Monday, September 21, 2020

Fun while staying home?

Staying home while having fun...can we find a way to do both? Only if we can go outside on the nice days! I always tell my sons when we talk on the phone, that I work really hard some days so that I can go outside and play when I am done. I clean and shop...oh and decorate and read! 

I changed a few things to reflect the Fall season.

I love this old dough bowl that a blog friend gave me YEARS ago! She doesn't blog anymore but I always think of Sandi when I decorate with it.

And I put a few more Fall colored flowers in the basket in the kitchen.

I'm going to just do a little this year because our weather is so fabulous for hiking!

I wanted to show some of the pages in these old readers.

I love these old children's books with their pretty illustrations.

I always clean as I go! So now I've cleaned, decorated and read my school books.

Can I go outside and play now?

I drove over to the 49th Ave trailhead and walked on the Florida Trails a couple of days ago and finally got a fairly decent photo of the large brown butterfly I see every once in awhile. 

This is the underside of the butterfly so it makes it even more difficult to ID. But do you think it is a Palamedes, Debbie? She's my blog buddy from It's all about Purple and an expert on butterflies.

And speaking of blog friends! Look who I saw at Walmart this week! My blog buddy, Barbara from Sweet Tea and Sandals. We live in the same town and this is the second time we've run into each other there! Makes shopping more fun, too!

Now look at the photo you really think I'm worth 98 cents? 

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I'm linking with All Seasons at the Jesh Studio,

AND my Monday post HERE.


Arlene G said...

I love seeing two of my sweet blog friends together!! And those old books...I have a few myself and one you gifted me that I sit down with and read every now and then. The Alice and Jerry books take me right back to first grade and learning to read. Sweet sweet memories. When I get home from Grimmwood I plan to add a few Halloween accents to the house...and you are right, it is like playing!! Maybe we are in our second childhood!!:)

Sandy said...

I think you are worth far more than 98 cents. I love that picture of you guys.
I too work harder some days in the house so I can outside and play. I have put out my fall and yesterday it even felt like fall. I need to work inside today, but I am definitely going to go outside some and enjoy the cooler weather. I love those old books. I have more than a few myself and love to pull them out and just browse them. They are quite comforting. I like the one above with Yellowstone on it and I also love the pages with poems.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not intimately familiar with southern swallowtails, but I am reasonably confident that the butterfly is a Palamedes Swallowtail (Papilio palamedes).

Gillena Cox said...

It is so nice to meet in person internet friends. I have meet in pre covids days
A haiku poet friend from the US and one from Canada they both had relatives in Trinidad and had come to visit for a few days.

Thanks for linking up at my blog today

Happy mosaic Monday


Vee said...

How fun that you and Barbara live in the same town. You really should make a lunch date or a hike date or something. 😁 98¢? Is that an expression like "Yankee dime."

Tom said...

...staying home ain't so bad!

Happy@Home said...

My heart beat a little faster when I saw the inside of those sweet books. They just don't make them like that any more. I find them to be such a nice diversion from what is currently taking place all around us :). Thanks for sharing. Lovely touches of fall you have spread around your home. Now, go out and enjoy your play time.

Debbie said...

i had to look this one up diane, we do not see them here. but after some research and reading, which i throughly enjoyed, i am confident it is a palamedes swallowtail. it has traits similar to the black swallowtails i raise and looks to be a light black rather than brown...but you are seeing it in person, so i would trust your in person opinion. sometimes, especially a black butterfly, will become somewhat faded if it is nearing the end of it's life cycle!!

your fall decorations are so pretty...i only put a few things out, outside. i miss seeing my inside decorations but i am the only one who would see them so i decided to pass. maybe i will change my mind!!

sweet books and yes, i would pay at least $ 1.00 for you!!!

Kate said...

I like your bowl of pumpkins and basket of flowers!
Those readers bring back memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

at least 98 cents! ha ha... maybe even 1.98 ha ha again. great shot of both of you . I always loved meeting friends at WM and stopping to chat and chat, but with the mask it is not quite as much fun, but you two look happy. my favorite of your decorations is the black wire container with lights inside and i have a bowl just like that. it was my grandmothers and then mothers and now mine. i call it my chopping bowl because i don't bake. i put things i want to chop in it, and use a hand chopper, that rocks back and forth, it came with the bowl.

Jeanie said...

