Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Star of Halpata Tastanaki Preserve

Would the star of HTP be the Florida Scrub-Jays?

It is such a privilege to see this rare endangered bird at Halpata Tastanki Preserve that we would be quick to give these birds the title of "Star of the Preserve".

We've found a small flock of them there a few years ago and we usually spot them on the loop that we take. 

A good website to learn more about the Scrub-Jay is HERE

Lately they have been at the Savannah.

We love the Savannah with beautiful grasses and marshy areas as far as the eye can see.

This week we even spotted a Northern Harrier overhead.

What a magnificent bird!

And the little Phoebe flits around as we follow the trail.

But then!!! What's that ahead? 

It came out of the woods to the left of us, 

ran onto the trail 

kicking up dust

 sprinting down the trail ahead of us.

I'm not sure if something was chasing him or if he caught sight of us.

But as quick as a wild turkey can run, it veered off to the right, never to be seen again! heehee!

So we think since he was so unexpected and fun to watch

the Wild Turkey was the star of HTP on this particular hike!

I’m joining Saturday’s critters HERE

and I’d Rather B Birdin’. 


Tom said...

...lovely captures in a beautiful place!

Kim said...

What wonderful treasures you find on your hikes! A great education for us, also. I didn't know scrub jays were endangered. Happy Saturday, my friend! ❤️

Ed Rosack said...

What a great outing you had - wonderful photos!

Ed Rosack said...

What a wonderful outing you had - great photos!

Martha said...

I adore our little scrub-jays, they are such pretty little things. We have a group of wild turkeys in our neighborhood (no idea when they decided to start hanging around beach towns lol) but they gang up and chase people here!

Have a fantastic weekend! :)

Inger said...

Your real Florida is a place of amazing beauty, wonderful places to hike, beautiful birds and so many interesitng animals. Thanks for sharing all of it.

eileeninmd said...


Wonderful wildlife sightings, the preserve looks beautiful.
It is funny to see the turkey running down the trail. The Scrub Jay is one of my favorites on this post. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Vee said...

Such wonderful, new and fun things you see on your hikes. Did you see the turkey knocking on Ellen's door?

carol l mckenna said...

wow! what great 'critter' photos ~ that blue colored bird is awesome and fun that you saw the wild turkey and what a hawk photo! Xo

Wishing you love in all your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Phil Slade said...

I love the colours of the scrub Jay. The Turkey Road Runner made me laugh the way it didn't want to spend time with you. Nice to get pictures of the Northern Harrier too.

Bill said...

Another wonderful hike with some surprise. I love the Wild Turkey and now people around the world know of him. Maybe that was his plan after all, :) Have a great weekend.

Carla from The River said...

Oh, that scrub Jay is beautiful!
I love that dust kicking turkey.. Hee Hee!

Yvonne said...

From my observations, turkeys don't play well with cars, so the same might be said of one walking ahead of you. I had a flock that just kept running their little legs off to stay ahead of my car, until I took pity on them and myself, stopped and honked the horn to change their direction to the field next to the road. Birds are always interesting.

Penelope Notes said...

Watching the bird on the run down the magical path was fun! Thanks for sharing your world. :)

Connie said...

It was easy to see why that pretty blue bird is called, "Star of the Preserve". He is so beautiful! Steve and I camped at a lovely campground about an hour from home that had wild turkeys coming out of the bush and visiting our campsite several times a day. They were a hoot to watch. They had a path wore through the bush and would walk out single file and then after a short while of grazing they would line up and walk back into the bush . . . just to repeat again in a few hours. They were the highlight of our trip, too :)

RedPat said...

Such a wonderful day you had! The jay is beautiful.

Terri D said...

Thanks for taking us along on your hike! THe birds are amazing. xo

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Scrub-Jays images, and the Wild Turkey, running away from you. Excellent.

MadSnapper said...

they jays win most beautiful and interesting, the turkey wins the sprint award and possbiley ugliest bird in the preserve. he/she looks scrawny, maybe because it runs a lot. from a distance i thought it was an ostrich

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Funny turkey! She does look like she's running away from you.
The scrub jay is a beautiful bird.

Jean said...

The scrub jay is beautiful and how fun to see a wild turkey!

Lowcarb team member said...

