Monday, June 17, 2019

The Joys of Hiking!

I've read so many beautiful quotes lately about nature. Getting out on the Florida Trails allows me to appreciate the 'beauty that surrounds me'!

 We had some rain this past week so I got up early one morning and hiked before it got hot (or rained again!) Everything looked so green and lush!

I just had to 'pose' for a pic! (that's my backpack bulging out my side...not part of me! hahaha)

 Lots of wildflowers and palmetto palm blooming right now!

The bottom center photo is just a little piece of wood in the forest but doesn't it look like an animal or a bird? Maybe a rabbit, or road runner? My hubby said Kangaroo!

 Do you have lots of flowers blooming where you live too?

 I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


Tom said... are surrounded by beauty!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

This time of year I'm more into bicycling and kayaking...most trails down here are under water.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful images and mosaic - I love taking a hike with you.

eileeninmd said...


Love your nature scenes and images. Looks like a lovely walk, I find peace in nature. Great shadow shot. The wildflowers are beautiful. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead! PS, thanks for visiting my post.

It's me said...

Love from me Ria...🍀💚🍀💚🍀

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I thought you had a HIP problem. ha ha.. so much beauty so little time to see it all, but you are doing really good with your hiking in this heat

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It took me a minute to figure that bulging hip! hahaha 😜

Anonymous said...

You made me smile with the comment about the back pack, no need to explain, we know you’re a slim trim lady lol, such beautiful photos! I find a lot of wonderful quotes on Pinterest, I really enjoy them,

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I could see kangaroo in that piece of wood.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Everything is very lush here. Lots of thunderstorms are in our forecast so I
m not sure how much hiking I will get in this next week. xo Laura

Ann said...

A quick look at that picture and I thought it was some kind of bird. When you said it was just a piece of wood I had to go take a closer look. I can see a kangaroo now too

Mia said...

Oh yes, Diane. Nature in Greece is blooming!!! We are in the beginning of summer here. Your photos are always amazing!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

Inger said...

It certainly is very lush where you live right now. So many pretty pictures.

Blondie's Journal said...

You take such beautiful pictures, Diane, that we wouldn't see "off the beaten track". Do you take long hikes? I'm asking because of the backpack. If so, it's a super safe way of doing it.


Little Wandering Wren said...

How wonderful, it's so lush and green and with all that beautiful fresh air (you can tell what I miss in my city life!) We do have something called a rock wallaby in Australia (which is a small kangaroo type) so I reckon you can claim a wood kangaroo!
Wren x

Decor To Adore said...

Love that squirrel!

I've just come back from the upper east coat where the wild roses were blooming.

It was such fun to hike!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

I am so happy for you that you can take all of these wonderful hikes. I did enjoy looking at your photos.

A Casa Madeira said...

Belas imagens.

HappyK said...

Oh I love that windy path. I can picture myself walking down there!!

Debby Ray said...

Yes...lots of beautiful blooms around here too and your photos are so pretty. Wildflowers are my favorite!

BeachGypsy said...

Beautiful beautiful pictures, my friend Diane! I especially love the shadow one of yourself you!! And the flower ones of course. You're right, that twig does look like an me it looks like a kangaroo! LOL I've just now going to try and see if your new videos will work for me, I think this is something new you're doing this summer? I always read you on my tablet, dont know if they'll play there but I'm going to go try. Looks fun, how do you do that, with your phone maybe? Hope your week is going great! Mercy, IT'S HOT HERE.

BeachGypsy said...

OH DIANE GIRLFRIEND, I just saw your previous post.....oh my goodness that squirrel......he is so huge and so amazing! We have ALOT OF squirrels here but if I saw something like that in our yard I would freak out!! ha ha LOL Seriously, I would fall down. He looks huge and THAT TAIL!! I can't wait to show that to Mr. Front Porch, he will get a kick out of it too. Do these come into the city/suburbs as well, or are they just pretty wild and out in the trail/country areas?????

BeachGypsy said...

Yay!! the video works on our computer!! Loved it!

Powell River Books said...

The bloom on the palmeto palm looks a lot my dracaena spike plant that is blooming right now. I have two. One has a single blossoming spike and the other has two. - Margy

Carla from The River said...

I am so glad you got out to hike. So how early is early?
Beautiful photos my friend.

Angie said...

Diane - there is always something in your posts that makes me giggle - like you pointing out that you don't have one hip bigger than another! (And I agree with your hubby that the piece of wood looks like a kangaroo!) We have loads of flowers blooming here - we are getting more than the normal rain and the plants love it! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, my friend!


Preciosas fotos de la naturaleza!!

Nonnie said...

Love the selfie with a bump! What beautiful photos.

Vee said...

Very pretty, Diane! I like your shadow.😁

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, everything is very green here too, in northern Indiana. Your pictures are so beautiful... as they always are. I love going on your walks with you. Thank you for taking all of us along. Love, Andrea xoxo

Anajá Schmitz said...

Lindo lugar. Amei as belas flores e mata.
Aqui não tem muitas flores. Uma pena.
Abraços e felicidades.

Barbara said...

Love the flower mosaic at the end of this post! I should make one like that. Thanks for the inspiration!

When we meet (and we will eventually), I will have lots to ask you about birds, which is a what and their habits. We see them on the lakes here and just wonder about them.

Anyway, lovely post. Thanks for sharing with us!

Meditations in Motion said...

you have such a beautiful place to hike! I love your flower photos. Thanks for sharing!

Connie said...

I love walking with you . . . and I especially love seeing the wildflowers from other parts of the country. Another beautiful post!
Thank you for sharing.
Connie :)

Jill Harrison said...

truly there is nothing better for the soul than getting out in nature. Happy travels and enjoy the rest of your week, and spring! it has been so cold here today - winter has hit.

Sarah said...

Wonderful! Being outdoors, especially on walks restores my energy. It is my form of mediation. I'm so happy that your blog was restored. What a nightmare.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Uma caminhada que deu belas fotografias, aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Lowcarb team member said...

Isn't it nice to be outdoors.
Loved seeing your photographs.

All the best Jan