Rats. I clicked out of the page before the captcha! I said I loved your fabric pumpkins in that dough bowl and all your fall touches. And those readers are precious with their terrific graphics. Happy day!

Martha said...

Your fall decorations are beautiful and I love old children's books too, I have a nice little collection as well. I'll have to show some of mine one of these days. Love the butterfly and really enjoy seeing blog buddies unite. Back in the old days of blogging I hosted an annual beach bash weekend, met lots of my blog buddies back then. We should do something like that again if Covid ever goes away!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I like your fall decorations Diane. How fun to run into one of your blogging buddies at Walmart! Hope you have a nice week.

Gone Tropical said...

oh I love old books, and yours look lovely. I have never seen fabric pumpkins, did you make them? they sure are cute :)

Edna B said...

That's a great photo of the two of you. It's so nice to be able to meet your blog friends in person. Your decorations are really nice. Seeing your childrens' books brings back so many wonderful memories. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

old books remind me of the childhood joy of learning to read - see Jane run. Run Jane run!

Creations By Cindy said...

Look at you two gals! So lovely and how refreshing to be able to stop and chat. Love your fall sweet lady and your "readers" always fascinate me! I ran into our local dollar store as I have got where I just despise going into Walmart. Lord help me! So much easier though when I only need coffee and I am going to have coffee despite COVID! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Rhodesia said...

Loved this blog and I still love the children's books, a child at heart still I guess even if the bones and muscles disagree. Haha you have to be worth more than that 😉

Have a good week and stay safe. t'other Diane

Linda said...

Love your books and fall 'debris' as Louis Dean calls it. My favorite would be the way you put that lobe sunflower by the books.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love that you and Barbara ran into each other at Walmart! That is so cool. Makes me a little envious that we are not closer so we could bump into you too! I do hope we will get to have that date sometime with all of us, and yes you are definitely worth more than 98 cents! Love your vintage school books. They are really special. Thank you for sharing them with us. From the pictures I've seen of the Palamedes Swallowtail, that looks like it could be one. Very pretty! What a find!! I've seen some large ones like that flitting by, but can't get them to stay still long enough to get a picture. You were blessed!! Have a wonderful week dear friend.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Hooray decorations!!!!

Ohhhh aren't those old books sweet???!!!???

Yes, you could go out! You did good work, and deserved a treat!

Oh my you are worth much more than 98 cents. LOL


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

The children's readers are so sweet, Diane. I am pretty sure your are worth more than 98 cents!

Terri D said...

Diane, you are definitely worth more than 98 cents... even if it is 98 cents a pound!! It is so fun that you and Barb find each other in Walmart now and then! I like you little cloth pumpkins. I might have to try making a couple since I know I have some orange cloth tucked away somewhere! Have a good week!

Dawn said...

Love your decorations and the books, oh my, I remember books similar to those if not some of the same when I was in first grade. What a treasure.
Beautiful butterfly whatever it's name.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

eileeninmd said...

Hello Diane,

Your fall decorations are lovely.. The swallowtail butterfly is a gorgeous capture. It is really to be able to run into your blogging friend while shopping. Most of my books are ebooks, they do not take up much room and I am not really a collector of anything. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy week!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh how fun you ran into a blog friend. I've only seen one blog friend in person. It was at my old town and she owned a vintage shop there. Your children's books are so delightful. And thanks for sharing your Fall lovelies around the house. I am just learning the new blogger and it's been real difficult for me, and was so thankful when Nel was able to post this week. I sure hope I get the new post up next week, and if it looks awkward, you know why haha. Having trouble with the pictures. It was working before for us, and wonder why they have to change things.


Ann Thompson said...

Love all your fall decorations. I say you definitely earned the right to go out and play.

NatureFootstep said...

cool. I love this post, I loved to see all old books. Going back in time and remember. :)

And your comment: Can I go outside and play now?
sure you can.

Beautiful flowers and fall has come to Sweden too.
And what a great pleasure, meeting blog friends in the store. :) Cool!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Diane
How nice that you and Barbara live in the same town! She once lived in Colorado, but a few towns away from me and we never ran into each other.
I love your pretty autumn decorations. I usually wait until October to take our fall decorations out but I may start a little earlier this year just to enjoy them longer.
I love children's books and illustrations and also have a collection of favorites.
Have a wonderful week!

Vee said...

