Monday, May 16, 2022

Wildflowers and Garden Flowers

 Isn't it nice that we don't have to choose? I am enjoying bouquets of red roses in vases from my flower beds right now and every time we hike we see more wildflowers in bloom.


Even the orange Butterfly weed is blooming this week!

I'll share photos without trying to ID them all.


I learn a few new names every year but I forget a few too! lol

Emilia fosbergii-Florida Tasselflower. 

This is a new ID for us this year. It has a tiny red bloom.

And this flower bed is across the street with a variety of flowers in bloom.

The Easter Lily is especially pretty right now.

And this huge cluster of Lilies is in another neighbor's flower bed. 

Do you have a favorite flower that's in bloom right now?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful blooms ...
I always enjoy seeing magnolias and camellias in bloom.

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...wild is wonderful in my book.

Caroline said...

Beautiful flowers in your garden. I think there is very sun in Florida. Have a nice week !

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Beautiful flowers! You have some lovely wildflowers, where you hike!

Lea said...

Beautiful flowers!
My Butterfly Weed has buds, hope to have blooms soon!
Have a blessed day!

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful selection of flowers! I have been enjoying the dogwoods but our roses are in bloom.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love mixed blooms like the ones accross the street. no favorites, I love anything that blooms and that include weeds like the dandelion...

Ed Rosack said...

Wow - that's a lot of flowers - nice photos!

Rainbow Evening said...

both wild and garden flowers are beautiful....
love them all

Vee said...

Always love to see your collages. And your header with the smiling dolphin is wonderful. My blooming flowers are lilacs, azaleas, and the daffodils are hanging in because it has turned so cool again.

Billie Jo said...

Beautiful! I love them all. Your photos are always amazing!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I just planted a butterfly garden and am enjoying seeing the flowers bloom each day. Still waiting for the butterflies to discover it! I'm sure they will soon. Love all your photos. Your pawpaws are a different color than the ones we see here. I haven't seen the dark red colored ones. Ours are all white. I love all the Florida wildflowers we have here. Always something new in every season. I call it "God's Garden" because He does the planting, watering and producing the blooms. We don't have to do a thing! Thank you for sharing the beauty around you.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I had white lilies for a few years and then they started dying off with fewer flowers each year until they were gone. I've replanted some bulbs and have my fingers crossed. I miss my lilies!

Edna B said...

That Easter Lily garden is awesome! Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such a beautiful array of flowers! Our wildflowers are just beginning to bloom here--it has been cooler than normal spring, but I'll never complain about that as I prefer this weather over the summer heat when I I do plan on planting the vegetables that I planted from seed outdoors this week as I hope frost danger is over.

BeachGypsy said...

Yes!-- oh yes-- my beloved magnolias are coming out here! Love all these wild flowers they are so beautiful so many of these I've NEVER seen before! Especially intrigued with the little red tassels ones. Are all of these blooming now? Your paths are alive with such pretty blooms !!!

Gillena Cox said...

Your beautiful bunches. Thanks for sharing. Happy you dropped by my blig and linked up.
Have a nice week.


HappyK said...

All the flowers are beautiful. I can't pick a favorite!

Barbara said...

The pink/purple wild flowers growing alongside our Florida roads are stunning. This time of year is so beautiful.

Marcia said...

I still have some of the daffodil varieties blooming here . But I see lilac blossoms on the shrub across the street in the Memorial park. pansies are still blooming too.

Terri D said...

Some real pretty flowers!! xo

Carla from The River said...

Oh My Goodness, that cluster of lily must smell wonderful, they are beautiful.
Our tulips are blooming, oh I do love tulips. :-)

stardust said...

How beautiful and in such profusion! With so many and various wildflowers, it’s natural not to keep remembering each name all the time. I’ll call them whatever I like. I love the photo of Easter Lily . Roses and spring aster, Aster savatieri, are now in bloom here.


Lorrie said...

Beautiful blooms. All those lilies together are an impressive sight. Right now I'm loving the lilacs growing here. I cut a vase full for the house and they are perfuming the living room.

Angie said...

