Monday, June 10, 2019

20 Frogs a leapin'!

When we hike the Florida Trails beginning at the Pruitt Trailhead we walk along a wide road next to the marshlands. 

 That's where we see the beautiful Pickerelweed in my banner and all kinds of water birds. And in puddles of water along the road....FROGS! Tiny baby frogs and lots of them.

 I'm including some videos today for those that might enjoy them. In the first one, you can see lots of tiny black frogs jump when I get close. AND...if you turn the audio up, you can hear me laughing and saying, Oh my GOSH!!! They were so much fun to see and I got so tickled watching them!

And next we'll enter the Florida Trails enchanted forest. And guess what!

There were baby frogs jumping in the trail! It was hard to capture one in a photo but fun to see!

Another video will show you what it looks like to hike in Florida in May! It's already getting quite grown up along the trail. Lots of Virginia Creeper and Grape Vines sending out tendrils. Maybe not what you picture when I say I am hiking in Florida! So take a look!!!

We got some much needed rain over the weekend! The frogs will love it....the weeds and vines too!

How's your weather where you live? (see... I can write a whole post without talking about my hair! hahahaha)

I’m joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE .


Tom said...

...I was mowing the lawn yesterday and I had a bunch of frogs a leapin'.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is always great to see lots of amphibians because that is a very good indicator of the health of the waterways.

Arlene G said...

I hate to admit it but not a frog lover and if they started jumping all around me, I would head the other way Diane. You are a brave gal!!

eileeninmd said...


The frogs are cute, what a nice walk with nature. Seeing the baby frogs is a treat. In one video I thought I heard a Cuckoo calling out at the beginning.
I enjoyed your photos and videos. Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

Terri D said...

We are seeing lots of frogs too. The little ones are so cute! Hoping for no rain today after yesterday's downpours!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I hope you're enjoying the rain


Betty said...

I loved the video and the pictures. I wished I could take walks, maybe after surgery next year. For now I will enjoy seeing yours.

Anonymous said...

nothing like the chorus of the frogs lol, wow!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our yard is full of these rascals and boy are they loud. we got two nice rains and they got so loud I could hardly stand it in the house. love the pic of the enchanted forest. great place to make a movie

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful photos - I'd love to see the frogs jumping!

bj said...

How fun to walk and see all these things...
we've had a lot of rain but think it's over for now.


But talking about your hair--was fun!!! as I know we have all been there and that had that happen to us --at one time or another!!!!
I was never a frog or bug person--but as I age--they bother me less and less--
and I can enjoy them now!!!
love all your photos and adventures--keep them coming!!!
How are the 'dolls' doing--are they getting into any 'trouble' lately???
luv, di

Vee said...

That last vid was interesting as that’s just how I imagine Florida trails to be with all the possibilities of rattlers, black widows, and alligators! You must have to be careful and watchful.

Ann said...

How fun watching all those frogs. That one picture really does look like and enchanted forest.
We've had lots of rain here today. It's kind of warm but very wet

HappyK said...

Wonderful looking places for walking.
I saw some frogs around my place today over by one of our water features!
We've had sun, rain, and clouds, with temperature ranging from 55 - 70.

Karen and Gerard said...

That forest really did look enchanted! The frog sure blended in well with its surroundings too. Enjoyed this post!

Red Rose Alley said...

That frog really blends in with the brown of the nature. The trails DO look like an enchanted forest. I'm glad to hear you got the much needed rain in your area, Diane. Thanks for sharing the videos. So much to see when we take a walk in the woods. : )


Su-sieee! Mac said...

We've had 3 days of high 90s, higher in some places. We're getting a bit of a breeze right now, hurrah. I don't like it when the air is still. I'd rather be walking down that forest trail which looks soft and comfy on the knees. I remember frogs hopping around the front lawn when I was a kid. Ribbit. ribbit.

ann said...

Glad that you got your blog back. You have gone to so much work on it; it would be said to loose it all.

riitta k said...

How fun - millions of tiny frogs! You had problems in finding a frog-free spot where to put your foot! Wishing you a lovely day!

Angie said...

Diane - we don't see many toads or frogs here compared to the Midwest - I do miss them. I always liked seeing them in my garden, presumably eating nasty bugs! I can imagine it does not take long for Florida to become a jungle, what with the precipitation and the heat … Thanks for sharing your joy with us this week on Mosaic Monday!

Gillena Cox said...

Glad you are hiking again, weather permitting. I kniw how much you luv it.
Have a good week


Rosie said...

What a lovely walk! It's not how I envisaged the countryside in Florida. Thanks for sharing.

stardust said...

Walking in the enchanted forest and meeting jumping frogs must have been a lot of fun. One frog among them might have been a young prince cast a spell. Thanks for sharing us with such an enjoyable walk.


Jill Harrison said...

thank you for taking us along the hiking trail. We finally had rain the last few days, and storms, so hiking is out for now. Happy travels and thank you for stopping by my blog last week.

Jenn Jilks said...

That 2nd last photo is a toad!

Hooray for spring!!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, One good thing about FLORIDA is that it is flat. That is much easier for walking... Here in TN --we are so mountainous --and there are not many flat areas to walk.... I used to be able to walk these hills --but not as much these days. My A Fib really slowed me down. For exercise now, I have an indoor bike which I enjoy....

Keep up the walking!

Lowcarb team member said...

That is such a nice walk, and how lovely to see the frogs.

All the best Jan