Saturday, December 21, 2019

A "Wild" Cat?

Don't worry! I didn't see a wild animal in the woods!

But we did see an animal we've never seen before!

A cat! A cute little cat that let my husband pet it!

We've taken some nice hikes deep in the woods this week.

But this little cat came out of the woods at Blue Run Park.

And then it was gone. It decided to head for the sunshine!

We saw one of the wildest alligators we've ever seen at Blue Run Park but I'll save those photos for later. Some of my blog buddies would rather I save them for....EVER! heehee!

So I'll share this one!

Happy Holidays from Florida!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE .

PS A blog friend mentioned having trouble with comments NOT going through. And guess what! I went back to look and some of mine have not gone through. I'm using Chrome now and my comment went right through this morning. So I'm sorry if you are not seeing my comments. I can't go back and figure out which ones didn't but I'll try to use Chrome now and see if that solves the problem. It's always something....isn't it? Holiday hugs, Diane


web✯ster said...

Regarding the sign-in and commenting problems some of you are experiencing. Google has been doing some redesigning of Blogger. During this process they may also be upgrading their API's for various platforms and browsers.

Currently I'm aware of an issue with the Safari browser on iOS and MacOS. I suspect that eventually Google will resolve all of the issues they've created by tinkering with Blogger. Until then, I recommend using Chrome since , SO FAR, it's been working good with the blogs.

Vee said...

Chrome actually causes me lots of problems. Safari, ditto. It is so frustrating to lose a comment or lots of them. 😣

Cute little kitty...hope she stays clear of the alligator.

Merry on!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that kitten is adorable. looks healthy so maybe it is not feral but a family pet on walkabout. glad the webster put that about tweaking blogger. I knew something was going on . after 10 years on blogger I can tell when It has hiccups.. two blogger lost their blogs but when I told them to contact the feedback they got them back.. I am so happy to see Vee has problems with chrome because everyone I know sings praises of Chrome and I have nothng but problems with it. used it for years and about 2 years ago I started to hate it. I prefer Edge but it doesn't play well with some sights.

Linda said...

I use Chrome too!
I miss having a cat....but not enough to get one. I like it that I’m not responsible for feeding, watering, caring for anything but myself and Louis Dean. That’s a job in itself......

Jeanie said...

I hope he stays clear of the aligators. I always hate seeing cats outdoors. Too many hazards!

Small City Scenes said...

I have Chrome too. Seems to work ok. Love the sweet kitty and the wild alligator--ha

HappyK said...

Nice looking kitty. Look well cared for.
I use Firefox.

Bill said...

A cute kitty, hope its not lost. I use Chrome and haven't had any problems with comments that I know of.

Jenn Jilks said...

Ye,s it's always something. We have two tabbie kittens. I love them!

Joyful said...

Cute cat. Happy Holidays to you and your husband.

Ann said...

That cat reminds me of one I had years ago. How sweet of him to come welcome you on your hike.

Edna B said...

Oh my, what a pretty kitty cat. I hope it stays safe from the alligators. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

Susie said...

Diane, The cat looked young. Hope no wild things get it. I like that gator. LOL Blessings to you and Ron for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. xoxo, love, Susie

Terri D said...

Awww... sweet kitty!! Love the gator in lights! I have used Chrome for years and years with no problems. Glad you switched over!

Debbie said...

holiday hugs right back at you. that is one scary gator and a good one for florida lights!!

Connie said...

Cute Christmas alligator :)
Merry Christmas

Anni said...

I like kitties too. Hope your holidays are happy ones Diane!

Barbara said...

Testing. Just testing to see if my comments go through on your blog.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a cute looking cat …

All the best Jan

carol l mckenna said...

Sweet kitty ~ looks rather young ~ great photos and fun Holiday photo too!

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

BeachGypsy said...

That is a sweet looking little kitty-cat! Looks pretty healthy and well fed. It reminds me of our Beckie. Are y 'all getting any of this rain that we are getting here in Charleston? It's supposed to be gone by Christmas and have a nice sunny Christmas day in the 70s but for right now....rain rain and more rain! LOL LIked the previous post too with the fruit pictures and peanut butter etc. Now that I can chew again, basically one one side!! LOL---I've been enjoying some good 'ole junk food! ha ha LOL

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Diane

I like the cute kitty, I am glad it was nice too. Some I would be afraid to pet. That alligator is wild. Sorry I am late commenting, I was away. Actually spent some time in Florida. I hope you had a very Happy Christmas. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks also for the comment and visit.