Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Barred Owl on the Florida Trails!

And yes, I FINALLY saw an owl on one of our hikes!

A Barred Owl in all it's beauty!

The first owl I've seen on a hike here in Florida! When we moved here, we didn't really think about hiking. Not many people would list that as a reason to move to Florida. We noticed a lot of trailheads when we were driving around the countryside but it was a few years before we hiked one of them. I looked back at my journal and this is our 7th year of 'serious' hiking. When we walked the first trail at Ross Prairie we got excited about the possibilities and had fun researching where all the trails in our area were and just kept going. It's been an amazing adventure.

So here's the story of the Barred Owl. 

I wanted to go out in the woods and pick up some pinecones. (that's a story for another day! But Tom the Backroads Traveller knew I was planning a pinecone huntin' expedition). My hubby said he would take me. When we got there, we veered off on a side trail. And while I was looking down in earnest for pinecones my hubby was looking up into the trees to see what different pinecones might grow on the trees! 

And he saw it!

 But it didn't even look real. It looked like a statue between two trees. And of course, I was back 'aways' on the trail. I hurried but it felt like I was in slow motion. And what I was afraid would happen did....he flew!
We took off through the woods in the direction that he flew.

And we found him.

 In an even better tree with good lighting.

We took photos while he watched us.

 And then he looked to one side...

and then the other....

and he flew again. This time much deeper into the woods. Yes, we continued to walk down the trail but didn't see him again.

Amazing! Something I'll never forget!

I know so many of you will remember how many times I've said that it has been a dream to see an owl in the wild! What a THRILL! My husband used words like disbelief when he first saw it and then astonishment when he realized it was real.

 So that's my Barred Owl story! 
It's a good one, don't you think?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Tom said...

...fabulous, something that I never in the wild.

Jeanie said...

Barred owls always look like painted statues to me. They are so still and their markings so precise. These are beautiful photos, Diane.

Ella said...

I'm a big fan of the owls!
They are so special birds … ♥️🦉

Sandy said...

I am amazed that he let you get that close. There is an owl that comes each night to our neighborhood. I hear him but the only glimpse I get of him is to sneak out the front by the garage. He gets at the very tip top of the large pine tree out by our back deck. You can't see him from any other spot. I so want a closer look at him. Great photos.

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful pics!Awesome!

Phil Slade said...

Congrats on finding that owl Diane. You know what? Now that you know when and where to look, you will find lots more, often in the same or similar spots. Like us, owls are birds of habit.

eileeninmd said...


Congrats on your Barred Owl sighting. It is a beauty! I always enjoy finding an owl. I agree with Phil above, sometimes the owls will sit in the same tree or spot. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure you were delighted at this encounter with a Barred Owl, a stereotypical owl if ever there was one. In my experience this species is not especially shy and is one of the easiest to photograph. Perhaps it will hang around and you will meet up with it again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing and unbelievable are the perfect words. I can feel both of those just seeing the photos. other than 2 screech owls that live in our tree, we have only seen one owl. we were in Washington State Park over in Volusia county, north of State road 40 that goes through Ocala State Park to the east coast. we looked up and there was a Great Horned Owl, he was about 2 feet tall and he sat like yours did and watched us. I had no camera, this was before I got digital in 2002. I think it was about 1999 when we saw him. when he flew off lke yours did we nearly fainted from joy. his wing span was enormous

Linda said...

I am thrilled for you! Great photos! God truly gave you the desire of your heart!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What a beautiful owl and fantastic photos!

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debbie said...

it's a GREAT story diane, i love all of the details!! i can imagine and feel your excitement!! your pictures are beautiful, it's a BIG fella and the pictures show all the details!! such a wonderful encounter!!

Kathy said...

Wow! That is a wonderful story. I'm so glad you got to see it. And what wonderful photos you took.

Terri D said...

A good one, indeed!! You got some great photos of your owl! Awesome!

Connie said...

Oh, he is magnificent!

Jenn Jilks said...

Aren't they amazing? Once you recognize the shape you'll never miss one. My clue, here, are the jays who harass them. I'm so happy for you!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful story and such beautiful photographs.

All the best Jan

RedPat said...

That is so impressive to see. I have only ever seen one owl in the wild - a Snowy Owl right in the city during a really cold winter.

Ann said...

Wow, how exciting. He's a beauty.

HappyK said...

It is so cool that you got to see the owl. You got some great pictures.
I've been lucky to see a few. One time we had one in our yard!

Vee said...

A great story. So glad that you got to see such a handsome fellow. Lots of excellent pictures!

Lea said...

That is exciting!
I have seen only a few owls in the wild, and then it was at dusk when it is difficult to get a photo.

doodles n daydreams said...

A wonderful story and wonderful shots of the owl :)

Anni said...

Be still my heart! This without a doubt, is my FAVORITE owl. I call them the shaggy dog of bird kingdom. And, no...I don't know why. GORGEOUS photos.

I'm happy you decided to stop by I'd Rather B Birdin today and take time to share your link! Thanks.

ClickNCamera said...

So jealous! I sometimes hear them around our fireplace chimney but have yet to see one in the neighborhood. You give more reason for me to get off the couch. Enjoy your day!

Edna B said...

Wowsie! Awesome! I've never seen an owl in person. What a lucky sighting for you and hubby. The photos are beautiful. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Wow, did you ever get such great views! You must go pine cone hunting more often!

This N That said...

What great pictures..I have never photographed an Owl..Jealous..

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

How awesome! I have never seen an owl in person.

Laurel Wood said...

So very happy for you and thanks so much for sharing the awesome photos!!!!!

Rose said...

What a day to remember! Wonderful captures of the Barred owl.

Meredith said...

We have some behind out home here in Florida and I do hear them chatting with each other from a distance. Several times I have been woken up by one in the tree next to my house hooting at night. I used to find their feathers on occasion but not recently. They are so gorgeous. So happy you got to see one.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am so very happy for you to have this wonderful experience with the Barred Owl. The Barred Owl is "an old friend of mine" from way back. I haven't seen one for several years now, at least not like this, but there was I time I watched them every day in my back yard. You had a beautiful experience and one that you will not forget. Here is a link to my most memorable experience with a Barred Owl: Amazing how much your owl looks like the one I saw, and such similar surroundings. Such a beautiful creation of God. Thank you for sharing. You made me smile to see him again.

Lorrie said...

Fantastic story, Diane! A dream come true. And such great photos. He's a handsome fellow, alright!

Nancy Chan said...

Its a great owl story. I can feel the excitement as I read your story of how your husband spotted the owl and how you managed to find it again and took such clear photos of the beautiful owl. Your dream has come true!

Gillena Cox said...

Really nice shots of the barn owl. Glad i linked back


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Congratulations. It is such a thrill! I had the same feelings when I saw my owl last Spring at Babcock Ranch. But your pictures are better!

Lois said...

Oh my goodness, it's definitely a good Barred Owl story! What a beautiful bird and you got some fabulous shots of him. I would love to see one in the wild like that. Thank you so much for sharing your photos.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my gosh, AN OWL, what a glorious sight! And it looks like he's looking straight at you! He's a handsome fellow, isn't he? And your husband's word is perfect.....astonishment! So glad you found your Owl to take pictures of, Diane. It's a dream of mine to see one as well. : )


NatureFootstep said...

it is always nice to see an owl and even be able to get some shots. This one really keepe an eye on you :)

Barbara said...

What a fantastic experience, seeing this owl. Your pictures are perfect. You are so blessed to see this wonderful creature!


Que bonitas fotos del búho!!!