Saturday, June 29, 2019

Summer sightings on the Florida Trails!

Hike #76 was only about an hour long but I had some really neat sightings! It had rained that afternoon so I hiked at 7pm. There were still some clouds and the sun was getting low but  it was still 86 degrees.

As I started up the first hill, I looked ahead and saw something brown on the side of the trail.

So I stopped and zoomed in. 

This is a mother and her young one. I have seen them a couple of times on my time the mother even snorted at me. But these were the first good pics I've gotten.

What was a little freaky was the way the mother acted. I stopped to take photos and she took a few steps TOWARD me. So then I walked forward a few more steps and stopped. And yes...she walked a few more steps in my direction! I thought, at this rate one of us is going to have to 'give'! And I'm guessing it will be ME! lol

You can see her step forward in this short video.

But after I closed the gap a little more, they decided to leave.

 She stopped in the woods and watched me though and I took one more photo.

It looks like she's daring me to follow them!!!

Then when I got down to 'bobcat holler'....the spot where I saw the Bobcat earlier this year, I spotted a Sharp-shinned Hawk. Bobcat post is HERE.

It was a beauty against the darkening sky.

I went just a little farther and then headed back to the car. I even had a few sprinkles as I walked. But you'll be glad to know....I didn't melt! 

The heat might make me melt if I go out this week though. We'll see how bad my 'cabin fever' gets!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE  
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

We might need a little orange!

When you're hiking in the woods, the color orange sure stands out!

I'd really like to make an effort to learn some of the names of the mushrooms and fungi that I see.

But I'm having trouble with the ID of them all.

I need to see if I can buy a special mushroom ID book. I've tried to buy identification books for all kinds of things here in Florida and that helps so much. 

So I'll share the beauty of them all and fill in the blanks when I figure out the proper ID!

These were all taken on last week when we had a little rain every day. The mushrooms just sprouted up everywhere. 

This black mushroom was on the golf course behind our house. 

A white mushroom is in the same area!

The rest of these were on the Florida Trails. You know where that is! We hike there A LOT! lol

Do you have mushrooms popping up around you after a rain?

How about a Black Swallowtail with orange dots!

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays .

Monday, June 24, 2019

Good Monday Morning!

Well, it doesn't appear that my scheduled post is coming up as a new post this morning! So please go to the post below to see what I'm reading and a good movie I'd like to recommend! I wrote this post a few days ago and scheduled it so I don't know what's happened. 

The weather I mentioned was for last week though. It is high and dry...and HOT this week. 

I'll close the comments to this one so that you can drop down and read the post below...pretty please!

Enjoy your day! Hugs! 💓💓💓

Summertime Books and Movies

I've mentioned how HOT it is here in Florida this month. And now we are having showers roll through. The rain is needed but it makes it hard to plan your day. When we have a rain shower, it rains and then the sun comes out and leaves it hot and muggy. Later...we might even get another shower. But I'm still finding lots to do inside. When I get 'cabin fever' I go to some of my favorite places and then walk in my neighborhood in the evenings.

I found these beautiful old books for sale in the lobby of my local public library.

I love the illustrations in these books. 

Isn't this cover beautiful? 

The Princess series! Don't you love that and the little sticker inside the front cover that says "Be An Angel, Wait 'til Dec. 25th"!

 Last winter I read some of the Little House on the Prairie books. They are so enjoyable, no matter what your age!

 Aren't the little drawings at the beginning of each chapter pretty?

 I started reading a mystery series by John Dunning and the main character, Cliff Janeway collects rare books. I really fell in love with the references to the books he found and what he collected! 

We've also watched a few 'new to us' movies lately. We can check them out from our community library and keep them over the weekend so that's been a lot of fun. Well, unless you get one that is terrible. I'll start with that one. The was just awful and we only watched for about 15 minutes before we turned it OFF! Creepy and crude! 

But we watched a wonderful movie this past weekend. 

Instant Family

We both loved it! Lots of great actors and a beautiful story!

I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .

Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Art and Local Birds

OK...let's start this post with a heart to heart talk. 

 In March...of THIS year, I started doing some art. I began with some watercolor markers, then bought a small set of watercolors. Next I bought a sketchbook and started sketching some birds. I've been encouraged to share some of my art here on my blog. But we need to make a deal before we start! 

I am beginning....I am practicing....I am NEW to it all. 

I already know that some of the heads are too big and the necks are too skinny. I know the beaks don't always come out like I see them 'in my head'! So I don't really need a lot of constructive criticism. Believe me....I am my own worst critic. But having said all that, I would like to share but I'm still feeling shy about it. Be kind....(I know you will be).....I'm still learning! And yes, I'm having FUN!!!

I decided early on to try to make my birds realistic. (the first bird I painted was a 'blue' bird, probably a make believe bird! haha) I use some of my bird identification books for inspiration and the photos I take as well. I am concentrating on 'Birds of Florida'. 

Cattle Egret

Red-headed Woodpecker ( in progress)

I've been seeing this woodpecker at the Florida Trails and even got 2 of them in this short video!!!

 Pied-billed Grebe

My next art challenge is a bird I saw on Hike #75 at the Florida Trails late in the evening. The light wasn't very good but the coral color of this bird stood out. I got to hear it's melodious song too.

A female Summer Tanager

I love sketching the birds and the Tanager will be beautiful if I can get the watercolors right. Are you learning something new this summer?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Making Ribbon Roses

This is something fun to do on a rainy afternoon! Let's make ribbon roses!

Every one comes out different!

And there's no perfect way to make them. I looked for a tutorial on you tube but there are SO many of them and most are SO complicated! I kept it simple and easy!

Just get a length of silk ribbon and make a long running stitch near the edge...not too near!

And then pull the thread to gather it. Tuck and twist until you like it and then go on the underside and put some stitches in to hold it together. Some of these I've even sewed a little circle of felt under them. They could be a brooch then! 

You can sew them on a bag or purse or apron!

 Or glue them on a card or book!

Use your imagination and HAVE FUN!

I bought my silk ribbon from Victorian Gypsy Girl. Her shop is HERE on Etsy. She has the MOST beautiful silk ribbon and fabulous prices!

 I gave a card to a sweet lady at the Legacy Hospice house and it had a lavender rose on it. I forgot to take a photo of the card but she really loved it....and that was worth it all!

Are you crafting or sewing this summer? 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays .


Monday, June 17, 2019

The Joys of Hiking!

I've read so many beautiful quotes lately about nature. Getting out on the Florida Trails allows me to appreciate the 'beauty that surrounds me'!

 We had some rain this past week so I got up early one morning and hiked before it got hot (or rained again!) Everything looked so green and lush!

I just had to 'pose' for a pic! (that's my backpack bulging out my side...not part of me! hahaha)

 Lots of wildflowers and palmetto palm blooming right now!

The bottom center photo is just a little piece of wood in the forest but doesn't it look like an animal or a bird? Maybe a rabbit, or road runner? My hubby said Kangaroo!

 Do you have lots of flowers blooming where you live too?

 I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Fox Squirrel and Northern Flicker

I went out on a 'not quite as hot' morning and got in a good hike at the Florida Trails!

And I saw the Fox Squirrel again!

He was in the same area that I had seen him awhile back.

I had made my turn and was headed back when I stopped to take a drink of water. I unzipped my backpack, took out my water bottle, unscrewed the lid and when I leaned my head back to take a drink....I SAW HIM! 

He was looking right at me too! I carefully put my water away and raised my camera and got several good photos.

And then he decided he had posed long enough!

Off he went into the forest and up a tree. 

I had such fun watching him. He never got very far away.

Then down the tree he came!

Hope you enjoy the videos. I'm still learning!

 And I DID see several beautiful birds on this same hike. 

Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

This one moved and I got a couple of views.

Later I saw another one!

It was a very good hike! Has it been nice enough for you to get outside this week? HAVE FUN!!!

 I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE