Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Walk through Deer Woods

I like to name areas along the trail and this is definitely Deer Woods. It's Halpata Tastanaki Preserve from the Pruitt Trailhead and we usually see deer in this area.

This particular day, we saw several.

Some of them aren't very concerned about us trekking through the woods.

They still take the time to have a snack as they are crossing in front of us.

(my favorite photo of the day, I made a banner out of it!)

Look how well they blend in to the grasses!

And I wouldn't normally share a shot of the 'tail end' but it was such a neat photo of the white flag (his tail) and his legs on the bound that I just had to share! lol

OK, hide now! I know you are embarrassed! 

We saw a lone Sandhill Crane close by. They are usually in pairs or a family but we only saw this one.

Ibis flew overhead and dragonflies are in abundance now. It's gotten 'warm' but we still love to get out!

Has it warmed up at your house this week? By warm....I mean we are already seeing some 90s for highs! It's May in Florida and I love it! It's just about my favorite month of the year!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Looking at your photos and the stunning one peeking through the bushes at you, i am thinking I would call these woods Bambi's Place.. LOVE The End shot. My favorite time of Florida is Dec through Feb. March-May is great but means SUMMER is NIGH and I depsise our summers. I would like to have a 4 month home in a cooler climate.

eileeninmd said...


Great series of deer photos, they are always a treat to see. I like your new banner too.
Maybe the Sandhill Crane has a mate on a nest somewhere? It is still chilly here and very windy. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Martha said...

The deer are so sweet and so beautiful. I love the photo you have in your header. Have a great weekend Diane. :)

Jeanie said...

Some of these photos, Diane, are exquisite. The deer peeking through the branches, the back end of the deer as it runs away. I always feel like it's a gift when I see the deer. You were given gifts in multitude!

Debbie said...

may here in new jersey is one of my favorite months but october trumps it!! i always enjoy seeing the deer, yours seem just as curious about you, as you are about them. your images are great today, i enjoyed seeing the crane as much as the deer!! i don't think we see dragonflies until mid summer!!

the last few days have been windy, but the sun is out and i adore the sun!! have a great weekend!!

Inger said...

It was 85 here yesterday and I'm no fan of the heat. I love the Florida you share on your blog. No wonder everyone wants to retire there. I wish I could at least have visited, but it never was on my agenda. Love the deer in you banner photo.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love deer! They are still taking out my gardens, though!

Vee said...

No, not that warm. We haven't made it to 70° yet. As bottoms go, the deer has a nice one. 🦌

Terri D said...

Yep... 90s there too. Of course we are a little south of you. I always love your photos and thank you for taking us along on your hikes!! xo

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful header from your deer photos and gorgeous photos of all the deer ~ lovely nature shots ~ Xo ~ Happy Weekend to You ~

Living moment by moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Villrose said...

The Sandhill Crane is majestic!
The sky is blue, but it is not warm at all yet, Spring is coming very slowly this year. Planned a barbecue tonight, but had to give in.

RedPat said...

You got some wonderful shots of the deer!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Great deer shots! We use to have them walk through our yard in NC! It is in the mid to high 80's here in Naples. Lovely weather!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Beautiful deer! We have so many tame deer here in PA. Sometimes they walk up to the front porch! I have never got such beautiful photos, though! Enjoy the beautiful weather. It is sunny but chilly here in PA. I am cozy on the couch. : )

Billie Jo said...

Hello! Beautiful deer! We have so many tame deer here in PA. Sometimes they walk up to the front porch! I have never got such beautiful photos, though! Enjoy the beautiful weather. It is sunny but chilly here in PA. I am cozy on the couch. : )

Tom said...

...cute, but watch out for their ticks.

Ann Thompson said...

Love the shots of the deer. It had gotten really warm here then dropped again. The last fewcdaysbhave been in the 40s

HappyK said...

Always nice to see the deer. I never get tired of them.

Teresa said...

Me encantó tu paseo. Mayo también es mi favorito. Besos.

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures and lovely captions!

Anu said...

Hello. Beautiful animals and great birds.
Have a nice day.

Bob Bushell said...

The White tailed Deer a special, I love them.

Anni said...

Exceptional deer photos Diane! Love the lone Crane too. We've had a very wet start for May here. That means mosquitoes!!

Thanks so much for stopping by and joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a super week ahead.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Nice phots
In Vermont, we have a ways to go to catch up to your temperatures. The outdoor temp here is 61ºF at the moment with dark low clouds.

Happy@Home said...

Great shots of the deer!
Our furnace kicked on this morning. I think that is unheard of for NC, but I am definitely not complaining. It was beautiful weather for planting all of my flowers today.

Anonymous said...

Those are such beautiful captures, and I really like your banner!

Yesterday, where my wife and I live, the temperature was in the 80s.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Did you know...there are no deer in South America? I was surprised. All the weird animals there, yet no naturally-occuring deer. I will trade them some deer for some alpacas! The long hot Florida bake has begun, with a helping of humidity on the side! I recall it too well.

Linda said...

I loved the 'tail end!'

NatureFootstep said...

lol, your deer are beautiful. They seem to be a fit more slim and longlegged then ours. Nice selection of shots for a storyboard :) Love it!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, the deer showed their sweet faces for you. That was certainly a gift. I like that one of the deer in the brush, cause that is typical of them being very cautious of us humans. It's been warmer here in the mountains, but it's still in the 40's at night. : ) Oh, those dragonflies are so cool, aren't they?


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It’ll be time to go out super early in the morning soon...or maybe you already do? Such a lovely hiking area.