Monday, July 11, 2022

Little things might go unnoticed!

 When I hike in the woods, I keep an eye on all of my surroundings! Critters in the forest, birds in the trees, bikes whizzing past and bugs on the path. My attention even gets drawn to the airplanes in the sky!

So when I get home and see that I've captured something tiny in a photo, I'm always thrilled.

Praying Mantis (about one inch long)

The tiniest dragonfly I've seen!

A beautiful orange dragonfly!

Caterpillar that looked translucent!

A fence lizard that was only about an inch and a half long!

A huge spider web....

with a Spiny backed Orb Weaver. ( I think these little spiders look like tiny alien spaceships!)

Which may account for the UFO I saw deep in the forest!


Let's zoooom in to get a good look at it! lol

And if that's not strange enough, this is a Green Hover Fly!

Ornidia orbesa  More info HERE.

It was literally hovering at eye level when we walked a trail deep in the woods. 

I was surprised that my camera could see it. I almost walked into it! 

Above : Butterflies and an ant on the sunflower.
Below : Butterfly Pea 

Now let's just hope those little things called dust particles go unnoticed around the house! I don't hike every day so I have time for housework. But then, there are so many interesting things to do that some things get overlooked! We haven't seen a 'new' movie in a long time so I ordered 2 movies on my wish list last week and we've watched and enjoyed them both! The new Little Women with Saoirse Ronan as Jo and News of the World with Tom Hanks. My husband and I both read the book (well both of them now that I think about it) and we were very pleased with the News of the World movie. It was tastefully done and I fell in love with the little girl, Helena Zengel who plays Johanna. I hope she'll be in lots of good movies in the future. 

Have you watched any good movies lately? Or taken a hike? Or dusted your house?

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too! 


Tom said...

...the little things add interest to life.

Nancy Chan said...

Thanks for the photos of what you see on your hike. You have captured so many interesting critters with your camera. I really thought you saw a UFO! Lol! I have just dusted, vacuumed, cleaned my windows and mopped the floor.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

some dusting but not a lot, only in one room. these macros of the small critter are amazing. so tiny and cute and interesting. the orb spiders are the bain of my existgence. I walk through the webs at least 2 or 3 times a day, one spins accross the front porch every day, I tear it down, he puts it back. I know its a he because he is so aggravting. they back yard has them everywhere waiting to go across my face and upset me

eileeninmd said...

We do take our daily walks with the grand-dogs, that counts as our hikes.
Great capture of the Green Hover fly midflight. I love the flowers and butterflies, dragonflies and the lizard. I have seen similar UFO's in the forest. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Fun pictures, they make me smile. The UFO is a lol.
Movies, I greatly cut down watching them years ago when I began using an indoor antenna. The DVD player is still not connected. Harry Potter is no longer available for major networks. I haven't joined a streaming service.

Jeanie said...

These are just spectacular images, Diane. And as to your questions at the end, no, no, and no! (Although I might dust something today!) Really -- these are stunning.

Tanza Erlambang said...

aww... you found so many little critters ...great.
Excellent shots.

Have a great day

Lorrie said...

No dusting done around here, but it's on the list. That's a gorgeous photo of the praying mantis. The UFO made me laugh. We don't watch many movies in the summer time, and I can't think of any in particular. Happy Monday, Diane!

Vee said...

What did I miss? What is that UFO? Going back...looks like a UFO elf to me!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh Diane, Your photos are exquisite. I love how you have captured so many tiny details as you explore the world around you.

Dusting seems to be at the bottom of the to-do list most days. I tend to get busy only when I can see layers in the sunshine atop the piano. Haha.

Haven't watched any movies of late but the two you saw sound lovely. I've read the News of the World book and would be interested to see how it plays out with Tom Hanks in the movie. Oh, I did see the latest Downton Abbey movie in the theatre earlier in the spring. It was such a delight to see them all again.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!
Brenda xo

Billie Jo said...

Your photos are amazing! Flynn and I are amazed at the praying mantis! I hope you are enjoying summer, my fellow Jeep lover!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Amazing what you can see with your camera and when you look at the photos and find something else in the picture

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I love all your amazing nature photography. Tiny little insects captured beautifully.

Linda said...

The little things make photos so interesting, especially when they are there unexpectedly. Happy Hiking

Soma @ said...

I think photography made me so much more aware of my surroundings. Fantastic captures of all that is around you.


Ann said...

Lots of little surprises you found. It's amazing what the camera can pick up that the eye misses.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Yes, yes, and sadly no (and believe me after being gone for over half a year, it really needs some attention.) But so does my blog!! ;>) . ... Loved your small things. I too notice everything while I walk, but my tiny thing pictures don't turn out as beautifully as yours.

