Saturday, September 4, 2021

Mostly Bees

There aren't nearly as many birds in the woods right now. I think they've flown to cooler climes! 

But there are lots of flowers in bloom and every kind of bee and wasp on the blossoms.

My Dad always said that I wake up in a new world every day. He said it with a smile on his face so I didn't really take offense. But it means a lot of different things. I wake up ready for whatever adventure the day holds for me. And I forget things! hahaha!

I actually looked up bees to try to figure out what these were!

They looked so amazing....

and exotic!

And yes, they turned out to be the very rare and unusual and exotic.....

honey bee!

And this is the shy bumblebee!

Oh hike #99 I saw these 4 Mourning Doves on a branch.

And this Warbler flew into the grass along the trail.

It was a real beauty and looked....and acted like a young one.

Do you wake up in a 'new world every day'?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Neat photos
Bees have been noticeably scarce this summer in my tiny Vermont garden. The dusty Miller have no sign of bees harvesting the fuzz.

eileeninmd said...


Pretty blossoms. Waking up with a great attitude is a good way to start the day. The bees look happy with all the flowers! The Mourning Doves all look busy grooming their feathers. The warbler is cute, it does look like a young bird. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Oh, look at that pollen on the honeybees' knees! They are doing their pollinating job well. Aren't doves the sweetest birds. That was a colorful warbler. I don't now where all of our robins, chickadees, purple finches, and doves have already gone to this year. It has been an awfully hot summer here in St Louis.

Right now the beautiful gold finches are annoying me by scalping all of the petals off of my zinnias, leaving less for all of the hummingbirds and Monarch butterflies. There are very few hummingbirds now, and the ones I see are new to me, but the Monarch butterflies are just thick on and around my zinnias. They fly and float so gracefully all around the flowers.

I also still have a bunch of blue jays and a couple of crows living on this street. If anyone unusual walks down the street are does any work on any of the houses, the crows are like guard dogs but with cawing instead of barking. They don't caw at the people who live on this street. Apparently, they really keep track of what is going on and remember things.The blue jays take more interest in any hawks, owls or strange cats prowling and they raise a ruckus about that until they can drag the crows in on it, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all beautiful and I am glad you have bees there, I have been fretting over the loss of our bees and butterflys, I may have seen 5 butterflies and we always had swarms of them, out two trees that we call the Bee Trees have no bees since last year.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Yes, every day is a new day with new mercies, new grace, new experiences.
Your photos are delightful -- especially those close up ones with the bees.
Wishing you a beautiful day, Diane!

Jeanie said...

All of these photos are just beautiful. And yes, I DO wake up to a new world every day, especially as the seasons begin to change.

Olde Dame Holly said...

Yes, my husband says that to me, as did my mother. But not with a smile as your father did! What incredible photos you have posted today. You have such a talent. Those honeybees have really been busy, look at those pollen pouches on their legs!

Lea said...

Wonderful photos!
Have a great weekend!

Yvonne said...

I love the abundance of your honeybees. Yes, I wake up to a new world each day with a new pain on my worn out body, haha. Everyday is different from the day before as life is always moving. It's fun to explore the garden each day to see the changes. Too bad my home doesn't change from dirty to clean anytime soon :) Love your post.

RedPat said...

I've noticed that the birds seem very quiet that last few weeks. I have had a lot of bees around my place this summer - They seem to love Cosmos and I have let the oregano flower and they really love that.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I LOVE that idea of waking up in a new world every day! Yes, I believe I DO do that! I am always looking for new things to see and enjoy in every day. And like you, I like to take my camera and take pictures of the interesting things I see along the way. It's been so hot lately that I haven't done much of that, but now that fall is near, I hope to be out there enjoying every minute of it. I love your bees and flowers and birds...there's always so much to see if we just open our eyes!

Tom said... bee so nice!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane,:=)

You still have the same outlook as myself. Stay positive and greet the day with the wonder and excitement of a child or teenager. You never know what lies ahead so make the most of each moment especially if you are a nature lover. Nature is a great healer.

