looks like 'too much'.

 Second try, maybe too little?

I'm going to keep experimenting and having fun. I'll let you know when my husband thinks I can give up my day job. hahaha!

Have you tried anything new lately? 

I dare you!!!

 I’m joining Thankful Thursdays.


Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Nope, just in a deep deep rut


eileeninmd said...


You are doing great, they are colorful and pretty. I am not creative at all!

Have a happy day!

Tom said...

...I finally gave up my day job a year ago and I'm glad that I did.

Susie said...

Nothing new for me Diane. But I do love your cards. Those markers would be fun. I will tell my g.girl Savannah about them. I am going to post about her art soon. Blessings to you,xoxo, Susie
p.s. hello to aunt Helen.

The Feminine Energy said...

Ooooooooh, I love my Tombows! At least the couple little sets I do have. My granddaughter came over a couple weekends ago and fell in love with them too so I gave her the set of her choosing and then just replaced them the following week. I have the "brights" (which my granddaughter chose to take home) and the "pastels" (at least I think that's the name of them... they're not near me right now to look). They were my first dabbling in brush markers, as all my other markers have either a bullet nib or broad nib. Have fun! Love, Andrea xoxo

Vee said...

Alas and more’s the pity...🙃 (said of me and not you!)

So glad that you found something fun to do. Lots of experimenting right there in those colorful sticks. I like all of them.

Arlene G said...

The internet Is really the place to learn all sorts of things. I love how you are challenging yourself to learn something new. And loved seeing your baby doll come out to play. I am an antique little girl when it comes to dolls.

Inger said...

No, but you inspired me to open one of my coloring books. Love to color, but haven't done it for a while now. You can have a lot of fun with these new things you got. That last picture is lovely.

podso said...

You are making me want to try the water color markers. Your work looks great and I'm sure you will get better and better as creativity flows! Good for you! I was at a Christmas bazaar last December and was surprised how many of these water color paintings I saw--some very similar to yours, for sale! Several college age girls were selling some...very free spirited. So maybe you are right into something that is a "thing" now! Most of all, you went outside of your norm to get into something new. Inspiring!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think they are all beautiful, even the to much and to little. I like both... if I had those Markers I would never have imagined these cards could be created with the markers.. I have markers I bought with my coloring book, gave the coloring book to a friend who colors all day every day after just coloring half of one page. I kept the markers. thanks for the ideas and now I have to see if I can figure out who A and W are.....😁😁😁

Carol said...

Looks like you're enjoying your new creative outlet, Diane! I am another who has NO artistic talent whatsoever. That is why I create with lots of little thread x's on fabric--makes me feel like an artist, even if I'm not :) Will look forward to seeing more of these!

Out on the prairie said...

They will be fun, I like to paint watercolors, both take time to learn

Mia said...

You are definitely an artist, my friend. I love your backgrounds and yes, they are perfect for cards. Enjoy your new markers!!!!!!! Kisses!!!!!!!!!

photowannabe said...

I have always wanted to do watercolors...
I think you are the inspiration to give it a try.
Love the backgrounds for your cards.

Terri D said...

You are VERY creative and those cards look great with the watercolor splashes!! I've not heard of watercolor markers and now may have to look for them!

Lea said...

I like both the cards!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Good for you for trying something new, Diane. The watercolor cards look very nice to me! Wendy is darling and I'm sure would never get into your pens. Ha. I've thought about doing watercolors, but alas have not. Maybe I should give these pens a try. Have a nice evening,


That is really neat--humm???
Isn't fun to learn new things--
I took a knitting class yesterday--
and learned a new technique too--
now to see if I can actually make something
using the new technique??????
luv, di

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I like your first attempt best!

Ann said...

Oh that looks like fun. I have some watercolor colored pencils but have never done much with them. Maybe I need to go on youtube and see if they have a video to help. I like the looks of these cards

Meditations in Motion said...

Oh, I love both of your tries. I have started some of the adult coloring pages this month. I was not sure if I would enjoy it, but I really do.

HappyK said...

I think it turned out great and makes a beautiful card.
I"m learning to drive the tractor. I might even dug a few holes with it. :)

Sandy said...

I love playing with art supplies. I have never heard of those markers. I simply must look them up. I think the card with beautiful on it is just that...beautiful.
I love your header. I saw all those flowers last May when we went to Tampa for my surgery and chose to drive the backroads. It was such a pretty drive with the flowers everywhere. I imagined that that was why Ponce de Leon called Florida the land of flowers.

Sam I Am...... said...

I have those exact same markers. i use them in my bullet journal but I've been sort of lax. I didn't know they had tutorials on You Tube. Your cards turned out so pretty! Nice to meet your Aunt Helen! She's famous now!

Edna B said...

Those watercolor markets sound like fun. I may want to try them. I love crafts. The past few years though, I've mostly been crocheting lots and lots of afghans for my frends and family. Now I'm working on a scarf for myself. You have a really fun day, hugs, Edna B.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so fun you are trying some new art work. The watercolor markers look like fun and i like the cards you made. :)

Jenn Jilks said...

These are lovely! I haven't done anything in awhile. Still trying to get rid of snow!

Connie said...

Trying something new is always fun . . . It's good for the soul too.
Enjoy . . . Your work is lovely.

Lorrie said...

It's so much fun to try something new! Playing with watercolour markers sounds like a lot of creative thinking! Great idea to make backgrounds for your cards.

handmade by amalia said...

LOL. That is what people tell me when I sing :-)

Debbie said...

these are beautiful diane...especially "beautiful"!!!

i am always crafting and trying something new. back to my needle punching right now...i needed a break from yarning!!!

Cherdecor said...

I never heard of watercolor pens. I would have never thought of watercolor for backgrounds, but they are so pretty and give your cards such depth. Keep up the good work.

Sue said...

Beautiful job!! Thanks for the motivation!

Aunt Helen said...

Hello Dear ones, It was so nice Wendy came to visit me! We had a great time! So happy to see us on your Lavender blog. I hope you can visit again soon. With Love, Aunt Helen

Jeanie said...

Don't sell yourself short! I think both look great.

I just bought some of those and haven't used them yet. I'll let you know...