Monday, May 9, 2022

Weird Earth and amazing sights

Have you ever watched the program 'Weird Earth' on the Weather Channel? We've caught it a few times and always marvel at the strange things that people see all over the world. My husband even saw some of the tube like clouds one night when he looked out the window. (no photos of that)

Well, I took photos of the Gulf of Mexico and captured a few that fall in that category.

What do you think of this boat out in the middle of nowhere. It looks as if it is in the sky, instead of the water. And even the other boat appears to be staring at it. Something to ponder! lol

Another weird photo of boats that appear to be above the water.

And then there's the island in the sky! Doesn't it look like it has appeared out of nowhere?

It's a land mass....not a dark cloud.

AND these photos are straight out of the camera.

We see some pretty amazing sights on our hikes but nothing compares to this.

Where do you think I am? (do you see the death grip I have on that sign? at least I'm not holding onto it with both hands right now!)

Is that the marshes bordering the Gulf of Mexico?

Does it look beautiful?

Of course it does but the amazing part of it is that I climbed up a tower to see it all.

And if you don't find that amazing, ask my hubby or any of my 'kids' for their opinion.

I am deathly afraid of heights and this is the bravest thing I have done in a long time. And this is the closest I can get to the rail! hahahaha!!!

My Mother's day challenge! Climb a tower and enjoy the view!

Hubby helped me! And we watched an Eagle soar overhead!

We were at the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve in Yankeetown, Florida for this adventure. 

I hope your weekend was special too! Get out in nature and enjoy life!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Hena Tayeb said...

You got some intriguing pictures.

Ed Rosack said...

Very interesting photos! And bravo for climbing the observation tower!

EricaSta said...

I wrote, my dream us to visit one day Florida and I say it again here.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful Post.

Bavarian hugs back .

Rainbow Evening said...

you look young and strong for retired person...
thank you for sharing beautiful photos and nice story...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks everyone for the sweet comments! And Rainbow Evening, you've made my day! Hugs, Diane

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Bravo! Beautiful view. Neat illusions on the water.
The tower isn't high except to folks like us.

Creations By Cindy said...

Very interesting photos. One never knows what they will encounter! I hope that you had a lovely Sunday. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cloudia said...

Such a magical post! Thank you so much for sharing

Wally Jones said...

Congratulations on soaring to new heights!

We love the Gulf Preserve! And any excuse to travel to that area works for us.

Being on a large expanse of open water is similar to a desert experience where mirages are common. Our little 16 foot skiff made a lot of trips too far into the Gulf. The eeriest feeling is being 20 miles from shore in a dense fog. Trusting that compass is everything!

Another terrific series of images, Diane!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

And I thought all the weird apparitions were in Washington.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have three of these here, and two of them I did what you did, went to the top, stayed way back and back down, the 3rd one is in Myakka state park and I can't do it, it has a swinging bridge from one to the other. and its not got the railings like this one, no can do. lots of amazing things out there

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Very interesting and weird indeed!! Ha Ha! You got me going on those boats out in the "water". They sure look like they are hovering above the water. And I am proud of you for climbing so high! Look what you were able to see! And I see you are wearing your favorite blue shirt for hiking! LOL. At least I assume that is the one you meant! You look great, and that was a great way to spend your Mother's Day, enjoying God's beautiful creation! Thank you for sharing some very unique scenes with us!

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done on getting to the top of the tower :)

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...perhaps weird, but good weird.

Ann said...

Well aren't those first pictures interesting.
That's some view from that tower. You were very brave to climb to the top.

Terri D said...

I've never seen that show but will have to look it up!! Your photos are crazy good!! Optical illusions can seem so real! Love the Eagle, and congrats on conquering your fear and climbing the tower!! xo

Cheryl’s Sunlit Pathway said...

Such amazing photos. It would be awesome to see that eagle too

Linda said...

Love the eagle! I have a fear of heights but I am OK behind a sturdy rail. Going down the steps is scary for me.

Veronica Lee said...

Fascinating photos!

Bravo for getting to the top of that tower!

Happy Tuesday!

Angie said...

Well done, Diane, to conquer your fear for those glorious views! And a belated Happy Mother's Day!

Here in Montana, we experience cloud inversions that make the mountaintops appear as if they are islands!

Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Teresa said...

Interesantes fotografías. Me alegra que hayas subido a ĺas alturas,mereció la pena. Besos.

Irma said...

You took beautiful pictures.
Fear of heights is really not fun, I also suffer from it especially with open stairs, but you did it anyway, my compliments.
Greetings Irma

eileeninmd said...


Cool captures of these scenes, the boat and island in the sky.
Love the eagle. You had some great views from the tower.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It sounds like you and your husband had a fun day out exploring and taking beautiful photos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh congratulations on meeting this challenge. I'm not particularly afraid of heights, but looking at the number of stairs there, it is definitely not one a challenge I could meet nowadays. What a lovely place though (even from the ground level). You guys do find the best places!

Red Rose Alley said...

You can probably see so many interesting and unusual things on the top of that tower. Good for you for climbing it. So glad you got to see the Eagle soar. Always enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts, Diane. So much to be thankful for living in the states. : )


Jeanie said...

You sure that's not the Bermuda Triangle?!!

Vee said...

Yes, you were brave, but now that you know what the view is, you can stay on terra firma from now on. Lovely eagle in flight...

Lorrie said...

There are some great optical illusions from your camera. Hard to make sense of the first one. Good for you for climbing up the tower and challenging yourself. Now you've done it, you don't have to do it again.

Tomoko said...

Impressive! They look perfect place to visit.
Your photos are beautiful.
Also I have to say that your header is lovely.
Good day to you!

kestrel said...

I wonder if the flower at the top of your blog is a passion fruit flower? The colours are beautiful and it looks rather different from other flowers. Some of your photos are quite weird esp the island that looks like a dark cloud. I would say it is an optical illusion1

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I'm proud of you for climbing that tower! I'd climb it for sure!

Rajani Rehana said...

Awesome post said...

You are brave! I am deathly afraid of heights too. Beautiful view though. Those photos of "floating objects" are really cool I sit the smooth sea that makes it look like they're floating in air? Curious minds want to know!

Linda said...

Well done climbing that tower, we have a similar one near us but haven't ventured up it for a few years.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

don't like heights either, so Congratulations...

Saving dandilions is more important in the north, where cold temps and ice and snow have been the norm in winter. And spring comes slowly. :-)

My topic today is...😮😯😮😯😮😯😮

Haddock said...

I can understand about the heights thing. my wife has the same problem.

Jill Harrison said...

Well done you for climbing the tower. My husband would have had a problem with it, but I would have been up there in a flash. My goodness the tower and the marshes reminds me so much of the book Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Have you read it. Set on the North Carolina coast. Such an intruiging book with amazing descriptions. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend ahead.

Jeannie said...

I have never heard of Weird Earth on the Weather Channel but had to check it out. I am subscribed!
PS: When am I ever going to have time to watch?