Saturday, June 1, 2019

Here Comes Peter Cardinal!

Hopping down the Florida Trails! 

I actually saw a big cottontail bunny in the woods at the beginning of this hike so it was funny when this Cardinal hopped across the trail right in front of me.

I'm across!

Try to keep up!

There's another one right behind me!

Oh, you cheated and FLEW across!

 Don't try to look innocent!!! 

Well, we'll both get to the berries at the same time.

Won't we?

 I watched these two eating big juicy blackberries....right off the vine!

 But don't worry! I had a baggie with me and picked a few too!

Wild blueberries AND blackberries, right on the side of the trail.

They sure made a good treat when I got home. (I only picked a very few. I would rather leave them for the critters to eat!)

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


riitta k said...

Wonderful bird photos, they brought me a lot of joy! Happy weekend.

Sandy said...

I just love cardinals. I must always stop and stare at them. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

This was so much fun, you have such a wonderful eye and imagination and leaving berries for the critters shows what a good steward of the trail you are! We rarely see cardinals here just once in a while early spring when they fly through,

Arlene G said...

I love cardinals....they are just so pretty and great spirit lifters. Glad you got a snack from your hiking endeavor Diane.

Kim said...

Awwww, such a cute post! Glad you all got to enjoy the wild berries!

Tom said...

...and here I thought that it was Carl.

eileeninmd said...


The cardinals are beautiful. Lovely sequence of cardinal photos. The berries look delicious. It is nice the birds shared their berries with you! Love the captions and photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

Inger said...

I loved this conversation and the berries at the end of it. Have a nice weekend, my friend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and now we all know why the cardinal crossed the road... ha ha yum on the berries for them and for you.....

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure those berries really tasted wonderful. I am salivating just looking at what you did with them.

Linda said...

I’m wondering if I totally missed the blackberry season at the ranch this year! We go down Friday and I’m going to look for them! Such gorgeous photos of your hike and birds.....

Debbie said...

WoW!! great captures of the mr. and mrs. the berries look yummy, i am sure there are plenty, if everyone shares!!

i'll bet you were looking forward to that treat as you headed home!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely seeing your photographs, love your wording for the photographs too :)

Wild blueberries and blackberries, right on the side of the trail! Yum!

Enjoy your weekend and happy June wishes.

All the best Jan

Kathy said...

Our cardinals are back this year. I am so happy. But you got much better pictures than I could ever get. All the birds take off at the sight of me. Just love your shots and imagine picking berries and eating them fresh.

NanaDiana said...

GREAT photos. Even though I lived in FL for many years, I did not realize blueberries grew there! Maybe we were too far south for them? However, we did have wild parrots that lived in our trees out back.

Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana


love the cardinal photos and conversation that you ease dropped in on!!
and you Had to pick a few berries for taste testing to be sure they
are safe for the critters--right!!!!!
luv, di

HappyK said...

Funny to see birds hopping around. I see it too. :)
Wonderful pictures of your bird sightings.

Jeannie said...

That little bird looked like he was really talking to you, so much expression in his feathered face.

Ann said...

Wow, getting to watch the cardinals and a bonus with the berries. Cardinals are one of my favorites

Anu said...

Lovely post. Thank you.

Linda said...

I love the idea of a hopping cardinal!

Phil Slade said...

Those Cardinals know what's good for them Diane. Good thing you left a few blackberries for the birds!

Anni said...

So that brings to me a question...why did the cardinal cross the road?

Terrific photos today (my favorite bird). Great narration...and awesome treats for us all!

For linking in with us this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you. Happy birding!


Que bonitos pájaros!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh yum, those berries and I can't believe the cardinals let you get so close. xo Laura

BeachGypsy said...

Love your cardinal encounter, Diane! You always find neat and interesting things on your hikes, or anywhere, really. i love to come see what all you have for us!! Hope your weekend has been real nice. we've been busy with house projects again of course. It's never ending...........ha ha LOL LOL!!!

Lorrie said...

What a cute cardinal with his head feathers standing up like that. They are such pretty birds - nothing like that around our area. Wild berries are delicious!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Peter Cardinal, lol. I enjoyed your post, Lavender Dream. :-)

Sue said...

Beautiful photos, and I too love berries, especially blackberries! have a blessed week.

Sarah said...

Diane, I admire you for taking up sketching and watercolor. You are very talented. Your photos are so pretty. I hear you though about the heat. It is the same here and it's just the first week of June. Makes me worry about the summer ahead! Thanks for the book suggestions. I'll look for Ordinary Grace. Have you read Where the Craydads Sing? Great book!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Great photos but I don't know how you could stand the heat long enough to hike. Florida got hot so fast this year!

Lea said...

Beautiful birds! I always enjoy seeing Cardinals.
Have a great week!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my gosh, TWO CARDINALS! The red one makes my heart sing. Such beautiful birds. How funny they are feasting on blackberries. We used to pick berries all the time growing up, and they're so expensive at the stores now. Glad you picked a few to take home. Your bagel looks Yummy. : )
