Thursday, September 11, 2014

One more walk at the park

We sure enjoyed being so close to Fletcher Park while we were in NC.


The trails are beautiful and nature abounds.


The last time we went, we saw this Great Egret on the pond.


We had some bread for the ducks and it came right over.


Kerplunk !!!


We fed it big chunks of bread!

How special is that?!


I’m joining Tex for the

Good Fences party!

(back in Florida but still trying to catch up!)


kathyinozarks said...

good morning, what a lovely spot

Diane said...

How cool!!

Boopnut said...

Would love to walk that trail with you, my friend!

TexWisGirl said...

how awesome he came over to you! beautiful area! thanks for the link!

ann said...

It is a beautiful walking trail. Love the bird!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love how close you got to the egret...and I'm insanely jealous. ;))

Arlene G said...

Very pretty! We have egrets here on the Tennessee River. A blue heron shows up every now and then that a friend of mine has captured on film on her walks on the trail by the river.

Anonymous said...

A lovely walk.

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful place, sweet friend! Thanks for sharing with us and may you have a wonderful day! Hugs

Debby Ray said...

What a wonderful treat and a great phot op!!

Sam I Am...... said...

Love your walks and the egret is beautiful. Have you seen the bird special on PBS lately? They have cameras mounted on the birds and it's amazing to watch them and their migrations.

Country Crow said...

Wow! You were so lucky to meet that bird and take pictures! That's so cool!:)

Stacey said...

That's one spoiled egret! Here they leave as soon as you go their direction.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great park. To bad for me I am on the opposite side of the country.

Linda Walker said...

So pretty! It looks like you had a wonderful trip! glad you made it home safely. xoxo

Donna said...

What a great place for a stroll!

cucki said...

So sweet..such a sweet place :)

Art and Sand said...

What a gorgeous spot!

21 Wits said...

How lucky you were. Such a lovely location too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a great place for a walk- I am glad you had a good trip, and I bet you are glad to be home.

Helen Philipps said...

A lovely place to walk, Diane! Thank you for taking us along :)
Helen xox

Anonymous said...

isn't it a beauty!!!

It's me said...

What a Nice Walk...beautiful from me!

Shug said...

Beautiful and I love all the plush greenery!! I can't wait to travel in that area...
Have a blessed day!!

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautiful photos! xoxo

LV said...

A lovely place to enjoy some quiet and special time. Great fences.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Your Happy Spirit and vivacious personality just shine through all of your photos and writings:)
Thanks for brightening up our world!
And, thank you for the very sweet Birthday wishes too!

Ida said...

That is a gorgeous place to walk and a lovely fence. How exciting to have the Egret come over for food.

Kathy said...

How wonderful to see an egret up close and personal!

Ruth Kelly said...

I've always wanted to capture water in motion like in your photo with the bird.

Primitive Stars said...

Such beautiful pictures, love the rustic fence.Blessings Francine.

Julie's Lifestyle said...

What beautiful walks you must of had while in NC! Thanks for sharing these photos with us. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend.

Pamela Gordon said...

It's a beautiful park. Lovely to get out and enjoy nature too.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I'm surprised an egret would eat bread but maybe it's goes good with fish?
I see you're back in Florida - I'm looking forward to February down there again to get away from our cold winter and snow.

Red Rose Alley said...

The Egret is such a peculiar looking bird, but so beautiful. You were able to get some nice pictures of it on your walk. Oh Diane, it's always so nice to come along with you on one of your hikes.

It's good to hear that you remember the song "Downtown."


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Everything is so beautiful and green!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I wish I could get some of those great nature shots!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What a lovely place and so special to have the Egret come over for a treat! A nice place to take a walk. xo Karen

cynthia lee designs said...

How cool!! Love your photos!!

doodles n daydreams said...

That looks so relaxing, with the water and the trees.


NanaDiana said...

My gosh- What GREAT pictures, Diane! xo Diana

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

The egrets are everywhere - they are such graceful birds!
Wonderful fences Diane.
Happy weekend.
Shane x

Trace4J said...

What a beautiful place for a walk.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Woolie Blessings

Rose said...

I would sure enjoy taking a walk there!

Doreen@househoneys said...

You always capture the most amazing pictures Diane! I've taken a glimpse of some of your more recent posts and can't believe your good fortune with these creatures!mits almost as if they wait for you to strut their stuff :).

Regarding spam, I have a couple of suggestions if I may: one option would be to turn off comments on posts older than 30 days (or you decide the amount of time). I found most of my spam was on older posts. I use to get about 200-300 a day, now I get about 2! Another option is comment moderation, and yet another is Askimet. It really works great, although if you're on blogger can I assume you can't do plug ins? I seem to recall reading that once.

Something else I've seen on some blogs is a box a commenter has to check,rather than captcha which as you know can sometimes be hard to read.
