Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Fox Squirrel and Northern Flicker

I went out on a 'not quite as hot' morning and got in a good hike at the Florida Trails!

And I saw the Fox Squirrel again!

He was in the same area that I had seen him awhile back.

I had made my turn and was headed back when I stopped to take a drink of water. I unzipped my backpack, took out my water bottle, unscrewed the lid and when I leaned my head back to take a drink....I SAW HIM! 

He was looking right at me too! I carefully put my water away and raised my camera and got several good photos.

And then he decided he had posed long enough!

Off he went into the forest and up a tree. 

I had such fun watching him. He never got very far away.

Then down the tree he came!

Hope you enjoy the videos. I'm still learning!

 And I DID see several beautiful birds on this same hike. 

Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)

This one moved and I got a couple of views.

Later I saw another one!

It was a very good hike! Has it been nice enough for you to get outside this week? HAVE FUN!!!

 I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 


Tom said...

...a Fox Squirrel is new to me, don't over heat!

Arlene G said...

That is a Huge Squirrel Diane, I have never seen one of those...very interesting.

Anonymous said...

New to me too! They’re beautiful! Thanks so much fir showing us! Great photos again as always, have a super weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never seen a fox squirrel, not even a photo online. he is soooooo cute, i love that painted face. the videos are perfect. i want to see one now.

Susie said...

Diane, I have never seen a fox squirrel ever. So this was so fun to watch. We have those Northern Flickers here also. I like them . Glad you got a nice hike in for the day. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

Karen and Gerard said...

I liked seeing the fox squirrel and think your videos turned out great! Looks like its tail is very long! Have never seen one of these kind before. I always enjoy watching squirrels--seems like they work hard and play hard, kind of like me.

Mia said...

Lovely photos of the birds, Diane. But I lllllllove this fox squirrel, although there are no fox squirrels in Greece. It is amazing how he poses for you and I enjoyed the videos! Hugs, my friend.

eileeninmd said...


I do not think I have ever seen this Fox Squirrel. He has a pretty face. Great sighting. The Flicker is a beautiful bird, one of my favorites too.
Wonderful post and photos. I enjoyed the videos too. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Excellent photos and videos! Never heard of a Fox Squirrel. He looks a little bigger and with a darker head than the squirrels in my area. Enjoy your weekend!

Bill said...

The fox squirrel looks a lot bigger than a regular grey squirrel, I never heard of them before. Great shots and videos. Glad you had another wonderful hike. Enjoy the day and weekend.

Vee said...

Fox squirrels don’t live in my corner, praise be! They look huge and kind of freaky. Beautiful pics and very good video, too. You’re getting to be an expert with the video.

Vee said...

Fox squirrels don’t live in my corner, praise be! They look huge and kind of freaky. Beautiful pics and very good video, too. You’re getting to be an expert with the video.

Ann said...

I have never seen a squirrel that looks like that one before. Isn't he pretty. So nice of him to pose for you for a bit too. Sounds like it was a bit windy there.

Terri D said...

How interesting! I've never seen nor heard of a fox squirrel. So pretty!! Thanks for taking us on your hike!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In the realm of squirrels Fox Squirrel must be one of the most attractive of all. It is a long time since I saw one, but as I recall, they do seem to approach a little more closely than Grey Squirrels and perhaps seem even a little more curious. In any event you were no doubt delighted with your encounter.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautifully captured nature photos ~ Have never seen a squirrel like that ~ thanks ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Inger said...

You are giving me such a different view of Florida with all these magnificent critters you catch with your camera. You are my armchair travel destination. I had never hear of a fox squirrel before and will now look it up.

Phil Slade said...

Wow, yes Diane. I am hugely impressed by that Fox Squirrel and by your photos of it. I take it that these creatures, or at least the bolder ones, have become used to humans and will accept food? I do hope though that there are many that remain quite wild?

Anni said...

Terrific!! I enjoyed it all. I must admit tho...for me...that last photo of the flicker, in the shadows, is my favorite.

Thanks for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!

Debbie said...

i did enjoy your videos, you are doing well!! i now have no doubt how the fox squirrel got his name. we have gray squirrels and they look quite different! the flicker is beautiful, i see them only occasionally in my yard. they have such pretty markings, i like how he was showing off the "heart" on the back of his head!!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

What a cutie. He's certainly more laid back than our gray squirrels.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos of your Fox Squirrel. I was delighted to see him as for the last couple of weeks I have been having this night-time visitor that was picked up by the deck camera near the feeder, but it was hard to see by the night vision. I just knew he was different, but couldn't for the life of me think what he was, not an actual grey squirrel but not a chipmunk either. Hard to make out size at nighttime too. And then I went on a search describing certain features, and the Fox Squirrel was the first thing that popped up. Fun learning all these new critters.

Adam Jones said...

The Flicker is a really good looking bird.

Red Rose Alley said...

I've never heard of the fox squirrel before. It sure is a pretty one. He's got a very light coat. Yes, I did enjoy the videos. Seeing him scurrying up and down the tree was fun to watch. That last photo of him is terrific. And the Northern Flicker is sweet with the red patch on its head.

I also wanted to tell you that I love the different fonts on your Header. It seems that you change them often, and that's nice.

Yes, getting hot here, and just trying to stay cool. Not my favorite season. ; )


orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane; Oh, my first time to know and see the "Fox Squirrel"♡♡♡ Sure looks sweet and handsome with grey color. I truly enjoyed all the videos with my husband ;-) Thank you very much for introducing me this rare squirrel (for me again, haha)
And I also LOVE the Northern Flicker which is also rare birdie for me.
Congratulations for your GREAT hike♧♧♧
Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Nancy Chan said...

That was a good hike indeed. Its a good looking Fox Squirrel. This morning I saw a tiny squirrel. It paused halfway up the tree trunk and disappeared up the tree!

NatureFootstep said...

Interesting critter. Don´t think I have seen a Fox squirrel before. :)

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Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I have never seen a fix squirrel, so thanks for the photos and videos. Looks like you had a willing subject, at least for awhile.