Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Rainbow River

 We go to Blue Run Park about once a week during hiking season. There are several trails and so much nature to observe.

It's always different, even from week to week. I've mentioned this before, but our favorite hike is on the paved trail, heading West to the Withlacoochee River bridge. The Swamp is on the left (where there is a big alligator hanging out lately, very near the trail...oh my!), the Rainbow River running on the right.

"The Rainbow River is formed by a first magnitude spring (Rainbow Springs) that is ranked fourth in the state for volume of discharge. In addition to the springs located at the headwaters, there are many smaller springs that discharge from numerous caves, rock crevices, and sand boils the entire length of the river. The Rainbow River is a gently winding river that is 5.7 miles long and merges with the Withlacoochee River at Dunnellon, Florida." Taken from the website HERE

We'll just stay with photos taken on the Rainbow River today!

This Pied-billed Grebe found him a tasty treat in the river.

He was having a time trying to get it to go down! lol

He finally got tired of posing for photos! lol

Other sightings....

White Ibis

Little Blue Heron

and a fishing boat.

You already know what the big scary alligator looks like so we'll skip him today!

How about this instead....for Halloween?

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Tom said...

...what a gorgeous place!!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

That first picture is so pretty with the clouds reflecting on the water.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, Beautiful photos-really enjoyed them-hugs

eileeninmd said...


I enjoy following you on your hike at the Blue Run Park. The Pied-billed Grebe is adorable. Great photos of the White Ibis and Little Blue Heron. The dog must enjoy going out on the fishing boat. Happy Halloween! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, I appreciate your comment.

Lea said...

Great series of photos!
Love the Grebe!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Billie Jo said...

Beautiful! I always enjoy your photos, my friend. And your Halloween header?? LOVE! Happy Halloween!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Kudos on the to Ibis standing in the water photos they are absolutely gorgeous! And I always tried to get my husband to go to Rainbow Springs because we passed the exit every time we went over to Ormond Beach we would pass it and I'd say we need to on the way home to go there and see it this is proof we should have

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Cute Header...

Pretty name for spring and river...

Karin M. said...

Solch idyllische Landschaft.....eine wundervolle Fotoserie.
LG. Karin M.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane,:=) What a wonderful place to see water birds. Your images are all so good. I especially liked the Pied-Billed Grebe wrestling with the small lobster or large prawn.Beautiful shots of the Heron, and White Ibis. and the man fishing in his boat. It's such a tranquil scene. I hope he or his dog didn't fall in the water. I wouldn't go in a boat like his because of the dreaded alligator, you never know what could happen!!:=)

Marleen said...

A beautiful area for a walk. Lovely photos!

BeachGypsy said...

Oh no!!!!---I WANTED TO see the big scary alligator!!! Ha ha ha LOL love the pictures and LOVE HIKING with yall!! Hey Diane wouldn't it be something if we got to go hiking together someday? We would have so much fun! Well I bet we would be so dang busy talking-----we would not get much hiking done !! Ha ha lol happy weekend! Hugs!

Phil Slade said...

I'd love to explore that place Diane. As you say, I can see how there will be something different every time you go because of all the food for both birds and animals. I've never seen Pied-billed Grebe but I know they have quite a large bill to cope with those tasty prawns.

Bob Bushell said...

Wonderful images Diane, my favourites are White Ibis and the Pied-billed Grebe, glorious.

Louca por porcelana said...

Hi,Diane...Fabulous pictures!!!I need to come here more times...Such beauty!Hugs and blessings.

Wally Jones said...

That area is so beautiful!

The Pied-billed Grebe seems to always find a way to make us smile. The tranquil water, the birds, the fisherman - that's our Florida!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Aunt Helen said...

Beautiful photos! I especially liked the little Blue Heron. My first time seeing a blue one! The trail was so scenic and pretty. I am glad you did not encounter the Alligator!!! Love, Aunt Helen

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Great nature shots ~ and sweet photos of our feathered friends ~ Love the Bear for Halloween ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

RedPat said...

Great shots especially of the Grebe!

Bill said...

Fantastic shots, love the Grebe. Have a great weekend!

Ann said...

What a gorgeous place for a hike.

HappyK said...

fantastic photos of your favorite hiking place!

Vee said...

What is it? A bear? Thank you for not showing the big alligator!

Olde Dame Holly said...

Boo, indeed! That bear is terrifying! Be careful on that trail. You don't want to see the gator crossing in front of you, and then look behind ya and there is the bear! Happy Halloween!

Linda said...

Interesting pictures! Happy Halloween!

italiafinlandia said...

Love the little blue heron, who doesn't live here and is! 💙
Happy Sunday! 😊

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful shots! I especially liked the Pied-billed Grebe's treat and the reflections.

Penelope Notes said...

The man with his dog on the boat ... when all else is scary it is nice to see serene. :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope the grebe is able to get that crayfish down. I watched some gulls eating crayfish and it reminded me their stomach enzymes are quite different from our own. They swallow it down with muck clinging to it and suffer no ill effects.

Anni said...

I can understand why you two go there often!! Each turn brings something to marvel!! Except for the Halloween 'gator!!
Thanks for linking in this week.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos. I love Grebes, but rarely get photos of them, because they are very elusive. Happy Halloween!

Marcia said...

I'm shopping for a camera for myself for Christmas this year. have always admired your photos. What kind of camera do you use?

Amazing you caught the grebe having a crayfish lunch!

Edna B said...

I love the bird photos, and I LOVE THE BEAR PHOTO! Happy Halloween to you, hugs, Edna B.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Diane, you see so much beautiful wildlife (except for the alligator). Thanks for sharing it with us. xo Laura

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely photos of course and I enjoy looking at them all. It is always extra interesting to see birds with prey too. Meanwhile, I must ask, what does it feel like to be allergic to sugar? Is it the usual kind of symptoms? Anyway, I'm glad you can find lots of great recipes including that delectable cake. Boo to you too!

Terri D said...

Beauty all around us... we just have to look! Thanks for taking us along on your hikes! Your photos are always lovely. xo

Nancy Chan said...

Love the 1st photo with lovely reflection in the water. Do be careful with the alligator. Ha ha... not a very spooky "Boo" for Halloween. Have a great new week.

Debbie said...

such pretty reflections in your first image!! great captures of the grebe, isn't it wonderful when you get a little something extra with a picture!? i always enjoy seeing the ibis as i don't see them here!!

i had a busy weekend and did not have time to visit - that's a good thing, right??

NatureFootstep said...

Rainbow River, great name for a wonderful place :)

Kim said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos, Diane!

Red Rose Alley said...

Lovely photos at the Rainbow River, especially the White Ibis. I like that fishing boat picture too. It's kind of mysterious with all the greenery around the fisherman. The first photo with the reflection of the clouds in the water is really nice too!


Teresa said...

Siempre son preciosos tus paseos. Besos.

DeniseinVA said...

I am smiling at all these photos. Bears are dear to my heart - at a distance ;) - so thank you for closing with him/her.