Monday, April 6, 2020

Spring Wildflowers and Butterflies

Every Spring we see some of the same wildflowers here in Florida! 

But can we remember the names of them? Don't answer that! It's a rhetorical question....heehee!

We do sometimes see something new and this is 'new to us' this Spring.

It's an Orange Milkwort, or Candy Weed.

We hiked a little farther on a trail last week and saw it in a low spot alongside the trail. Well, hubby saw it! I think I had my head in the clouds....looking for birds!

This is a Common Buckeye Butterfly.

And these tiny beauties are Phaon Crescents. 

They were only about an inch wide but aren't they showy!

The flowers they are on are Daisy Fleabane and they are teeny tiny too!

Another favorite is the Gulf Fritillary.

It's quite common here but oh so beautiful.

Have the wildflowers made a showing where you live? We are still doing okay. Are you well? Please stay healthy and let me know how you are in your comment!

I'm joining Angie for Mosaic Monday HERE . 


Tom said...

...I will need to wait for butterflies here, thanks for the preview.

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Happy Monday, Diane! Glad to hear you are well. All is cosy in our hone...plenty to keep our hearts and hands busy in these crazy times! Such beautiful pictures of the butterflies! They brightened my the moment we aren't allowed to leave our homes and I am missing walks in nature!
Blessings and hugs,

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love butterflies and wildflowers! We are just beginning to see some butterflies around here. We are doing well. Hope you are too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I much prefer wild flowers over cultivated and these are gorgeous. that buckeye is stunning and I am happy to see you have butterflies.

Arlene G said...

I love seeing nature pics right now. It is so refreshing!! I even went out and sat on my driveway yesterday, looking at the

Creations By Cindy said...

Loving the butterflies. Much needed different view than what I have been seeing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

eileeninmd said...


Your butterflies and wildflowers are so pretty, they make me happy just looking at the photos. We are doing good here. Take care & stay safe! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

Vee said...

No flowers here yet! I do have a daffodil bud. One. It's a skimpy year.

Anne said...

Two of my favorite things.. Butterflies and Daisies! What a beautiful hike you had. We are doing well.. Take care and be safe.. Have a good day!

Dawn said...

Wonderful shots of the butterflies and I love the candy weed. That's very cool looking.
We are okay. We have moments of cabin fever but find things to do. We had a lovely weekend weather wise and were able to sit outside a bit. That helped greatly.
Stay safe!
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It's so nice that you and your husband can get out and go on those nice hikes. I love the pretty flowers and the butterflies. The flowers remind me of daisies. Have a nice week Diane.

Carla from The River said...

I love this post. The photography is amazing. To capture those petite flowers and the butterflies. The 4th photo is my favorite.
Love, Carla

The Feminine Energy said...

A couple crocus and daffodils have showed their beautiful heads here in northern-most Indiana but not much else. Oh what a beautiful state Florida is. I so enjoy your gorgeous pictures.... they are "eye candy" indeed and never fail to brighten my spirits. How beautiful Mother Nature is... and what a nice camera you have, that always captures these moments perfectly. Love, Andrea xoxo PS~ Yes, we're fine & healthy here... at home. :-)

Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary said...

The butterflies pics make me so happy!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

beautiful photos - I'm so glad I can enjoy them virtually!

Gillena Cox said...

Wildflowers and butterflies, two of my favourite things
Thanks for dropping by my blog


HappyK said...

Such pretty flowers. I'm just awful about remembering the names of them!!

Terri D said...

Still okay here and glad you are also well. We don't have wildflowers where we live but the simple daisy is my favorite flower and many of the wild variety are just as pretty! Thanks for sharing!

Sandy said...

I always love walking with you. We are good and staying home except we took a boat ride Sunday. I have never seen the bay so empty.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loving the butterflies and glad y’all are well. We are doing fine in the tiny tin can we’re isolating in... saw lots of Sandhill cranes near Kearney Nebraska this morning. Way cool, but sadly no pictures cuz freeway darn it. Stay well.

