Thursday, January 16, 2020

Ross Prairie Hike

When we started hiking here in Florida a few years ago, this is the first trail we hiked. 

And it's still a favorite!

What is that white stuff? 

Don't worry, it's not snow, it's white sand!

And this is Reindeer Moss....really! (also called Deer Moss)

A Palm tree is growing across the trail, of all things!

Aren't the grasses beautiful at this time of year! 

We are still having beautiful weather and enjoying our hikes and day trips.

What's your weather like today?

We've had highs in the 80s, cooler weather on the way. 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays .


Tom said...

...lovely, but where are the roses?

MadSnapper said...

I have been complaining about the heat and now and eagerlay awaiting our cold front. of course friends up north say our cold front is t-shirt weather to them... I love sandy soil in trees...

eileeninmd said...


Ross Prairie looks like a beautiful place for a walk. I love spending time outdoors enjoying nature. I wish it was in the 80's here, we are heading into a cold weekend and week ahead. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!

Sandy said...

I love the sights on this trail very much. We have warm weather too. It is so foggy in the morning and at night like December.

Vee said...

31°F Heavy Snow.

The moss is unusual and very pretty.

NanaDiana said...

I am more than a bit envious, Diane. We will not get above zero degrees here today with wind chill factored in. This is NOT my kind of weather--it really makes me miss FL. xo Diana

Arlene G said...

Oh I love seeing the sand and the Spanish moss. I miss that now as we do not get to Savannah as much as we used to when the children were growing up and we visited the grandparents.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

We are having a high of 57 today, but in the next few days the temps will drop a lot!

Jeanie said...

Beautiful, Diane. I love the white sand!

Creations By Cindy said...

Beautiful pictures. Oh I need to get out and walk more. Not so much on hiking, especially uphill. Such beautiful places you have to walk. Yes, we are indeed experiencing summer weather here in Florida. Which I honestly would love to see it much cooler since it is Jan. But I just heard temps would be dropping again by Monday and bringing rain. One things is for sure about Florida...we never know how to dress. LOL! Enjoyed your post and maybe it's the inspiration I need to get out and walk! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Edna B said...

I love seeing the white sand and the Deer Moss. If I could, I'd love nothing better than to walk along with you on these trails. This is why I love all your photos so much. It's almost like being there. Thank you. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh now you are getting closer to our neck of the woods! We used to live in Salt Springs until just a few months ago. Now we are a little further north in Interlachen. There is a state forest trail up here near us: Carl Duval Moore State Forest... If you ever decide to come up here, let me know so we can meet and come hike with you! We live about 2 miles from there. Then we could have lunch together too! Let me know! Loved your pictures. Yes, it is warm today!!

Carla from The River said...

I enjoy going along with you.. we are having a chilly walk today. It is only 7 degrees, but we have a sunshine day. That is how Wisconsin works during the winter, if it is warmer temps, it usually is cloudy. I love the sun so much, that sometimes I do not mind having a cold day, just to have sun. LOL

Latane Barton said...

We have had unseasonally warm weather but I think winter is about to catch up to us. Well, I enjoyed it while it was here and I will survive the cold but I don't like it.

Linda said...

Yesterday was barely 50 and rainy. My kind of weather!
You do hike in some very pretty places!

Michelle said...

This looks inviting to me and I LOVE white sand :) Thanks for linking up today.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Our weather today, to answer your question, is very pleasant, sunny, a few centimetres of snow and about minus 2.

Ann said...

It looks beautiful there. It's a bit chilly here today and we've had some snowflakes flying around

Terri D said...

The weather in Lakeland is just like yours! Beautiful! Joe and I laugh all the time that the sand on the side of the road looks like dirty snow sometimes!

HappyK said...

A great place for hiking!!
Our weather has been crazy, warm one day and cold the next. A very strange winter.
Nice that you have such nice weather but I sure would miss the snow!!

Red Rose Alley said...

It's rainy and cold.....but I love it. The white sand looks so pretty on the trail. And I also love your Header. So lovely. I hope the new year is being good to you so far, Diane. : )


Jenn Jilks said...

I love the deer moss and the fungus!

Sam I Am...... said...

I like that trail too! I've never seen deer moss. When is your birthday? It's freezing rain here this morning but will warm up but not much. It's been really nice lately but they warned us that the cold was coming! I'm back to walking daily, weather permitting but I am definitely not in shape like I used to be!

handmade by amalia said...

Needed a good hike today. Thanks for taking me along.

BeachGypsy said...

wELL, it's been hot as blazes here and we've had windows open and many have turned on air. LOL BUT THE WEATHER MAN SAYS THERE IS A COLD SPELL A COMING...!! lol I had put bunches of my warm long sleeve winter clothes back in the winter closet and been into my summer the tide is turning, ha ha . OH my goodness you have baby alligators already!!?? I'm coming down there!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL They have not even had mating season here yet. By the way, have you ever heard the big old male gators bellowing in the spring??? Lord have mercy. I bet you can google it but you've probably heard it being there in florida. Anyway, hope you get some pictures of those cute lil babies for me please!!?? Love all the pictures expecially the one of you standing in the trees, the second one I think. Hugs and hey, it's the weekend!!!

BeachGypsy said... regard to your comment....I do believe i am older than you!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Great photographs, I certainly enjoyed my hike with you … thank you.

All the best Jan