Well how observant am I? Not very! 🤦🏻‍♀️

HappyK said...

Like your dough bowl. I have a long oval one that my mother gave me.

Linda said...

I enjoyed your post. I like looking at children's books too. Some of the recent ones have gorgeous illustrations.

My Tata's Cottage said...

What a great post! I Love the decorations for fall. I also love your old books. It is always nice to see you here. Have a great week and I bet you had fun seeing your blog friend at the store. HUGS across the miles XO XO

I have blogged here today :

Lorrie said...

How fun to run into a blogging friend while shopping! Your fall decor is pretty. I haven't done anything yet- but I hope to soon. Love the old readers - I learned to read from Dick and Jane and would love to find a couple of those. Glad you are enjoying your walks these days. We went on a lovely one over the weekend. Have a great week, Diane.

stardust said...

Hello! I like the way how you displayed things with autumn feel. The dough balls reminded me of “otedama”, which my late mother made out of pieces from cutting kimono cloth. Beans are within them so that they can have right weight for tossing or juggling. Glimpses into school textbook is interesting. I also have a blog friend, Green Tomato, who I had known since before blogging in the vicinity. I suppose you might know her, though she has kept “Comments” closed for long.


Elkes Lebensglück said...

The flowers are beautiful and your decoration is so charming
What great old books that are still so cute are the stories in them.
Nice to meet someone from the blogger world.
Take care of yourself, say hello to Elke


Me encantan las calabazas , el Otoño y sus colores

Maggie said...

So enjoyed reading your post, so happy and full of stories. Can you believe that we both featured vintage childrens books this week? I am planning on a little fall decorating this week if only I could find all my Autumn "stuff"!
Forget 98 cents you are worth your weight in gold!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh gorgeous butterfly photo and all your creative decorations and blogging buddies ~ Great post ~ You are such a delightful person ~ certainly worth 98 zillions ~ LOL

Live each moment with love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Teresa said...

Las decoraciones se ven muy bonitas. Te deseo un feliz otoño.

Jenn Jilks said...

Nicely done! I don't know anyone nearby who blogs!
A lot of people have stopped, as well. I am rather surprised during lockdowns!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your fall decorations.
You are definitely worth more than 98 cents.
I do like the photograph of you and Barbara.

Have a good week.

All the best Jan said...

Cute decorations and your readers are the cutest! They have darling illustrations. The butterfly is so pretty.

Angie said...

Diane - on Pinterest this week, I read a poem called Dust if You Must - look it up - it made me think twice about my to do list versus going outside/baking/painting/pick a hobby!

Lovely photos, my friend! I was tickled to get some "fall decoration" photos from my daughter this week - appears that apple has not fallen far from the tree!

Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

BeachGypsy said...

Your decorations are so pretty! I LOVE THOSE "punkins" you have in that bowl, so pretty. That is so fun you ran into "Sweet Tea"!!! I would love to run into YOU IN THE STORE, HA HA KNOW where we would end up.....yep!---the dolly department, right? ha ha I swear I am just a little little girl stuck in this darn old lady body, LOL. I'll never give up my dolls. I don't think you will either, LOL."and ain't nothing wrong with that". ha ha. I love your children readers. I have a few. I pick them up from thrift stores when I see them. I'm not sure why, I guess because they bring back to mind such a simpler, slower, more happy and innocent time. That time is gone, and it makes me so sad that today's generation and the ones to come, won't know that way of life that we had. how sad for them...and they won't even know what they have missed. Unless we tell them I guess....tell them the stories....the stories of long ago. I am so thankful that I was born when I was and grew up in that era. Hope your week is starting off well my friend. Hugs!

Caroline said...

Hi Diane, a beautiful start of the autumn. Greetings Caroline

It's me said...

Thanks for your nice stay Ria 🍀💕🍀

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Your fall decorations are so welcoming and the books so sweet. It's nice to see when blogging friends meet up in person, and a surprise get together is even more fun!

Danice G said...

Great to see two blog friends meet up! Your decor is so cute, as are the reader books. Happy Autumn!

Barbara said...

My goodness! How did I miss this post????? Thank you for the email directing me to it. it's amazing we recognized each other with our masks on!

Did you make your fabric pumpkins? I have bunches of them here, although I have not pulled them out this year (yet). We're getting ready for out-of-state house guests, so I'm distracted.

Love you!