Diane - looking at your post is like looking into a crystal ball - the future flowers for us! The only flowers blooming here are Glacier Lilies, and a few wild strawberries! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Irma said...

What a beautiful flower splendor in your garden, really wonderful.
Greetings Irma

Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful flowers and incredible photography!

Happy Tuesday!

Ann said...

These are all so beautiful.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A wonderful burst of colour to start my day.

eileeninmd said...

I love all the flowers, it is wonderful to see so many wildflowers blooming.
Gorgeous blooms and lovely photos. Take care, have a great day and week ahead!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely flower pictures, the tassel flower is a new one to me as well. The mass of lilies is gorgeous.

Dandelions are a favorite to me, especially large open fields of them.

Linda said...

Pretty! I fall in love with flowers every spring!

Wally Jones said...

What a wonderful bouquet has greeted us this morning!

Thank you for sharing so much blooming beauty, Diane.

Nancy's Notes said...

I love each one of your photographs! What gorgeous flowers you have in your garden!! Impressive blooms!

Nice to see you!


Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Love seeing all the pretty flowers. The red tassel flower and the big bed of lilies are especially nice. I have forget-me-nots and lilacs blooming - two of my favorites. Such a nice time of year. x Karen

Soma @ said...

Love seeing wildflowers from different part of the world. Beautiful flowers and photos.


EricaSta said...

Yesssss... I agree with Audrry Hepburn, a fantastisc woman by the way. And your captures are lovely, Diane. Each of that bloom has his place in the nature. Of course the dandelions, which nobody like in the own Garden.

...thank you for sharing. Have a good week.

Hugs by Heidrun

Sandy said...

Beautiful flowers. How nice your neighbor has such a green thumb and you get to see all her pretty flowers. None of my neighbors work in their yards. I'm trying to battle the thistle that's growing like crazy in my back yard neighbors yard and spreading to mine. I've been digging them up, pulling them, and spraying them when they're in the open for 3 years now...but until he does something, believe my battle is futile. Just a few days ago saw him out finally digging them up. A small section anyway. They cover the entire fence row.
Sandy's Space

Red Rose Alley said...

There are so many different kinds of wildflowers out there. I'm so glad you are enjoying your red roses from home also. The Easter Lily is beautiful. Even the Dandelions make me smile. I hope you are enjoying these delightful May days, Diane. It seems that this is a month for new adventures and surprises. : )


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Love that tassel flower.....

Here, fruit trees were in bloom and lovely. But we had a band of large T-storms move through. Bye-bye all the lovely little flowers. -sigh-


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh and.... You said short hair is easy... Wash and dry....

Mine, I just wash! Don't have enough to dry. -gigggles- So it is very, very easy.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful -- and I'm impressed with the wildflower names you know! The garden flowers are way prettier than any I see here -- I think this part of florida is way hotter than yours maybe, so they don't do well.

BeachGypsy said...

Phlox!! So the pretty flowers we saw were phlox--- thanks so much for letting me know Diane!! I did so enjoy seeing IT ALL OVER!! AND making pictures of it. Does it bloom all summer? I love florida!!!

Aunt Helen said...

Oh, what lovely flowers-so many I have never seen! But, the Dandelions in Minnesota do not look like that one!! It is beautiful!! I loved the Dolphin's from your last post! You were very brave to climb that tower!! Be sure to hydrate if you hike when it is hot. Cheers. Love, Aunt Helen

Jeevan said...

You seem to live near numerous flower beds from neighbors, and you captured some lovely shots of wild and garden blossoms! Have a nice weekend

Jeanie said...

You are seeing some spectacular blooms, Diane. And I love that you are sharing them with us! Thank you!

It's me said...

Wowww what a lot of beautiful flowers today…my favorite flowers are pioneers and lathyrus….and do not forget…love from me have a nice Sunday….Ria 🍀💗🍀

Teresa said...

Todas las flores me parecen preciosas. Besos.

Jeannie said...

That is a pawpaw bloom? I have never seen one before. It looks like there is a tiny fruit forming inside. Very interesting! I wish I had a pawpaw or at least could taste one. The list of things I want to grow is endless.
Thanks for taking the picture and sharing.