Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Art and Local Birds

OK...let's start this post with a heart to heart talk. 

 In March...of THIS year, I started doing some art. I began with some watercolor markers, then bought a small set of watercolors. Next I bought a sketchbook and started sketching some birds. I've been encouraged to share some of my art here on my blog. But we need to make a deal before we start! 

I am beginning....I am practicing....I am NEW to it all. 

I already know that some of the heads are too big and the necks are too skinny. I know the beaks don't always come out like I see them 'in my head'! So I don't really need a lot of constructive criticism. Believe me....I am my own worst critic. But having said all that, I would like to share but I'm still feeling shy about it. Be kind....(I know you will be).....I'm still learning! And yes, I'm having FUN!!!

I decided early on to try to make my birds realistic. (the first bird I painted was a 'blue' bird, probably a make believe bird! haha) I use some of my bird identification books for inspiration and the photos I take as well. I am concentrating on 'Birds of Florida'. 

Cattle Egret

Red-headed Woodpecker ( in progress)

I've been seeing this woodpecker at the Florida Trails and even got 2 of them in this short video!!!

 Pied-billed Grebe

My next art challenge is a bird I saw on Hike #75 at the Florida Trails late in the evening. The light wasn't very good but the coral color of this bird stood out. I got to hear it's melodious song too.

A female Summer Tanager

I love sketching the birds and the Tanager will be beautiful if I can get the watercolors right. Are you learning something new this summer?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE 
and I’d Rather B Birdin’.


Barbara said...

Absolutely no criticism from me. Your art is great and the point is to have fun. This morning we're sitting out here on the back porch after a waffle breakfast, watching the birds in the trees.

As for what do I do that's new and artistic? Not much new, just reviving an old enjoyment of cross stitch that I had replaced with quilting for about 20 years.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looks to me like your artwork is coming along very well.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

And I should have mentioned, it is a Pied-billed Grebe, not a Pie-billed Grebe, but you probably knew that.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks David! I edited it to read Pied-billed! Enjoy your day! And thanks everyone for the sweet comments. Hugs!

Arlene G said...

You are really doing well with your art Diane. I am very impressed.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fantastic artwork. You're being too modest about your skills. (I can't draw / paint / etc. to save my life.) Lovely bird photo.

Sandy said...

Oh my have outdone yourself. I adore these and what better hobby for the trail hiking girl. You are making the most of your lovely area. I am in awe!!!!

Debbie said...

oh diane, i am so happy that you shared your art work with us, it is really beautifully done. i can't believe you are a beginner. please don't put yourself down, we (bloggers) are a kind group and i know you will receive a lot of support....and well you should, this does not look like it was done by a beginner!!! the tanager is a beauty, how lucky you were to see it!!!

oh and no, i have not learned a new hobby but i am always open to learning a new craft. i recently learned how to crochet, but that was several months back!!!

Anonymous said...

Your work is beautiful, I think you’ve been bitten by the art bug lol, it’s such a satisfying experience to put our thoughts and vision on canvas, birds are such a natural subject for you, you know them so well!

Phil Slade said...

Well done Diane. I think you are going about this in all the correct ways. As someone who still draws matchstick men I can only admire your efforts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want to verify if i am picking up what you are putting down for us.. this means you have not training and you decided to start sketching birds and bought a book and DID IT! right? unbelievable. i want to draw and always have THOUGHT about it. i keep thinking i will find a class and take it. from what you say, you are just DOING it! and doing it well. they look great to me

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the pie grebe

eileeninmd said...


I think your art work is beautiful. Well done! I love the egret, great Red-headed woodpecker. The Pied-billed Grebe is adorable. Congrats on the Summer Tanager sighting, they are beautiful birds. Thank so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

BeachGypsy said...

Diane girlfriend, I am loving these sketches you are doing! Great job! I cant even draw stick figures, so appreciate so much looking at others art, others who can actually DO IT, unlike myself! ha ha LOL You're off to a great start and I hope you keep it up. I love that last bird, a tanager, you said?---so pretty. Never seen one of those around here. Are they native there or do you know? I also loved your last post and the beautiful ribbon roses. You are so creative and make such pretty things. I love the first picture best, the multi color rose with the white pin in the center. I enjoyed our "midnight walk" the other night......ha ha ha ha LOL!! It's way to hot to walk here....except late at night, and even then it is still hot and oh so humid. When we walk in the high heat, I carry lots of water and frozen skin wipes which are very refreshing. Hugs and hope you are having a real nice Saturday!