Your photos of the bees and flowers are lovely. I have had many bees in the garden, just like every year.They love the rosemary and lavender, and so do the butterflies. Nice to see the young Warbler in the grass, not one I usually see in my garden.
Hugs from Portugal.

Terri D said...

Great photos again! Beautiful bees and flowers! Yes, each day dawns new. God is good!! xo

NatureFootstep said...

wow, those bees are buzy for sure. So much gathered on their legs. :)

Nice shot of the warbler. So nice to see one when so many are hiding somewhere. It is the same over here. And soon they will migrate. I miss them already!

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased to see the bees, they are so important.
I liked the Warbler too.

Happy Weekend wishes.

All the best Jan

DeniseinVA said...

A sweet comment from your Dad :) I had a few from my own that I never took offense at, because they were endearments of sorts and always meant with kindness. Your flowers and photos with the bees are wonderful! So much pollen on those little legs, they must be happy little bees. Is that a Palm Warbler? Cute little bird and I always enjoy the cooing of the doves in the early morning, just about as pleasant an alarm clock as one could have. Not sure I wake up in a new world every day but I’m sure going to give it a good try :)

Linda said...

Sounds like a good idea. It takes me a while to get going in the morning but when I do get out, I find something new and interesting.

Irma said...

What beautiful pictures.
Here too the birds are quiet, autumn is coming.
The different bees and flowers are beautiful.
Greetings Irma

Bob Bushell said...

A nice place to visit, the bumble bee, exotics.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is not my function to act as a shill for PUP, I merely review their their books, but the book on bees I just reviewed (on my blog now) would be very helpful to you if you are interested in furthering your knowledge of these vital insects. The reason that birds are especially quiet, and hidden from view at this time of the year, is that many species are moulting and are quite vulnerable. Better to stay out of sight until the new feathers come in.

Phil Slade said...

I am happy to settle for pictures of bees. And yes, the number of birds will become less as many continue their migration south.

Anni said...

Terrific post Diane!! Beautiful images. Lovin' the juvenile warbler in the grass!! I also enjoyed your narration. And I say why not wake up to a whole new world each makes life more of an adventure!!

Thanks for sharing and linking in this weekend.

Debbie said...

awesome captures...look at those pollen sacks!! the warbler is beautiful!! i kind of wake up in the same world every day, i can't wait for that to change!!

enjoy your sunday!!

Edna B said...

Wonderful photos. I love the birds! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Ranten said...

Lovely bees!

Anonymous said...

Diane, love the quote your father shared! Don't you just love bumblebees? They are so cute that I wish I could hug them!

Ann said...

I think it would kind of nice to wake up in a new world every morning. I feel like the movie Groundhogs day where it just keeps playing the same day over and over and

Sandy said...

I think I do wake up in a new world everyday. Everyday has something I usually do but I always look forward to them. They are passing by too quickly these days. I am never bored. Too much to see and do:)

Ricki Treleaven said...

I think your dad’s quote is so wise and encouraging. Lovely photos of bees! We’ve had many bees enjoying our chaste tree this summer.

Nancy Chan said...

Every morning, new excitement awaits us. Every morning I wake up to see new sky, new songs sung by birds, new blooms, and etc. Enjoy your new week.

Red Rose Alley said...

Those honey bees sure are interesting to look at. And the great bumble bee is unique in its own way. But I don't dare get too close to the bees, as I'm allergic to them! The dear Mourning Doves are so gentle. I hear their sweet call and see them almost every day around the neighborhood. They fly on my lawn often. That was so nice of your Dad to remind you that every day is a new day. It's a positive gesture and so true. We don't know what's coming for us, and many times they are blessings and will pleasantly surprise us, like the Mourning Doves. : )

Have a nice September week, Diane.


Teresa said...

Todos los días hay algo interesante para ver. Besos.

Teresa said...

Todos los días hay algo interesante para ver. Besos.