We had such a fun weekend! We went to a couple of places! Saturday was the Cross Creek Festival sponsored by the C.C. Volunteer Fire Department.
My Daddy was a volunteer fireman for all the years I was growing up so these heroes hold a special place in my heart!
We listened to great blue grass music....
ate BBQ chicken cooked on the grill (we shared...but hubby got ALL of the brownie!)
saw neat exhibits....
and bought hand made crafts!

A good time was had by all!
And here are my TWO BAGS FULL! heehee!
I just HAD to pick up some pinecones...
and buy some jewelry!
This sweet lady had the most beautiful jewelry at really great prices! But I was trying to limit myself to 2 of her hand crafted necklaces when she surprised me by giving me a third pendant! A piece of sea glass wrapped in silver wire! I was SO excited and happy! Thanks Danielle!
Hubby chose this hand woven 'pine needle' basket! It's made from the 'long leaf' pine needles and has a black walnut slice in the center of the bottom! AMAZING!
And we just had to get this cute centipede....
oh, and some marinated mushrooms...
a bit on the HOT and SPICEY side! 
So that was one of our FUN DAYS! Did you do something special on the weekend?