Lea said...

Great photos!
I am amazed how many people walk right by something (a bird, a bloom, a turtle, etc.) without seeing it!
Have a wonderful week!

Barbara said...

That is a TINY Praying Mantis! I’ve never seen one so small.

You’ve got two Dragon Fly pictures. One has 2 wings and the other has 4. I guess I thought they always have 4 wings. Do they grow a second set as they mature?

Making note of the movies you mentioned.

Thanks for a most interesting post — and yes, I do dust the house on an as-needed basis. Smile.

Lowcarb team member said...

No dusting here today ... maybe tomorrow :)

Lovely photographs you've shared.

All the best Jan

Carla from The River said...

I remember when my boys found their first Praying Mantis... such fun memories, thank you for the great photos today. :-)

Rainbow Evening said...

yes, Orb Weaver looks strange, but beautiful

Janey and Co. said...

I always amazed at the number of critters on your walk. I feature a tiny critter on my post!
Having an ice cream so sip here tomorrow so yes I have been dusting. Hoping we could sit on the patio but it will be too darn hot!
We are watching a great series on Netflix..Young Wallender.

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous nature shots and thanks so much for your loving comments about my losing Angel ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Terri D said...

No hikes and no movies but I do try to dust once a week! LOL Cheryl, your photos are SO AMAZING!! You captured so many beautiful things in your lens. Wow! Have a lovely week, my friend!! xo

Su-sieee! Mac said...

We had visitors last week and today, so the downstairs area is still somewhat dustfree. I even vacuumed, oh my. We’re good for the rest of summer, lol. You show so many interesting creatures and flora. Today, your photos remind me of the long-ago novel “A Girl of the Limberlost,” one of my favorites.

stardust said...

Finding camouflaged little critters like a praying mantis or a fence lizard is always a pleasant surprise to me. The UFO you found made me laugh. I always like the way you spotlight little things which could be unremembered when not photographing.


Irma said...

Beautiful series of photos and collages.
Photo 4 is my favorite.
Greetings Irma

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You did very well here. We should all pay more attention to the tiny creatures of the forest.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Love your little finds. I was just trying to think of someone who I could con into dusting my house. Unfortunately, I'm afraid is going to have to be me. xo Laura

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You certainly do capture so many interesting photos on your outings. It would have been difficult for me to capture such a good photo of the planes in the sky. Love the spider and dragon fly shots too.

Sharon Wagner said...

So many critters and creatures. Oh, and I have dusted lately, the cats are shedding something fierce!

Debbie said...

What amazing photos! Especially the fly in mid air! It's funny how we miss so many of the little things that are right under our noses. Good captures, every single one! xxoo

Breathtaking said...

Hello Diane. Wow, What a super duper post. Love all the small things you saw and photographed. Well observed Diane! It's so enjoyable to see the Green Hover Fly and it's iridescent glow. The mid air shot is fabulous, and the teeny weeny Spiny-backed Orb Weaver spider is unlike anything I have seen before. How colourful and strange it looks in it's huge web. I kept walking into Orb spiders webs, the ones made by big spiders, in my garden, until I started making a large sign of the cross before walking into any archway for example. I love the i inch Praying Mantis, and all the flowers and beautiful butterflies. Lovely post!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

No No! That's not a space ship. That's a fairy. A quite big fairy, when you get close up. ,-)))))

Mmmmm, dusted..... Mmmmm... Must get to that..... Soon.... Soon.... Soon......


✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

LA Paylor said...

GREAT nature shots... as good as the Nat Geo displays at the Smithsonian we used to go see... hover fly... so cool, and never saw the butterfly pea flower but it's so pretty. LOVE LOVE LOVE a praying mantis.

Teresa said...

Me parece que fue una preciosa caminata, me encanta todo lo que viste. Besos.

Angie said...

Diane - I have always had an obsession with praying mantises. We saw the Elvis movie while in Idaho Falls with our son. Fabulous movie! And it has Tom Hanks, too! And of course, we have been hiking lately, hence my late comment to this post. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

PaintedThread said...

Really cool wildlife!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that cactus looks just like a child hehehe. The green light in the forest must have been interesting to see, and the green hover fly is very pretty with its florescent body. I like that white butterfly too, or is that possibly a moth? That orb weaver is pretty cool, isn't it?


Aunt Helen said...

I am not fond of creepy-crawleys, but your photos of them are beautiful!! They are so colorful, and are all God's wonderful creatures! Love, Aunt Helen