All lovely photographs.
I think the Scrub Jay is a beautiful looking bird, such a great colour.
Seeing the turkey running down the trail made me smile :)

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

That scrub jay is beautiful. What a treat to see them.
You should have told that turkey Thanksgiving is over, he can take his time :)

HappyK said...

Those scrub jays are so pretty.
Wild turkeys are quite big when you see them up close! Great captures.

magiceye said...

Delightful images all!

Kathy said...

You always see such wonderful and beautiful birds on your walk, So funny about the turkey, I had to laugh the way he was running ahead of you down the trail,.

Linda said...

A fine post! The turkey is fun to watch.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful images! Certainly a worthy title for Scrub jays.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures of the different birds you could take with your day out.
Everything is perfectly sharp, my compliments.
Greetings Irma

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful jay!! And the harrier is magnificent. The song/dance turkey trot comes to mind ...sweet photos.

Thanks for sharing this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'!

Debbie said...

AWESOME!!! the scrub jays are gorgeous and what long tails they have!! as i am sure you know, our blue jays are much different!! those golden brown grasses are gorgeous and a sure reminder of what time of year it is!!

i enjoyed the trotting turkey...i'm surprised they ever get caught for turkey dinner!!

Wally Jones said...

Harriers, scrub jays and turkeys - oh, my!

Those sighting are a good day in anyone's book! Especially mine!

There are so many spots like this along the length of the Withlacoochee. And all fun to explore for the diversity they can offer. We have found some wonderful plants and insects here in the past.

Thank you, Diane, for sharing your special day!

Rostrose said...

The scrub jay really is a fascinating and beautiful bird! And you have been traveling in a dreamlike area. The chicken run, no turkey-run, looks really funny :-DDD
Have a happy new week!
All the best,
PS: You wrote: "I need you to help give me a makeover." If you're really serious - I'd love to do that. Do you have an idea how this can work virtually?

NanaDiana said...

Those scrub jays are absolutely gorgeous. We have a flock of turkeys that come through our back yard every day. Scruffy the Cockapoo goes crazy and would love to get out and chase them. lol.
I love all your walks, Diane. You are blessed to be able to hike this time of year...and here I am--in the frozen tundra. xo Diana

NanaDiana said...

Those scrub jays are absolutely gorgeous. We have a flock of turkeys that come through our back yard every day. Scruffy the Cockapoo goes crazy and would love to get out and chase them. lol.
I love all your walks, Diane. You are blessed to be able to hike this time of year...and here I am--in the frozen tundra. xo Diana

Teresa said...

Fue un precioso paseo, con grandes avistamientos. Me ha encantado. Besos.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I am so jealous of all that warmth and sunshine in your photos!! It's freezing up this way...I think tomorrow morning it's supposed to warmer...10 degrees, so I'll head out for an hour or (P.S. Pray for sunshine for me)

Breathtaking said...

Hello,:=) Lovely post Diane. The Scrub Jay is a beauty, and you took a wonderful shot of the Northern Harrier. I also loved the Savanna Scene, and the funny Turkey run.:=))

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Aww -- love both your stars and love you too for showing them to us. You take the greatest walks. I still have yet to see the Florida scrub jay, can you believe that?

Olde Dame Holly said...

I notice the scrub jay is banded. I hope their numbers go up greatly. Lovely birdie. And I liked your Florida Roadrunner -- that speedy turkey!

stardust said...

I love blue colors. The blueness of Florida Scrub-Jay is so special and beautiful. Northern Harrier looks magnificent, indeed. It’s fun to watch wild turkey running before you, but would be scary to be chased after by it. I hear wild turkeys are aggressive.


Nancy Chan said...

The blue jay is beautiful. You had an interesting hike. That wild turkey can run really fast. Enjoy your new week.

Jeanie said...

You definitely know how to spot a star, Diane! He's a beauty!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Florida Scrub Jays are the stars in my book. Wonderful birds!

Red Rose Alley said...

The Scrub Jay is such a pretty bird. Their tail is a bit longer than our Blue Jays here. The Phoebe is a sweet bird and so dear to me. And how fun that you saw a TURKEY! They are always so funny to watch. Lovely photos at the Savannah, Diane. : )