Jeanie said...

Diane, it's difficult for me to believe you have just started. I think your sketches are wonderful. Choosing to do realistic creatures is a brave thing to do and a tough one and I really admire your taking that on and then doing so well.

I am really pleased that you decided to share your work with us. It will be great fun to watch you grow, and I suspect pretty quickly, given what you've done so far.

Please save a good sampling of your early work -- even if you think it's not your best. In a year or two or three it will be extra fun to look back at it! (And date it on the back -- I didn't and I'm sorry.)

Inger said...

Both the Egret and the Grebe express something. Their faces tell me a story, so who cares if everything isn't perfect? I believe that being able to show two such different expressions in the eyes and faces of two birds is pretty remarkable. The egret looks to me as if he is up to something, maybe caught sight of a fish underwater. The grebe looks like it is sailing along, enjoying the water, being a very confident bird, enjoying life.

I'm not being nice nor kidding here, but I love art and I love these two. Please show us more.

Tom said...

...about the only thing that I ca draw is flies! Nice work.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Good job on your sketching and paintings! I'm sure it takes a lot of patience to paint. I've dabbled with it but mostly enjoy sewing and quilting. Wish I could see a tanager this summer, we are supposed to have them in my area of Kentucky but I'm still watching. Thanks.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You are doing great!!

Bill said...

Looks like you're off to a great start. Nice work!


Wow--I wished I could do that well for a beginner--
drawing is not my thing---so not sure why I am doing the little Inchy's--
some of those look like a kindergarten drawing!!!
lovely birds--keep going--
luv, di

Ann said...

Oh my, for a beginner you are very good. I've always wished that I could draw/paint. I'm ok with doodles but nothing that looks realistic. These are wonderful. Having fun is what it's all about too.

HappyK said...

You are much too hard on yourself. I think they are beautiful. Well done!!!

Mia said...

Keep up drawing, Diane! You are very talented and I llllllllove your birds!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

doodles n daydreams said...

Well done, for having a go at something new and then sharing it with us.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your art is as good as your photography, Diana! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for stopping by my blog--I'm still feeling terrible about losing my dog to cancer. Not sure if you knew that!


Linda said...

Excellent sketches.

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh goodness, I see that you came by earlier so I sincerely feel bad about questioning your comment. You are a dear. :). I guess I'm still feeling very sensitive and vulnerable. It will get better, I'm sure. And keep up those sketches!


Irma said...

I really like what you draw, you have talent.
Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog
Enjoy your day.
Best regards, Irma

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Why yes, I learned that you have had a beautiful and creative month, while I’ve been away from Blogland! Love your art and the Fl hikes! (I scrolled back to catch up). We’re traveling, internet’s been iffy, but we’re having fun and, of course, seriously, learning new things every day. I’ll be back in July (in real life and blogging),

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Diane; Oh My, you showed us another talent of yours♪ I LOVE the 3 birds you painted; how wonderful to have many skills.
I enjoyed the video of Red-headed Woodpecker which I cannot see in Japan or my area.
Have a wonderful Sunday and coming new week.
Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Anni said...

I too sketch & paint. And your work is wonderful! (If you'd like, just go over to my persobal blog & click on the drop down menu on my side bar for some I've shared. I also show my most oriole) I'd like your input. Thanks so much, as always, for taking part in I'd Rather B Birdin

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely artwork of our feathered friends ~ ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

Art is about enjoyment.
I love your art.

All the best Jan

Bob Bushell said...

Superb paintings, well done.

Al said...

Those are nice drawings.

The Liberty Belle said...

Very nice!

riitta k said...

Your bird sketches are wonderful - nothing to be ashamed of! Wishing you a sunny new week!

Nancy Chan said...

You are a talented artist. You can draw so well.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm glad you shared your sketches of the birds with us because you DO have a talent. I especially love the red-headed Woodpecker, and see them often at the trail. Yes, I'd love to see a drawing of the Summer Tanager. Its coral and peachy colors are so pretty. Keep up your art work, Diane. Not everyone can say they can sketch or draw or paint. The "creativity" quote is so true, isn't it?
