Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thankful for a comfortable home and beautiful weather.

It's been just beautiful here in Florida this Spring! We've gotten outside as often as we can. Today it was just to walk around the house looking at the roses and flowers.

I started a list in my journal of things that have helped me through this terrible pandemic.

I'll share a few with you today!

I started my list with 'my faith' and 'my family'. And that's what has helped me most of course. 

It helps to have a husband with a good sense of humor when he is your constant companion!

I turned the pages in the old hymnal on my piano and found these hymns.

My piano and familiar old hymns are comforting to me.

Love how the shadows in the kitchen looked early in the morning.

And when I poured myself a cup of coffee, even my packet of Truvia was inspiring!

How are you doing this week? Are you and your family well?

I'm thankful for so much. My list goes on and on! 

I’m joining Thankful Thursdays and

I like Thursdays HERE too!


Tom said...

...amen sister!

A Joyful Chaos said...

I love finding joy in the simple things! The roses or gorgeous! Such a lovely shade of pink.

I also really enjoy the old hymns. they're so comforting.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those shadows, I don't have any today, the sun is behind a cloud. today I feel like I am behind a cloud also.. good to see a happy thankful post

Joyful said...

Very nice post. It's always good to find things for which to be grateful. Stay safe.

eileeninmd said...


Love the hymn and your pretty roses. I wish for you and everyone, peace, hope, love and joy! Enjoy your day, Stay safe and healthy.

Edna B said...

Your roses are gorgeous. Today I have a daffodil blossoming in my garden. That means that Spring weather must be coming soon. You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Hello Diane♥
So lovely to visit with you this Thursday afternoon.
I too have been pondering the many things I am thankful for. There is so much that brings me joy in these turbulent times.
Like you, hymns bring me such hope and comfort, and help set my eyes on Truth, and of course, getting outside is always a good idea!
Sending hugs across the many miles..
Blessings! ♥

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Diane! Your roses look gorgeous. I, too, am so thankful for my family and friends. They are certainly making this long process more bearable. I would love to be able to play the piano. Take care and stay safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

Penny Carlson said...

I have many things to be thankful for as well. Stay safe.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a lovely post, full of thankfulness!! Even your Truvia agrees with our need to be thankful even during these trying times. Love that you have music to cheer you as well. Those must be very old hymns...they are not familiar to me, but they are lovely. Do you play the piano? I wish that I did, but that is not one of my talents. But I can make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Love your roses...and it does help to have our house mates have a sense of humor during these times. Sometimes we just need to allow ourselves to laugh and be silly to break up the monotony and silence. Have a blessed Easter my friend.

Inger said...

Terrible weather here, rain and snow creating a muddy mess. I must begin to participate in the Thankful Thursday posts, I believe that gratitude, remembering to be grateful for all we have that's good in life, is so very important. That's what my prayers are about. So thank you for this post -- for this reminder.

Sandy said...

Much of the same here. I had cut out about 8 more masks to make after a friend texted and asked if I had made some. I thought I would have some made for just that kind of thing. I was procrastinating sewing as I find it hard to concentrate for long periods of time on one thing. I put on an old CD with hymns by Alan Jackson that I love, sat down at my sewing machine and whipped those things out just singing to every hymn. I made my own joyful noise and I couldn't believe how much easier it was to make those masks.

LA Paylor said...

a husband with humor, priceless. Old hymns, piano music, and a grateful heart to acknowledge it all. Spring in Fl... azaleas... there is more predicted snow Sunday here but we've had a hot spell too, hot enough to make sleep difficult the last three nights!

Arlene G said...

We are doing well. Like everyone else, some days are more difficult but I tell myself the end is in sight. I saw that one of the doctors on the presidents team said we should no longer shake hands. lol Bumping elbows may be here to stay.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Wonderful post!!!
ay thanks and become aware of how good it is in the soul
Stay safe, hugs Elke

Anne said...

You have such an uplifting and inspiring post. Sounds and looks like you are making the most of this time in a positive way.. As for me, I have been reading a lot, I just finished Giver of Stars by Jo Jo Moyes and now on to Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson.. Getting out and taking walks too, is what is going on here.. Take care and be safe.

Creations By Cindy said...

What an encouraging post my friend. All of our spirits sure needs a lift these days and your words of encouragement from this delightful post sure lifted my spirits. The roses are beautiful. Thanking God today for what He is doing despite that face that I do not like it....Because, I know that what He does is for our good and for His glory. I was reminded as I taught last night on ZOOM...There is NO GREATER King than King Jesus and He controls it all. Hugs to you sweet lady.

Terri D said...

Yes, even in the midst of a pandemic there is so much to be thankful for! Easter blessings!!

The Feminine Energy said...

Such a nice post.... thank you for it!! <3 <3 There is absolutely nothing like the old hymns! I love each and every one!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Kate said...

A lovely post. We need to start each day with a grateful heart. ^^

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your roses are beautiful! I have a husband with a sense of humor, too, and that is priceless!

HappyK said...

All fine here with us. Sure helps living where there aren't many people.

Anonymous said...

Oh your husband is a doll! Love the cereal box face!! Such wonderful hymns. It makes one think about the trying times the hymn writers lived through. Thank you so much for sharing all your happy moments with us! (We are all well here!) said...

Oh I love your likes for the week.

PaintedThread said...

I agree - having a good sense of humor (and a partner that's likewise) is so helpful in days like these! I really like your morning shadows.

Happy@Home said...

It helps to remember that even in times like this we have much to be thankful for. Of course a sense of humor helps greatly too.

Jeanie said...

We are well and doing our best to muddle along, following all the rules stringently; missing friends and family. Things that make me calm are Rick and Lizzie, books, cooking and being outdoors, though the weather might change that!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Haha, your cereal box hubby is a keeper! Glad you are doing ok - music is great I feel at this time. all good with us here in Thailand we are keeping well, and in good contact with our family spread across the globe.
Take care
Wren x

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Enjoyed your photos in the last post so much! Wildflowers are underrated in my opinion. I love them myself.
I think the same things are keeping me going right now esp. when I hear the projections of how long this will last. We really do have to make the best of it.

Sue said...

I always smile when I read Thankful Thursday's post, Diane, your thankful list is so inspiring, especially the old hymns, I enjoy the old hymns so much, they remind me of my grandmother who always sang hymns through out her day!
Thank you for sharing and thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.
Happy Resurrection Weekend.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Your roses are just beautiful and I'm happy that you are enjoying spring in Florida. You have a nice husband to keep you company. We are all good here and making the most of this situation. Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice weekend.

Jeanna said...

I love it, right down to the Truvia! I'd love to have an instrument besides my old violin which is glowering at me from deep within the closet. It won't even let me tune it up, we are not on speaking terms. Maybe it's time to look for my tin whistle and recorder from grade school (:

Debbie said...

Your header is beautiful!! Your post is very uplifting. Have a wonderful Easter!

Karen and Gerard said...

I haven't played the piano for years, but yesterday played some Easter hymns. I actually played better than I thought I would.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm not too inspired to play piano these days. Good for you!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is wonderful that you are writing in your journal at this time. I should write a few words as well just so I can look back and read my daily happenings. The old hymn books are treasures, and your roses are lovely. What a pretty color they are.

I hope you keep journaling now and then. It's a wonderful thing to do. : )