Jeanie said...

Are those orange milkwort also called straw flowers? They look like some I got at the market last year and when they dry out, they are like straw flowers!

Barbara said...

Your eye for the details of nature, especially TINY nature, is very sharp. You continually amaze me with both your knowledge and your ability to capture so much of it with your camera.

I'll be looking for you the next time we grocery shop, but chances are we'll all be wearing masks and won't recognize anybody!!! LOL

Blessing to you, dear local friend!

Angie said...

Diane - no wildflowers here - only dribs and drabs of snow. Even the spring birds seem to be later in arriving. Sigh. So I am grateful for your photos of flowers and butterflies! We are healthy, and so are our kids and extended family, thank God. Thanks so much for linking to Mosaic Monday, and Happy Easter to you!

Kathy said...

I so love butterflies. What gorgeous pictures you have of them and the flowers. I have never seen either of those flowers and they are lovely. We are all OK here, just suffering from seasonal allergies. But that's an every year thing. Glad to hear you are all well. Be safe.

Lea said...

Love your photos!
We are well here. Only essential travel is allowed, and today I am taking a friend to her doctor's appointment. With masks and gloves, of course, but it will be good to get out of the house. And I went to the grocery store yesterday. Probably will be staying at home the rest of the week.
Be careful, stay safe, and keep praying!

Debbie said...

we are so good, plugging i must use my imagination for what i will blog about!!!

it was so nice to see butterflies today, i have so many in the garage, in chrysalis, they should emerge in early may, i can't wait!! beautiful flowers too, i am waiting on my tulips, it won't be long now!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my oh have really brightened my day with this treasure of Spring beauty. Of course, I'd be like you and be looking up for birds!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Fried-egg flowers, that's what the white with yellow centers look like to me. The candy wort reminds me of corn cobs. :-) I'm glad to see all the healthy butterflies in the wild. I remember once upon a time when they flourished here.

Anonymous said...

Diane, thank you so much for your nature photographs. The butterfly is gorgeous! Your photos are a reminder that we are surrounded by beauty regardless of our circumstances!

Edna B said...

I'm really enjoying your photos of the flora and fauna of Florida. I just spent two weeks there and loved every bit of it. You stay safe and enjoy your walks with nature. Hugs, Edna B.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh I love your wildflowers and butterflies! They are so pretty. Yes, the wildflowers are starting to become more noticeable...and I see butterflies flitting about, but not so that I've been able to capture their pictures yet. I must try a little harder. There are so many uniquely beautiful ones, even the little ones...our Creator God has such a wonderful "imagination" as He creates these lovely things for us to enjoy. Thank you for sharing them with us!!

Sam I Am...... said...

So far so good here! I love your spring flowers and butterflies! So pretty. What are those buds in the last picture? Stay well!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Butterflies and blooms seem like perfect accompaniment on a walk. The birds are no doubt waiting for the butterflies to lay eggs and thus produce caterpillars on which the birds will nourish their young. Such is the cycle of life.

Jeannie said...

Orange Milkwort! It is new to me also so I had to look it up. "Milkwort" because it is thought to increase milk in cattle. The information didn't say if it really does that or not.

J.E. Bolton said...

Gorgeous! (The Favorite Things Guy)

BeachGypsy said...

What pretty pictures, love them! Have you been hiking this week much? It's been pretty here, nice and warm but not real bad hot yet, love this time of year. Hope your week is going good so far!

Red Rose Alley said...

Those daisies are beautiful. They really spoke to me, as daisies remind me of my Mom. Maybe she wanted to say Happy Easter to me through your blog. : ) Your pictures of the Phaon Crescents on the daisies are fantastic, Diane. It seems like they are drawn to that wildflower. I've never seen this type of daisy here, so pretty they are.


Linda said...

Doing well here. Love your collages!